“Gray? Look at me, please? I want you to look at me while you come.”
She ripped off the blindfold. The change in light made her squint. Her ivory complexion was much rosier than usual. “Oh, thank god. I’ve wanted to take that thing off for ages now… Fuck, I’m close. You’re doing so well.”
Feeling prouder than proud, I flitted my happy tongue over her clit. Yum. The guttural moans that escaped her mouth sent bolts of pleasure straight through me, right to my own dripping center. “Please come for me?”
I sped up my fingers and sucked on her clit again. She climaxed hard. Her technicolor body convulsed and curled on my white bedsheets. The way she looked as she was coming was poetry in motion… I wanted to keep licking her sex, I wanted to drink every last drop of her. But her hips began bucking too wildly, her thighs began squeezing my head too tightly. I couldn’t keep my mouth on her. Making sure my fingers at least stayed in her, I just watched. Fascinated and mesmerized. At the end of her frenzied orgasm, she shut her legs and asked me to pull out. The request made me frown, but of course I obeyed. I really, really wanted more though.
“Cass…” My eyes traveled up her still-shaking form, admiring her surfeit of body art. Her sublime tattoos, her sexy piercings. “Kiss me?”
More than happy to oblige, I crawled on top of her and fulfilled her wish.
. . .
I entered a room I’d never seen before. I was met by the sight of Gray with a real-life parrot on her forearm. “Hey, Cass, have you met Eyre?”
Tonight, most of Gray’s friends were in Pink Ranger and her girlfriend’s house for Game Night. To my roommate’s disappointment, the hang-out had nothing to do with video games. Instead, for the past few hours, we’d been playing gameshow-type activities while drinking bottle after bottle of this amazing white wine and snacking on endless canapes (or what my roommate adorably called ‘Richie Rich’s Lunchables’).
“I did when they brought her outside earlier…” I looked around Eyre’s bedroom. There were so many different wooden ledges, rope toys and perches. “Holy shit, this bird’s room is bigger than mine.”
It shouldn’t have shocked me considering who owned the townhouse we were in… Like I knew Pink Ranger’s girlfriend had Acanthis-money. I’d even visited her family’s mansion when I had to film segments with her mom a few months back. But the idea of a parrot with her own bedroom was stranger than fiction-the stuff of fairytales, not of reality.
“Mine, too. But don’t curse in front of her… We’ll be blacklisted from Game Night if she starts swearing ’cause of us.” I mimed zipping my mouth. “She’s a lot softer than you’d expect, huh?”
“Yeah.” I ran my fingers over the parrot’s blue and yellow feathers. “She’s beautiful.”
“I know, right? I wish we could kidnap her… Holding a parrot like this is seriously waking up my pirate dreams.”
“Mm, I’m down if you are.” Drawing a blank, I made a mental note to watch more pirate movies with her. “You want us to ‘Thelma and Louise’ our way out of here? You, me and a kidnapped parrot in your Jeep, running from the law… Oh and don’t forget, Acanthis-funded goons.”
“Hm, if ever we need to drive off a cliff, too, she’ll survive since she can fly…” She rubbed her chin with her free hand, pretending to consider the very fake plan. “You’re willing to do that? Live a life on the run with me?”
“Aye, aye, cap’n, wherever you go, I go.”
I was expecting my goofiness to make her laugh. Instead, her lips met mine. We’d kissed plenty of times already, but it was something that happened when we were having sex. Not that I was complaining. Right as I was about to slide my tongue in her mouth, a noise from outside caused us to pull away from one another.
“Hey, you two,” Pink Ranger said from the now-open door. “We’re all waiting for you, so we can start with ‘Family Feud.'” She whistled and Eyre flew to her. “Hi, E-girl, are my friends keeping you up past your bedtime?” She shot Gray a mock-chastising look then kissed the bird’s head. “Don’t worry, I’ll get rid of them for you, so you can rest, my love.”
After saying goodnight to Eyre, we left the parrot’s bedroom and rejoined the party in the netted backyard. ‘Parrot’s bedroom’ was still such a weird thing to think about… ‘But birds of the same feather flocked together’ and like Gray, her friends were all nothing short of remarkable.
. . .
“You ready?” Gray asked from where she was sitting cross-legged on our bathroom’s tiled floor. “Not trying to scare you, but I heard these things hurt like a bitch.”
“Coming from someone who’s gone under a tattoo gun as many times as you have… I’m getting worried,” I played along. “You think I’ll faint from the pain?”
“The truth? Not quite sure… But if you do, I promise I’ll do my best to break your fall from down here.”
“My hero,” I joked and she winked at me.
“You want it here?” Her palm brushed over my left hip and upper thigh, and I nodded. “Alright, naked waist down… Please and thank you.”
Since it was just us, I incautiously disrobed. She fiddled with the stick-on tattoo she’d designed, printed and cut out herself. Days ago, on a nothing-special Tuesday, I’d given her a surprise gift. After consulting my ‘accountant and financial advisor,’ I’d bought her the most expensive tablet I could afford as well as the priciest ‘pencil’ I’d buy in my lifetime. But since she’d acted as my ‘porn muse’ for a while, I wanted to compensate her. At present, I still had a surplus of unposted videos I planned on publishing in spaced-out intervals… The bountiful X-rated loot that’d resulted from my many (unsuccessful) attempts to seduce her.
Anyway, though she’d thanked me profusely, with words and actions (aka hot, hot sex), she decided to go the extra mile with her gratitude… The first thing she’d created using my gifts for her was a gift for me. I kept an updated list of the things she liked, but never did I think she was doing something similar. Apparently though, she’d stored enough information about me to create my perfect tattoo. A one-of-a-kind piece that she’d crafted just for me… When I first saw the temporary tattoo, my throat had tightened up. It was the most thoughtful thing I’d ever received in my life.
The eight-inch-long piece artfully depicted a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis in five stages. On the chrysalis’ shell, she’d drawn elements from my past, while on the butterfly’s wings she’d concretized my dreams. Not going to lie, it took everything in me not to start bawling after I’d realized how much attention she paid to my stories, to my secrets.
“Don’t move.” She removed the transparent protective film. She pressed the print-out to my sun-starved, too-pale skin. Ever so gently, she wiped over the blank side of the paper with a damp washcloth. She exerted just enough pressure for the ink to transfer. Afterwards, she clasped her palm over it and all I felt was warmth. I smiled at her, enjoying the moment. But without warning, she leaned in and kissed my bare mound. I squealed in surprise, almost losing my balance.
“Gray!” I yelled out and she just grinned at me. “The audacity to tell me not to move then do something like that…”
“Aw, but I couldn’t help myself.” She refocused on the stick-on tattoo. With bated breath, I watched as she removed the paper. “It looks perfect. See? No harm done.”
Given its location, I couldn’t get a good angle to view the full image properly. So, I entered Gray’s room, opened her closet and looked at my reflection in the full-length mirror on its door. I admired the tattoo’s depth of field, the shading, the color choices… I was about to touch it. “Don’t. It’s gonna peel off. Eyes only.”
Disappointed, I nodded, fighting the need to run my fingertips over the (sadly) ephemeral image on my skin. “I love it so much. Thank you.”
She hugged me from behind. Her chin was on my shoulder. She made sure that her truly tattooed forearms didn’t go lower than my waist. In front of the mirror, I noted how good we looked together. For a second, I thought about making an appointment with her sister to turn my play-tattoo into a permanent one. But that would’ve been so uncharacteristically spontaneous… Perhaps when I was no longer secretly an adult-content creator who had to think about the pitfalls of ‘identifying features.’
“You’re welcome, Cass.”