My car only had two seats, I wanted Jenna by my side. So I called a cab for the tourist and Marcellino.
Marcellino was still unconscious, I pulled some strings and the hospital discharged him so that he would finish his treatment at home. A nurse would have to come every morning and evening.
I didn’t want that kind of interference in my life. My houses are extremely private, no one but Jenna Kylee and my security detail know the interior or location of most of them. This house here in Budapest was also private, I couldn’t let anyone see it, not even Kylee.
And I consider Jenna and I as equals, not two separate beings but one. No one except from me know the location of the house. I was eager to show it to her.
The cab and I parted ways.
“Do you think they’re going to believe Dean?” Jenna asked looking out the window.
I noticed that she winced as she sat up.
“Rest” I said placing my hand on her shoulder and pushing her back to the seat.
“What is there to not believe?” I asked after some seconds.
The story we told Dean to tell the others was not true. Dean would tell them that I had abdomen Marcellino in the hospital and he was in the same room taking care of his friend, so he decided to bring Marcellino back home. Kylee would know that I was with Jenna, she would just have to guess.
If they asked how how he found the address, which I know Jeandre would ask, he would tell them that Marcellino came out of unconsciousness and told him.
“When they see the condition of Marcellino, they’re not going to ask much question. Being the wayward son, I’m sure they will believe the part that I abandoned my beloved brother”
Jenna chuckled.
“I always wanted a brother ” Jenna said, she sounded wistful.
“Trust me, they’re not fun” I told her and she laughed.
“Jeandre is fun” she said.
I frowned and turned to look at her.
“How did you know that?”
“Fuck, eyes on the road! You’d get us killed!” She yelled.
I turned to look at the road.
“So….” I asked without looking at her.
“We talked, oh, he knows we’re engaged”
“What did you two talk about ”
“It was not a long discussion. We just talked about us”
I turned back to her again.
“When was that?”
“I can’t remember, I think it was the first day we got to the house. He came to my room at night ”
It was impulsive, the way I hit the break. The car spinned.
Jenna screamed, I turned to check if she was safety held in her seat by the seatbelt, she was. The car was still spinning but since the tires were still on the road, I knew it would be okay.
The car came to a sudden halt. Jena’s face was pale and she was panting, it was the dead of the night, I had been driving so fast that I didn’t realize that the road was quiet and still.
“Christian, what the fuck?”
“Jeandre was in your room, you didn’t tell me anything about it?”
“Is that why you almost killed us?”
“That’s not the answer I wanted to hear”
She gasped.
“Are you serious Christian?”
“Another man was in your room Jenna, imagine I let another woman in my bedroom, at night… And then later I just casually mention it by saying she was fun”
“He’s my brother”
“The both of you have no ties what so ever. He doesn’t even know what his mother looks like. He’s not even qualified to be your half brother because your parents relationship is tearing apart”
“And who is responsible for that. Me and you, but mostly you! You didn’t tell me that you sent my mother a note urging her to divorce her husband”
“I am doing what I have to do for us to be together, comfortably and legally ”
“You’re using my mother as a pawn ”
“Trust me, your mother is not the one that is in trouble ”
“Leave that door woman alone, she’s already at the bottom ”
“She is responsible for herself and she can take care of herself is she wants to. She just wants someone to do it for her”
“You don’t know her?”
“I don’t know her… Do you know her?”
“She’s my mother, I’m certain I know her”
“Do you know that she was married at age seventeen, that you actually had a sibling, it had the chance to but she had an abortion and ran away from her fist husband house?”
She when still, I didn’t want to tell her these things. I punched the steering.
“Jenna I’m sorry ”
“My… My dad is not her first husband?”
“No. He’s not”
“What else do I not know, how the fuck do you know these things?!”
She was angry and sad.
“Your dad had a DNA test done when you were six, she was having affairs ”
Now she was crying. I hated to see her cry.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to___”
“Drive” Jenna ordered, she brushed her tears away from her cheeks ferociously and squared her shoulders.
” I, ask me any questions you have. I promise to answer all”
“How did you find out about these things?” She asked.
“Background check”
“You did background check on me?”
“No never. I did a background check on Elisa”
“I suspected that she was..”
“Say it”
“I don__”
“Say it!”
“I suspected that she was a con artist ”
Jenna undid her seatbelt and rested her head on the dashboard.
“Which she is. She duped so many people for years, while she was married to your dad”
“What does that make me?”
“Don’t you ever compare yourself with her. You’re more, so much more than her”
“She gave birth to me, isn’t there some kind of connection we have __”
“No and I’m not saying this because you’re my partner but because I have dealt with people Jenna, you’re the kindest person I know, you have a beautiful heart. You have a pure and innocent soul, you’re so selfless ”
“I don’t have a pure soul” she said shaking her head. “I am not a good person ”
“You give money to those orphanage every month. You give money to that animal shelter every month, one time you gave your entire salary to a kinds hospital to settle for down payments for those sick children so they can all have testament, and you don’t tell anyone about it, you do it because you are a good person.
“How did you know that?”
“I’m just very snoopy”
She laughed and shook her head.
“Busy body” she muttered under her breath. “You would have made a great spy” she said with laughter.
I brushed away the tears that were on my cheeks and I started the car.