“As if I’m good in following instructions”
“You don’t have to obey me. I am done trying to talk you into things. I’ll force you, it’s for your own good”
There was silence.
I heard the cry of a baby and that sound propelled me into the future and with the way Christian smiled as he was staring into open space, I knew that he too saw what that baby was showing us.
“What do you think we’ll name her?” Christian said.
“Who the fuck is her?
He tore his gaze away from the wall and look at me.
“Our baby”
“It’s a him. Our baby is going to be a boy”
“I want a girl”
“You’ll have to wait, maybe the next try”
“Oh, so they’ll be a next try?”
“Don’t you want another baby?”
He was grinning.
“I do, I just never asked you because I thought you wouldn’t. You’re thinking of our future… To be honest, I know you’ll be a great mother”
“Thank you. I want a boy” I felt teary eyed but I held back my tears. His words touched my heart, I really want to be the best mother to my baby.
“You’re too late, our baby is a girl”
“You don’t get to decide”
“You don’t either”
I stuck my tongue at him and he chuckled.
“Exactly why I want a girl. I can handle two drama queens”
I smiled.
“A girl wouldn’t be so bad, but you Christian, it’s because of you I want a boy”
“Are you still bleeding?”
“Yes, the doctor said it might continue for a few hours or not”
“I have a house here, we can go there if you want ”
“Of course you have a house here, why am I not surprised ”
“The tourist can come, he said he lost his friends. I can help him find them when morning comes ”
“His name is Dean ” I told him.
He nodded.
“Thanks for telling me but I won’t remember his name when I wake up so let’s normalise calling him the tourist ”
I laughed and leaned in to kiss him.
“How the hell did you find me?” I asked after we pulled out of the kiss.
He smiled and started to tell me everything.
Elisa sat in the corner of her room, drafting a note to her lover.
The man who will sweep her off her feet soon.
She sighed as she ended her love note and she decided to add more words, to seduce him and tell him that she’s all his.
She ended the note with his name. She smiled as she scribbled the first letter of his name, it’s a C and the last letter is an N. She moans as she finished her note, it’s filled with promises. It made her feel like a naughty teenager again.
She had had lovers in the past, too many of them she couldn’t even keep count. It was a surprise to her that she gave birth to a daughter that was stupid and daft in the matter of romance and sex.
She had tried to push her daughter into the arms of males when she had begun puberty but poor Jenna was too frightened.
Elisa in the other hand, had lost her virginty to her neighbour in his mother’s closet. The first time was a disappointment but the following times were ecstatic.
She closed her eyes and pictured her lover in the same room as her, she pictured his hard rod between here legs, slowly entering and sheathing it’s thickness into her. She knew he would be big, because of the way he carried himself with such swagger, masculine confidence and power radiating from him every second.
She moaned and immediately stood up. She picked up her note and applied lipstick.
“Like the old days” she mused and she kissed the note after her lips were painted harlot red. At the bottom of the note where she had scribbled the name “Christian” there was a red lip stain.
She picked up her perfume from it’s basket and she sprayed it on the note.
She wrapped it in envelope and dropped it in drawer, she would send the note when morning comes.
She was bored, she didn’t know if her daughter was back yet and she didn’t care. She had gotten pregnant by mistake and once she saw how happy it made her second husband, she used it as a trap.
She never told anyone but she was married before. At age seventeen, she had eloped with a man, he was nineteen and they were in love. Their love didn’t last at all, it became a deadly nightmare and she had to run away.
She was nineteen when her second husband found her. A young lawyer, very promising and neat. Very handsome too. He owned a car and a house, had no parents or siblings.
She was twenty when she gave birth to her daughter, Jenna.
She had been in and out of trouble but her husband was always there for her, relentlessly.
Even when she started having an affair with the neighbours, he forgave her. He was stupid, exactly like Jenna.
She could manipulate them and they would crawl through glass for her, they would swim the ocean to get to her if she was in trouble.
She was bored thinking of her daughter, she said she was love with a man, who twhy hell was he?
A naive twenty year old farm boy?
Marcellino had practically pushed Jay at her yet, nothing. Instead she started running away and avoiding dinner at their house.
It wasn’t a surprise that she decided to marry Brien to save her, her daughter could commit suicide if it would save her.
Once again, she was bored with the thought of her daughter. Immediately she held her baby in her hands twenty two years ago, she decided that she didn’t want her.
That crying little thing. With eyes that was too wide for it’s bald head. She grew up to beautiful, too beautiful. At a point, Elisa was jealous of her daughter’s beauty, yhenyshw started to use her as a pawn.
She used her daughter to get money when they had no option but to beg for money. Nobody, not old or young, could turn away from her daughter’s frightened and pleading eyes.
The always pitied her, even the heartless would grow a heart instantly. Marcellino came along and he was a sweetheart at first, now he’s a demon, at least he is better than her first husband.
Her first husband that made her have sex with his friends while he watched, she shook off the thought and stood up, she was bored and she was going to do something about it.
She was going to find a casino and gamble away the money she didn’t have. Hopefully, her lover would come to her rescue..