Chapter 93
“Master…” He heard Viego call him.
There was an undeniable worry etched in his tone of voice and he knew what it means. He smiled evilly while wearing his half-faced mask.
He was now sitting in his throne while playing a chess all by himself. He was holding the queen piece in his hand as if it was the most precious and amazing that caught his attention.
Viego went to him silently. He didn’t have to think profoundly about his words he knew him very well. And even if he didn’t want the way he said the words he had to be patient to him.
For now, he was in the crucial part of his plans, and he had no time to get a newbie as his second in command. Besides, so far, he had no other problems about him except the fact that he was just too cautious and intimidated by his presence.
Well, he couldn’t blame him though. He always had this air and he would love to etch him the fear to make sure that he was doing his job well.
“Just make sure to double her security. I won’t allow anyone to talk to her. Even the servant omegas.” He instantly ordered just to stop him from all of those negativities that would certainly made him mad.
Viego swallowed hard before nodding his head in agreement.
“Yes, Master…” He replied politely.
Of course, he didn’t want to be left with some useless second in command again. He still needed Viego. And so, he was trying to lengthen his patience with him his loyalty was of use, too, anyway.
He, then, placed the queen piece beside the king as Viego was about to go out of the room.
“And by the way… Send our wedding invitation to the Moon Howlers Pack…” He said darkly before looking at the poor man, who was now looking at him with so much confusion in his face.
He smiled at him sinisterly causing his second in command swallowed hard. He could also see the familiar fear crossed his eyes. He almost let out a bark of laughter if not for the reason that he didn’t want his plans to get ruined because of the fear he was feeling. Right now, he had no time to deal with errors. He wanted to make sure that everything is settled.
“I want them to know that they can’t stop Leila now she is here with me. She is marrying me. And put this in the wedding invitation.” He added as he handled him a small letter.
Viego’s forehead creased as he looked at him. But he didn’t even dare to question their master. Who would be there anyway? They were his subordinates. They were trained to obey rules without question.
Their master suddenly waved his hand as if telling him to leave him alone.
Viego slightly bowed his head and bid his goodbye before getting out of the room, leaving him.
He stared at each of the board pieces darkly.
Then, an evil smile crossed his lips.
There was something that was running into his mind right at that moment.
“I have to take this opportunity while the iron is still hot, huh?” He mentally stated as he moved the king piece slowly until he had overtaken every chess piece on the board.
“There is no one who could stop this now. Whatever prophesy it was, I will make sure to stop that.” He uttered in a whisper as he got his wine and drank it in one gulp.
“What happened to Hunter?” Myrtle asked Hector worriedly.
Their parents have attended a meeting with the elders right now. He had the chance to talk to them last night when he talked about what happened with the Triad base. He even told them about what happened to Hunter.
Hector shook his head unable to tell her the right words. Or was it because he didn’t know where to start. And that he didn’t want to stress his wife.
However, he also knew that if he didn’t tell her she would worry even more.
He also talked to their parents about Hunter but they knew that the information about the Triad far more important right now.
*** Flashback…
“I tried talking to Hunter… But I think he needs space… for now.” Their mother stated seriously.
However, he knew that behind her words she was too worried of Hunter right now.
Their father heaved a deep sigh.
“We have important things to do right now. We already have the Triad. We have to talk to the king and queen. We have to capture the Triad… Especially their leader.” Their father decided darkly.
Hector was left with silence.
He knew that right now they couldn’t talk to Hunter rationally. It seemed like their mother is right, he still needed space.
And they have important things to do now.
They have to carefully plan with regards to the Triad. And even if they wanted to eradicate them already. They still have to report to the higher authorities about this.
“Hector, please look after your brother. We will make sure to talk to him after we meet the alpha king and queen.” Their mother softly requested.
He simply nodded his head in agreement.
And even if she wouldn’t tell him that he would still do it.
*** End of Flashback…
However, even right now, he was still giving Hunter the space.
But, on the other hand, he was becoming more and more uneasy. Especially about the fact that he was working his *ss of about this.
And he couldn’t blame Myrtle especially that she saw Hunter in the garden now, busying himself with the plants while still waiting for their parents.
Myrtle stared at him carefully as if she was assessing his reaction.
Then, he finally gave up.
“He went to the Triad alone last night. The reason why I have to go out.” He started as Myrtle looked at him with her forehead creased.
Then, her eyes widened in both shock and concern when she realized what he had just said.
“What the- And? Why would he do that?!” Myrtle inquired as she took a deep breath.
She always does that whenever she tries to calm herself down.
And Hector didn’t know but even amidst at this important and crucial moment, he couldn’t stop himself from being so mesmerized by his own wife.
‘Damn it! Concentrate, you dumb*ss!’ He castigated himself mentally.
“Hector!” Myrtle impatiently called him.
He blew the air out of his lungs.
“There is-”
But before he could even utter a word, Henry suddenly appeared inside the house with his face etched with worry and confusion.
“What the hell is wrong with you, Butler Henry? It is as if a ghost is running after you.” Hector couldn’t stop himself from telling him.
But the good butler simply handed him an invitation causing his forehead to crease.
“What the heck?!” Myrtle blurted out as they all read the contains of the invitation as well as the small piece of letter that comes with it.
He let out a low curse.
“Don’t let Hunter know about this.” He warned Butler Henry darkly.
The latter simply nodded his head in agreement.
“What is that I shouldn’t know.”
But it was too late.
Because a few meters from them there he was.
Who was now looking at them without any trace of emotions pasted on his face.
It was all that Hector could mentally commented.