I ran my fingertips over her arm. “Which is Scylla?” She pointed at the one with multiple heads. “So, that means, this-” I traced the less ornate monster beside a beautifully depicted whirlpool. “Is Charybdis.”
“It’s like ‘between the devil and the deep blue sea’..?”
“Exactly!” She replied, hyped up all of a sudden. Her excitability made her the most adorable person on the planet. “That sounds way more badass… And it seems like something a pirate would say, so I’m stealing that from you.”
Instead of replying, I kissed her again, so we could have more fun. Ever since she’d introduced me to tribbing, it was something I made sure we did frequently… I was so wrong, it definitely wasn’t just ‘enhanced dry humping.’ I stood corrected, shamefully schooled.
. . .
I took a break from responding to work emails to pick up my mom’s call. We’d been doing pretty well. Like it’d been a while since the last time I wanted to end one of our daily conversations by smashing my phone into a million pieces… So, once she brought up me flying home, I did my best to remain cordial. Unlike before, I didn’t automatically shoot down the idea.
She reminded me her fiftieth birthday was coming up, which stunned me. Had it really been almost four years since I’d last gone home? Turns out, time could fly even when someone wasn’t having fun.
“Your brothers would love to see you, Cassandra-” She paused. “And I would as well… It’s been too long.”
“You know what? Yeah, I’d love to come home for your birthday,” I said and she didn’t respond. “Mom? You still there?”
“I’m here. I just wasn’t sure if I was hearing things… Thank you. I can’t wait to see you.”
“Same here.”
“You need me to pay for your ticket?”
“No, it’s okay, I’m set,” I answered. “I appreciate the offer though.”
I knew my 180-degree change when it came to going home was confusing the hell out of her, but I just figured that the big five-oh was such a significant life milestone. The so-called ‘Golden Birthday.’ And yeah, simply put, I didn’t want to put a damper on her special day by being absent for no good reason.
Maybe I could bring Gray. The place I grew up in was boring and we’d run out of sights to see in an hour… But we could just spend all our downtime having kinky sex in our hotel, Airbnb or whatever. Like as long as we didn’t stay in my mom’s place, we’d be free to fuck like bunnies.
The more I thought about it, the more excited I got about the trip.
. . .
A friend of mine once told me that if I wasn’t imagining myself as the ‘main character,’ then I wasn’t living life right. Since then, I’d tried to see myself as the protagonist of my story. The one the audience was rooting for. In line with such a positive mindset, I’d told Gray that I wanted to eat her out. It was something I’d been dying to do for a while, actually… But I’d procrastinated, wanting to ‘conduct ample research.’ And after reading a ton of educational erotica and watching a ton of instructional porn, I’d felt ready to give her a run for her money. Like for the first time in years, I’d even cut my fingernails short. This was supposed to be my ‘underdog triumph moment.’ The scene where I emerged victorious after accomplishing something legendary. A great feat that was one for the books.
Sadly, that hadn’t been how it unfolded. Things had started out well enough, like as soon as my tongue touched Gray’s perfect pussy lips, I felt a zing of happiness travel through all my bones. Her warmness, her wetness-everything had me feeling some special type of way. Excitedly, I’d licked her folds and sucked on her clit. However, I was getting nowhere fast, so she’d smoothly taken over. She’d maneuvered us both, so I was flat on my back with her above me. Then she’d fucked me with her fingers as she rubbed herself against me… Until we’d both orgasmed. Like all the times that came before, she’d just taken care of herself since I couldn’t.
“Cass, talk to me.” My roommate tried to pull away the pillow I was using to cover my face. “Please?”
“Leave me alone.” The statement was muffled and unclear because of my makeshift face-shield. She started laughing. I moved the pillow to shoot daggers at her. “It’s not funny!”
“I know, it’s not funny.” She was still laughing. “You’re so cute though.” Her words didn’t make me feel better. “Look, I would’ve been more confused if you were a ‘cunnilingus prodigy.’ Eating a girl out isn’t something a person knows how to do from the get-go, it’s not like blinking or breathing. At least not in my experience,” she added. “But the whole ‘do to her what feels good to you’ strategy… Yeah, no, that’s harder in practice than in theory. Kinda like driving a right-hand car for the first time.”
“Mm, I can go grab your Christmas gift to me? I haven’t tried it yet, but didn’t you say it’s better than the real thing? We can play with that?”
I groaned loudly, annoyed. She was trying to be helpful, but I’d said that dumb, ill-founded statement months ago… Before she’d proven to me how wrong I was. Now that I knew full-well what her lips and tongue could do, my ignorant claim was the biggest joke ever.
Changing tactics, she tried a new route. “Between me and you? I’m sure you’re better at blowjobs though!” I flipped her off. “No, seriously. Yeah, I know how to make a girl come with my mouth… Big deal? I can’t suck dick for shit, I’d be so bad at it. I haven’t tried since-”
“Please, please shut up.”
“If you want me to stop talking about sucking dick, then talk to me,” she repeated her request. I parted my lips to say something, but she leaned in and made out with me. Kissing her? Yeah, okay, kissing her made me feel better. “I wanted to do that first… Now, you can talk.”
“I want to be able to make you come.”
“You do make me come.”
“No, like I want to make you come with my fingers and mouth,” I stated clearly. “I want to be able to fuck you properly.”
“Why though? Not trying to brag, but I’m good at making both of us come whenever we have sex… Trust me, I’m enjoying plenty. I’m not doing this for god or country.” In spite of her lighthearted tone, I remained low-spirited. “You don’t have to worry about-”
“You don’t get it. You might not care, but I do.” I covered my face again. I was sulking, but the idea that I couldn’t please her led to the thought of her finding someone who could… That led to a whole spider web made from gut-wrenching, gross, gossamer visuals in my brain of her being with somebody else, someone who wasn’t me. And no, just no. Yuck.
“I was being insensitive.” She yanked the pillow and tossed it to the floor. “This is important to you, so it’s important to me. Let’s try again, alright? I didn’t mean to be dismissive, I just don’t want you to think what we have is transactional. You don’t have to do things to repay me ever…” I was about to argue with her, but she shook her head. “That being said, if making me come is something you wanna do, I’ll teach you how.”
Still fully naked, she ran through our bathroom to her bedroom. She came back holding a sleep mask. She picked up my discarded pillow and placed it on top of the other one on my bed. She got comfortable, resting her head on the fluffy two-piece pile. Then she blindfolded herself.
In an instant, her blue eyes were no longer viewing me nor in my view.
“What’s that for?”
“I know you. After what just happened, you’re gonna wonder what I’m thinking about every time I glance at you… I’m wearing this because I don’t want you to get all self-conscious. I don’t want you to be in your head, I want you here with me.”
A blindfold during sex was supposed to be wild and kinky. It wasn’t supposed to be sweet and thoughtful. Not for the first time, a voice in my head and a sensation in my heart both told me that we were going off the typical, archetypal friends-with-benefits script. I smiled at her and said a silent prayer, thanking the universe that someone cared about me and my feelings as much as she did.
“Not sure what you’re doing…” She spread her legs. Blindly, she touched herself, coating her fingertips with her wetness. “But if it wasn’t obvious, I’m ready for you.” Lewdly, she brought her glistening fingers to her mouth. “And I’m not trying to flex, but I taste pretty good.”
“You do.” I got in position. I dragged my pointer over her wet slit, covering it with her juices before tasting her again for myself. Since she was now blindfolded, I didn’t hold back my huge smile. “Really fucking good.”
“Alright, alright, sweet talker.” Even with the sleep mask, I was certain she just rolled her eyes because I knew her, too. “Class is now in session, ‘my young grasshopper,'” she said. “It drives me nuts when…”
I had no idea how long our ‘lesson’ lasted. Not sure about Gray, but I was fully immersed in the experience. The sounds, the tastes, the feelings. In all honesty, I lost all concept of time. I just enjoyed her guiding me on how to make her feel good, instructing me on what her body wanted. She told me what to do with my tongue and my lips, and I was a star pupil. I kissed, licked and sucked wherever she asked me to. My mouth and tongue lavished her pussy with attention, with care, with love.
I would’ve been okay with licking her until the sun came up. But eventually, her directions turned into demands that I use my hands, too. When my middle and ring fingers pushed through her tight, tight opening, she clenched around them and I moaned in pleasure. The inside of her pussy felt so hot and wet… Personally, I didn’t believe in love at first sight, but love at first feel might be a real thing. ‘Cause gosh, I instantly loved being inside her. Telling me to use my mouth and fingers, she requested for more, rougher, faster. When her hands gripped my head, I knew she was close.