I was on the set of a music video for a rising pop artist who lived in our city. Today, I was working with a small crew that discovered me through my work with Scopescape. Apparently, the director was a fan of Gray and Blue Ranger’s clothes. When my phone began to vibrate, I took a quick break to answer my mom’s call.
“You really sound different.”
“Hm?” I hummed, distracted by daydreams. “Sorry, I missed that?”
“I said, you sound different, sweetheart,” she repeated in a playful, sing-song voice. “I’ve been waiting for you to bring it up for weeks now, but you haven’t, so I’m going to just ask… Are you dating someone new?”
For the past couple of months, our mother-daughter phone calls had been undeniably pleasant. Her question was still so unexpected though. “No, I’m not.”
“Have you met someone special then?”
I would’ve cringed at the old-school terminology if I wasn’t so caught off guard. My love life wasn’t something we discussed. No joke, we’d talked about my most recent ex-boyfriend in passing like two times… And both of those conversations came after me making my (obligatory) online posts to commemorate my anniversary with Mister Too Much Aftershave.
“No, Mom, um, I haven’t met anyone special.” Hand to my heart, to my knowledge, I wasn’t lying. But if ever I’d met someone special recently, then I hadn’t noticed because after meeting Gray, who could even qualify as ‘special’ in my eyes anymore? That bar was set unjustly high.
My roommate was just so extraordinary that compared to her, everyone else was just extra ordinary.
“If you say so.” The sound of her chuckling made me smile. I was actually looking forward to seeing her for her fiftieth birthday. “You just sound happy, so I thought I’d ask.”
“I am happy-really happy,” I replied before I changed the topic. “How are my brothers, by the way? I saw those pictures you posted, they’ve gotten so big… Are they taller than you? Future heartbreakers, those two.”
“Almost but not quite yet, when you come home, you’ll see…”
Half a year ago, this scene would’ve been unimaginable to me. Yet, here I was, joking around with her and grinning. Time was such a funny and powerful thing, its mere passage could transform any impossibility into a possibility.
. . .
Gray and I were at Blue Ranger’s place. She lived alone in a loft-type unit that was bigger than Apartment 202. Which was why it was Scopescape’s base of operations. It was a work day for them, but I was present because I’d assisted in unboxing products for their next collection. Now, the two of them were having a meeting at the dining table, while I was playing with ‘Gatsby the Goldie’ on a nearby two-seater couch.
“Hold up…” Blue Ranger cut Gray off mid-sentence. Her dyed hair was currently a rose gold color. “When did this start, you two?”
I stopped rubbing the dog whose fluffy head was on my lap. I looked at them. “What’s up?”
“You two are fucking.”
“What?” Gray demanded and forced out a laugh.
“Huh? We’re not.” I backed up my roommate’s stance. But the heat I felt on my cheeks told me I’d gone red in the face. My pale complexion surely wasn’t doing us any favors.
“Sure.” Blue Ranger’s amber-colored eyes met mine. “Cass, I’ve known the kid since she was nineteen… Deny it all you want, but body language speaks volumes and she was definitely just eye-fucking you. Like we were all kinda sus ’cause she never brings anyone to group-things, but then you came around and-”
“What are you even talking about? Shut up.” Gray tossed a crumpled-up shirt at her business partner’s face. She turned to me. “Sorry, no idea why she’s trying to play ‘Sapphic Sherlock’ all of a sudden.”
“Personally? I would’ve gone with ‘Homo Holmes,'” Blue Ranger quipped back, grinning. “You two aren’t sleeping together, huh?”
“Nope,” Gray replied.
Blue Ranger extended her right hand toward my roommate. Only her thumb was sticking out, the rest of her fingers were folded. With such a small gesture, I knew the ruse was over. “Cool, thumb-touch then.”
“It’s complicated,” Gray said after a while. Her hand remained on her lap. ‘Thumb-touch’ was their friend group’s specialized version of a pinky promise. From what I understood, it was like taking an instant polygraph test that was only available and applicable to the six of them.
“Well, she’s straight. Of course it’s complicated… What did you expect? We’ve all been there.” Blue Ranger’s tone was still a teasing one, but Gray demanded her to ‘drop it’ in a no-nonsense voice. Right away, she smiled at me apologetically. “Sorry, Cass, I didn’t mean to overstep.”
“No worries.” I focused on Gatsby again, petting him. I wasn’t sure how to tackle the room’s swift and uncomfortable mood swing. “You’re good.”
Luckily, Gray knew how to deal with the awkwardness. Moving on, she asked Blue Ranger about the MILF she was ‘sorta seeing again.’ Their conversation was a juicy one, but I couldn’t focus on it. My mind was too preoccupied with mine and my roommate’s story at the moment. So, all the graphic, salacious details of Blue Ranger’s LDR sex life with ‘the hottest mom ever’ were just going in one ear and out the other. Mea culpa.
Anyway, I wasn’t delusional. I knew sleeping with Gray and identifying as straight were mutually exclusive events. Logic dictated that those two things couldn’t be true in the same sense at the same time. Between the two, of course I was more concerned with maintaining my newfound slice of paradise… At this point, I didn’t care about an abstract, intangible label. But was I just supposed to start coming out as bisexual to people I knew? What was the SOP when it came to situations like this? Post a picture online with a bunch of hashtags and rainbow-flag emoji?
I honestly had no clue, but I was willing to do what had to be done to continue being with Gray-I’d be the biggest fool if I wasn’t.
She was right. Things between us were more complicated than they used to be, but that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. Like, yeah, after our mortifying ‘statue conversation,’ neither of us brought up what we were doing again. Which might’ve been a risky course of action for most people, but not for us… Like gray areas and reading between the lines weren’t as perilous for us because we were almost always on the same page anyway.
. . .
Right now, we were in Gray’s room-I was standing straight while she was on her knees. “I’ll tell you something not everyone is willing to admit,” my roommate said. “Strap-on sex is hella exhausting for the person wearing it. Fun? For sure.” Her fist was holding on to the blue shaft that was now attached to my pelvis. “But if you’re doing it right, it’s like a high-intensity workout and a half.”
When she’d first brought out the wearable sex toy, I assumed she’d be the one putting it on. But of course that sequence of events would’ve been too formulaic… Too boring for the wonderful world of Apartment 202. Her reason for the role reversal? In her crude terms, I’d ‘gotten piped’ before but never given it. And she wanted me to experience something new.
“Are you saying I’m gonna be too sore to get out of bed tomorrow?” I’d tried CrossFit once and I was dying after, but I didn’t give up during… So, I steeled my face to exude confidence. “Whatever, I got this-I got you.”
“Cute, but don’t worry, I’m not trying to break you.” She stuck her tongue out and lewdly licked the tip. The sexy, licentious stunt negated her statement about not breaking me. “Tonight, you just need to lie down and watch me ride.” She jerked the toy. The unexpected but pleasurable friction against my clit caused me to moan. “You up for that?”
“Of course,” I replied and she started sucking on the silicone cock.
“Mm, is this doing anything for you? ‘Cause if it isn’t, we can do something else…” With a shy smile, I told her to keep going. Little did she know, the visuals were driving me crazy. She got back to work, but after a short while, the toy slipped out of her mouth again with a pop. “How’s my technique? I’m sure you’re better at this, but I’m doing okay, right?” She inquired, grinning big. “Or are your blowjobs-”
“Gray, I’m begging you… Please stop bringing up blowjobs while we’re having sex. That’s not what I want to think about when I’m with you.”
“Feedback received-loud and clear.” The unwanted topic was instantly forgotten when she brought her fingers to my still-accessible, leaking pussy. “Oh, wow, you do like this… You’re so wet right now, Cass.” She pushed two digits into me and I clamped around them, but she pulled them back out way too soon.
“What? No, why?”
“Just trying to make things more fun for me.” She copiously coated the silicone shaft with my juices. Thrice, she drove her fingers in me just to take them out before I got anywhere close to coming… The only thing that mattered to her was glazing up the toy, her toy. Once she was satisfied with her ‘handiwork,’ she sucked on the tip again. She closed her eyes, savoring and smiling. “You always taste so good…” She slightly loosened the harness I was wearing. She shoved my right hand in the minimal space between it and my pussy. “Keep watching me, but make yourself come.”
Although it was a tight fit, my fingers could still rub my clit. “Alright,” I answered obediently, already getting to work since I needed to come badly. “Why not you though?”
In response to my urgent, pleading question, she kissed my tummy then licked a line up my slight abs. On my skin, she left a trail of saliva and goosebumps. “‘Elementary, my dear Cass’… That’s ’cause I want you to be able to replicate this moment even when you’re on your own,” she answered. “That way, every time you touch yourself to this memory of me and you… You’ll know exactly how to get yourself off. All you’ll need to do is close your eyes and remember how good I look while I’m doing this.”
She wrapped her lips around the dildo again. She went much deeper this time. Her mouth was being stretched by the thick blue shaft. But her oceanic eyes were firmly on my face, watching my expression change as I did as she instructed. It was insane that she thought I could ever feel how I felt right now alone… Like I was even doubtful that anyone other than her could make me feel the things she did.
But I kept those thoughts in my head. I continued touching myself, bringing myself closer and closer to the edge. I watched her the entire time, searing every detail of this scene into my memory. I moaned and bit my lip. She was right… I was so, so wet. I hunched over to get a better angle. I rubbed my clit as hard and fast as I could. With my free hand, I held her cheek. My palm greedily soaked in her skin’s warmth.
“You close?” She stroked the shaft up and down. Before her question, I was closer than close. Despite the added obstacles from the leather harness and her bobbing head, I built myself up really quickly because I’d been craving release for what felt like an eternity by now.