It was the next day, and like I promised my mom, I came back home instead of staying over at Sophie’s place after school. I’m still not talking to my dad; I won’t until he decides to give Hayden a chance. I don’t know why he is so stubborn, and to top it all, my mom hasn’t been okay. She says she is, but I know something was wrong; she was always running to the bathroom, throwing her guts out.
Most of the time, she was weak or sleepy. I had asked her to go to the hospital for a check-up, and I had no problem going with her if she needed company and my dad wasn’t around. She had waved my words off, giving me her infamous line. ‘It’s nothing; I’m okay. ‘
I just hope she is, and what she is will be a simple, harmful flu.
It was five in the evening, and I needed to be at Hayden’s house by six. His mom had invited me for dinner after Hayden told her about me. He hasn’t told his dad yet since he was constantly on a business trip and he didn’t want to do it over the phone.
I finished up the homework I was doing, got out of bed, and went to the bathroom to freshen up and get ready for tonight. When I got out of the bathroom, I walked to my closet, looking for something nice and presentable to wear. It was different from the first time I saw Victoria; then she was simply Hayden’s mom, and now she was my boyfriend’s mom, and I didn’t want to screw things up with her.
After five minutes of looking for what to wear, I finally settled on a simple white casual dress. I straighten my hair, making it reach close to my hips. I put on a little bit of natural makeup before slipping on my black sandals. When I was done, I assessed myself in the mirror one last time and walked out of the room.
My mom had come home early and was resting in her room while Asher was at my aunt Vicki’s place. I seriously do not know how he bears with her. I doubt she would say anything critical of little Asher.
I walked over to my mom’s room to let her know I was leaving. “Hey mom.”
Her eyes groggily opened. “Are you about to leave?” She asked cheerfully.
I looked at her regretfully. I didn’t want her to be alone in the house. I thought of cancelling, but she wouldn’t let me. “I told you to stop worrying about me; it’s nothing major, and your dad will be home in an hour.” She scolds. “Go now; it’s not good to arrive late.”
I kissed her forehead and left. I went to the kitchen to take the cupcakes I had baked earlier. I didn’t want to go home empty-handed, so I decided to bake since I was short on money.
I took a cab so that I could get there on time. When I got to the front of the gate, I had no problem getting in; the guards were already familiar with me. I think they know about Hayden’s and mine.
I got out of the cab, paid my tabs, and walked forward, staying in front of the house. I stopped to take a breath to help calm down my nerves. Okay, Bree, you can do it. You have met her before, and she seems like a nice person. I thought, giving myself a pep talk. What could go wrong anyway? Hopefully she is as nice as I can remember, and that way I can make it through the night.
Heaving a deep sigh, I pulled myself together, balanced the cupcakes in my left hand, and used my right hand to press on the doorbell. I shifted from one foot to another in anticipation. Finally, the door opened, revealing a beautiful and sophisticated Victoria.
She wore a bright smile on her face as she looked at me. “Gabriele, it’s nice to see you again.”
I smiled nervously. “Hi, Mrs. King.”
She pulled me in for a warm hug, then moved back to push the door wider for me to get in. “Please come in; I’m so happy to see you again.”
I stepped into the house, feeling a little bit relaxed at her warm welcome. I returned her smile, loving the nice air she had around her. “I’m so happy to see you again too, Mrs. King.” I say it sincerely.
She gave me a smile. “Oh, please, enough with the Mrs. King; it makes me sound so old. I prefer if you call me Victoria..” She laughed light-heartedly.
A laugh escaped my lips as well. “Okay, Victoria. ” I said. I looked down at her cupcakes in my hand. I almost forgot about them. I raise my hand, holding it up to her. “I baked some cupcakes; I don’t know if they taste good since I am not that great a cook.”
She laughed, taking it from my hand. “You didn’t have to. Thank you, dear, and I’m sure it will taste fine.”
” Thanks.”
“Please have a seat and make yourself at home.” She points to the couch. “I’m going to put this in the kitchen.” She adds, Ashe turned away from me. I saw her talking to a maid who was pointing upstairs. I’m guessing she asked the maid to go get Hayden.
Victoria came out of the kitchen the same time Hayden got downstairs. When he saw me, he had a smile on his face. He reached my side in no time, taking a seat beside me, and he pecked my lips.
“You two make a wonderful couple.” Victoria exclaimed, facing me. “Right from when Hayden was Kindergarten, he always talked highly of you. It’s always about Bree this, Bree that, and I was so eager to meet who this Bree girl was that had caught my son’s attention..” Hayden groaned, and his ears started turning picky.
“Really, mom.” He says this, clearly embarrassed by what his mom was saying.
Victoria was pretending like she didn’t hear him, completely ignoring him as she continued what she was saying. “In freshman year, he changed and started hanging out with different girls, especially that Sophie girl.” She said Sophie’s name with full distain. “A very spoilt brat, I tell you. I thought he had moved on from you until the dinner at your parents place when I heard your name and saw the look on my son’s face. I was able to put the two together.” she paused. “The bottom line is that I’m happy to see the two of you together.”
I grinned at Hayden teasingly, relishing in his discomfort. “I had no idea he felt that way about me for such a long time. Before we became friends, we fought a lot, pranking each other and stuff..” I smile at the memory. “I couldn’t stand him for a moment.”
Victoria laughed in amusement. “My son can be dumb sometimes. I’m sure he thought the only way to get your attention was to get on your nerves.”
“Mom. ” The blush on his face intensified, making Victoria and I laugh. “I can’t believe the both of you are ganging up against me.” He pouts.
“Oh, my baby boy, of course not.” Victoria cooed. Hayden put his face in his hand, embarrassed at the name his mom called him. I patted his back softly while laughing.
“I’m going to leave you guys to it; I need to check on the dinner and see if it’s ready or not.” Victoria stood up with a smile, turning around and heading back to the kitchen.
“Come on, let’s go to my room.” Hayden says, taking hold of my hand and heading up to his room.
“Would it be okay for me to be here?” He raised an eyebrow, and I explained more. “I don’t want your mom to think we are up to something.”
He smirked, lying on his bed. “You don’t need to worry about that. You do know you spent a week here; I’m sure she must have had a hang on what was going on.”
I blushed, biting down on my lips. I hope that isn’t true.
I lay beside him, my head resting on his chest while his was on his pillow, staring up to the ceiling.
“I was nervous when I came in, but now it’s settled. I like your mom..” I commented.
“I’m glad you do, because the two of you are the two most important people in my life.”
We stayed like this in each other’s embraces till we were interrupted by the sound of a knock on the door. Hayden shouted for the person to come in, and a maid entered. She bowed slightly like always, informing us that dinner was ready.
I got out of Hayden’s embrace and out of the bed, heading downstairs with Hayden’s beside me. When we reached the dining room, I saw a group of maids carry food out of the kitchen to the dining room as they arranged it on the table. When they were done, they bowed and left.
Hayden got beside me, pulling out a chair for me and then his mom before taking his own seat beside me.
“I hope you kids had fun, but not too much fun upstairs,” my eyes widen when she not so discretely winks at me. I almost choked on my silencing.
“We didn’t do anything,” I stutter out, fiddling with my hands.
“Mom, stop teasing Bree.” Hayden cuts in, looking at my pale expression.
“Oh my God, your face, Gabrielle, was priceless.” She burst out laughing. “I was just joking.” When she saw my startled expression, she shifted her gaze to Hayden. , “I think I broke her.”
“She’s just in shock; quit being excess, mom.” Hayden was scolded, and she raised her hands in surrender.
“Are you okay, Bree?” She asked, and I nodded with a smile on my face.
We carried on with the dinner, taking it amongst ourselves. Victoria was a great dinner company, and the food was delicious. When we finished, we moved to the sitting room, and the maids walked in again with a plate of cupcakes that I had brought. Even though my stomach was full, I still accepted a plate.
After I had finished the last piece of cupcake on the plate, I looked at Victoria, who was sitting across from Hayden and me. “Thanks for dinner; I really enjoyed every single meal.”
She smiled warmly at me. “Thank you, dear; I’m glad you like it.” I returned her smile, which was contagious.
She clapped her hands, looking at Hayden with a devilish grin, then back at me. “Now comes the fun part.”
Hayden’s eyes widen, like he has an idea what she is about to do. “No, mom, that won’t be necessary. How much further do you plan to embarrass me?”
“I’m your mother; I’m meant to embarrass you every chance I get.” She stuck my tongue out at him. I watched their interactions, and it was obvious that Hayden adores his mom. I continue to smile at them until I hear Victoria call my name.
“Bree dear, won’t you like to see Hayden’s baby pictures?” she asked, instantly getting up.
“I would love to.” I answered eagerly, and Hayden playfully glared at me. I smiled at him, trying to look as innocent as possible.