Victoria came back to the living room with an album in her hands. I got up from my seat to sit beside her, and she started showing me all kinds of pictures-family, Hayden, and her. Most of the pictures were mostly of little Hayden. He was very cute; there was a picture of Hayden all naked, playing in the mud with his dad trying to pull him out.
I laughed at this; my gaze lifted up to look at the said boy, and I found exactly where I left him. Hands folded together in his chest, pouting. I laughed at his adorable face before returning to the album in front of me.
I flipped the page of the album, and my eyeballs almost fell out of the socket. It was a picture of Hayden in a pink dress as a tiara. I laughed, pointing at Hayden. There was a glimmer of tears in my eyes as I fell to the floor, laughing my ass out.
I looked at Hayden to find him still glaring at me, looking all grumpy. “You never told me you were into princesses and tiaras.”
He scoffed, ignoring him. I stuck my tongue out to him, sitting back on the chair. Ignoring the dagger Hayden was shooting my way, I continued to look at the pictures with Victoria.
We had looked at all the pictures, with Victoria telling me all the events that had happened to come about these pictures, and when we finished, she closed it shut.
I checked the time on my phone and saw it was already getting late. “Thanks for inviting me over; it was nice getting to know you better.” I said, standing up from the couch.
“It’s nice getting to know you too; I’m so glad you came. The night has been fun..” She stood up as well, pulling me in for a hug. She pulled back and looked at me. “Let’s do this more often; you are much better to hang out with.” She sassed at Hayden, making him roll his eyes, but I saw the smile playing around his lips.
“I would love to.” I smiled. “I will take my leave now. Have a wonderful night.” I bid her goodnight and turned to Hayden, who was already standing. He came beside me, his hand behind my back, as he walked me to the door.
He opened it for me to step out, and he followed behind me. “You don’t need to follow me to the gate.”
“Who said anything about following you to the gate?” He furrowed his brows. “There’s no way I’m letting you go home by yourself this late at night.”
“There is no need; I’m sure I could easily get a cab.”
“Bree, it’s dark and dangerous. I’m driving you home. End of discussion..” He stated. The chauffeur brought the car to the front, handing the keys to Hayden with a bow.
He opened the car door for me to get in before getting into the driver’s seat and driving off from the premises.
“I see you had a great time going through my childhood pictures.”
” yep. You were so adorable.” I softly pinched his cheek.
He brushed my hand off with a smile on his face. “My mom really likes you; she hardly gave me any attention.”
“I like her too. I think I have gained a new friend.” I joked, laughing.
“You two sure did gang up on me.”
” aww! Quit being such a baby..” I playfully nudged his shoulder while he focused on driving.
He cracks a small smile. “You are so mean, babe.”
“What can I say? I’m one of a kind.” We got to the front of my house, and I got out of the car. Hayden followed suit as well.
He walked me to the front porch, my hand resting on the door knob. “Yes, you are.”
We both smiled, staring into each other’s eyes. I tiptoed, raising my legs, and brought his face to mine, kissing his lips. Hayden wasted no time kissing me back, and as we pulled away, he had a grin on his face.
“Good night.”
“Good night.” I opened my front door and got inside. I stood by the window, watching him get back inside his car as he drove off.
I made my way upstairs to my room; it seems like my parents were already asleep.