Book:Divorced But Never Letting Go Published:2025-2-27

“Hey! Why are you staring at me like that? You don’t intend to put the blame on me, are you? I am not even going to let that happen.” Adrian blurted out.
He must have caught me staring at him for a while and decided to react immediately. It was unclear to me how Adrian was able to read my thoughts and know my next move.
I was yet to speak about Cyril and Adrian was already feeling guilty as though he had a skeleton hidden inside his cupboard.
I didn’t blame Adrian for reacting the way he did. I figured his conscience had already eaten at him to the point where he was forced to speak in his defense.
“Wow! How smart of you to have figured that out. Are we really going to have this conversation right now, in front of everyone? Are you going to pretend that it wasn’t your fault? Look into my eyes and give me valid reasons why I shouldn’t put the blame on you. Perhaps, if you had listened to me, Cyril wouldn’t have forced his way inside the party. Kudos to you! Now we have to put up with his madness. I hope you’re ready for that because it’s going to be a tough ride,” I smirked at Adrian without a pause.
I wasn’t bothered if my vocal cords ended up getting damaged in the process. I was determined to prove my point.
I bit my nails, trying to find a better solution to my pathetic situation. The arrival of Cyril didn’t sound too good to my ears.
Knowing how problematic he was, it was obvious that I was heading to my doom, and it doesn’t seem like I would be able to survive it.
“Now this isn’t the time to put the blame on anyone. We should be looking for solutions. What are we going to do about this? You’re not going to fold your arms and watch Cyril create a scene, aren’t you?” Kate called our attention to lose our minds a bit.
Neither Adrian nor I seemed to be getting it right, despite the time we spent racking our heads.
It was starting to seem as though we were both operating on the same brain. Thankfully, Kate was there to our rescue. We didn’t need to worry about finding a solution anymore.
“Oops, Cyril is here now
The heat just got hotter,’ Kate raised the alarm to keep Adrian and I alerted.
I looked behind me only to find Cyril acting so funny like he was some sort of hypnotized.
A lot had changed about him. He wasn’t the husband I married anymore, and I could see that. He looked so drunk and frustrated.
I was embarrassed on his behalf. I tried to go into hiding, but he caught me and called me his wife in the presence of everyone.
I buried my face in the ground and pretended that I wasn’t the one he was referring to.
I thought ignoring Cyril was going to make him leave. I was wrong. He got closer to me and started spewing gibberish. Fortunately for me, Adrian rushed to defend me. He stood in front of me to stop Cyril from getting closer to me.
“Get the fuck out of my way, you son of a bitch. I am not here for you. I came because of that whore standing behind you,”‘, Cyril uttered as he pointed towards me just to make everyone understand that he was referring to me.
Where I stood, I could perceive the unpleasant odor of liquor from his breath. I can’t seem to imagine the kind of unpleasant odor that Adrian was inhaling since he was standing next to Cyril.
I was more concerned about why Cyril decided to get drunk to a stupor, rather than how he found out about the party.
“Why are you covering your face in shame? Oh, I get it now. You’re ashamed that the world will soon discover you had sex with potential investors just to keep the company up and running, isn’t it?” Cyril made another shocking accusation against me in front of everyone.
This time, I was called into action. It’s often said that a drunk man is regarded as the most honest being on earth, and I wasn’t ready to fold my arms and watch Cyril wash my dirty linen in public, especially on an important occasion like that.
I dragged Cyril to the guest room, where I passed the night the day I visited Adrian.
I wasn’t alone. Adrian and Kate followed me immediately.
I figured it would be better for me to be insulted in the presence of Adrian and Kate since they both understand what was happening, rather than in the faces of the public.
“What was that about?
Why would you have to embarrass me in the presence of everyone? What were you thinking?'” I pushed Cyril to the bed.
I was tempted to hit his head against the wall not until Adrian showed up and pushed me away from Cyril.
“He’s heavily drunk,
You’re going to spend the rest of your life in jail if you kill him. I am sure you don’t want that to happen, do you?” Adrian advised me.
Olivia isn’t having an affair with Adrian. Adrian is the latest investor, and this is a welcome party. You need to quit these baseless allegations against her,” Kate came to my rescue just in time.
I widened my eyes in astonishment. Never in my life did I think she would come through for me.
Cyril went silent for a second. He looked embarrassed by his outburst but managed to maintain his composure.
“Lies from the pit of hell. I see what you’re trying to do. You want to save Olivia’s shameless face, right?” Cyril snapped back.
“If this was his welcome party, why wasn’t I invited? Don’t I deserve to be on the list?” Cyril questioned.
At that point, I knew I was in serious trouble.