Melody opens her eyes slowly. She held her head feeling the throbbing by waking up. She looks around the place and notices something different. This is not her ward or even hospital.
She sits up, leaning her back on the headboards. “I don’t remember my ward looks this comfy and fancy.”
Melody pushes off the duvet and gets up from the bed. Her hands touch the wound on her stomach. She lifts her top, seeing that her bandage has been replaced.
“Right…I’m unconscious,” she sighs.
The sounds from downstairs caught her attention. The melody moves her feet and leaves the room. Her movement was slow as she couldn’t bear the pain of her wounds again.
Some guards downstairs talking and doing their duty. She furrows her eyebrows as she feels unfamiliar with this place.
“Oh! Ma’am! You are awake!” One of the guards noticed her and greeted her with a bright smile.
“Um…hey…” she mumbles.
“Ma’am, let’s play with us! We bought a card game!” Other guards greet her.
Melody chuckles, “Thank you for inviting me guys. But…where is Damian?”
“Sir Damian in his study room,” he answers. “It’s upstair and at the end of the hallway.” They know she is not familiar with this new place.
Melody bowed her head as a sign of thank you. She went upstair and straight to his study room.
Damian taps his pen on the desk, staring at the paperwork. As he heard someone knocking, he lifted his head.
“Come in,” he grumbles.
The door opens and reveals Melody. His expression softened, “Mel, you already awake. You shouldn’t be out of the bed.”
“You expect me to stay in bed 24 hours? No thank you,” she rolls her eyes and shuts the door.
“You just woke up, Mel. You need more rest,” Damian sighs, putting down his pen. “You still wrapped up with bandage.”
Melody scoffs, “It’s not like I’m that weak. Anyway, where are we? Everything around here is unfamiliar.”
“This is my secret base. Of course, you are not familiar with it. I haven’t bought you here and this is your first time,”
“Secret base? For what?”
“This secret base is being used whenever there some emergency stuff happens.” Damian shrugs his shoulder, “Or…I usually use it for me to rest my mind. I need peace sometime.”
“Emergency stuff?” She frowns.
“Yes. After the incident that you faced before, I don’t think we can stay at our mansion like always. We didn’t know what my enemy could do.”
Damian explains. He leans on his chair and breaths out. “They already targeting you. Thank goodness you are not smart enough not to fall in.”
Melody rolls her eyes. She crosses her arms on her chest, “I believe they targeting me because of you, right?”
“It is. That’s why we will be staying here in this temporary time,” he said.
“I never expect that will happen,” she sighs. “It scared the shit out of me…”
Damian stares at her. He knows that time is her first time facing that kind of attack all by herself. He got up and went towards her. His hands reach to her cheeks.
“Look at me…”
Her doe eyes met his.
“I wouldn’t let that happen again, I promise you. I wouldn’t leave you and let you face this kind of thing again,” Damian said firmly.
His eyes darkened as he remembered how scary it was for her to face it all herself. She almost died-if she’s not aware of her surroundings, he will lose her.
“Matthias will do everything to reach you. I believe if I let you walk alone, he will take you right away,” he explains.
“And expect that you will do anything just to save me,” Melody continued.
Damian nods. “Pretty predictable, right?”
“So, what now? We can’t just hide me away…. right?” She fiddles with her fingers. The last thing she wants to do is stay inside the house forever.
“I’m not that coward to hide away from him,” he chuckles. He pulls out something showing the invitation card. “Remember this?”
Melody arches her eyebrows. “What with that invitation card? I remember it from Matthias.”
“Yes. It is. So, I need to make some plans to get to him,” Damian explains.
“When is that party?” She asks.
“It’s…next month. We got two weeks from now, I guess,” he shrugs his shoulder. He walks to his desk and puts it back.
“Are you…are you going to kill him?” Melody asks in an unsure tone. “I-It not that I think bad of it…I-I’m just curious.”
Damian scoffs. He slightly smirks, puts his hands in his pocket and turns to her back. Melody can see his eyes darkened, just the way he looks at her.
“What? Do you expect me to let that kind of man breathe?” He chuckles in sarcasm. “He has done enough to ruin my life.”
“I don’t care what others think. No matter what, that man will die in my hand. Even if it means sacrificing my life.”
Melody could see how much he had this hatred for Matthias. Who wouldn’t? He loses his twin because of that man and he almost loses his wife. He knows If he didn’t kill Matthias, his life wouldn’t be in peace.
The door being knocked. Before he could answer, someone pushed it open. Matthew and Celestia barge in.
“Dam! Melody is not in the room!! We have to-” Matthew halted when he saw Melody standing there with Damian.
“I told you she will be here! I don’t know why you have to be so dramatic!!” Celestia rolls her eyes.
Matthew glares at her, “I’m not being dramatic here. I’m just worried about Melody.”
“What is going on here?” Damian frowns.
“Matthew and I went to check up on Melody then he freaked out when he saw she was not there. Then he starts to panic like some madman,” Celestia explains with an annoyed tone.
“Thank you for worrying about me,” Melody chuckles.
Celestia smiles, “We are always there for you, Mel.”
Melody sighs in relief as she leans on the chair. Her hands rubbed her stomach as she felt full of food. Then, it reminds her of something.
Her baby…
The baby that she didn’t even couldn’t hold. She stares at her hands rubbing her stomach. She thought she could see her stomach growing bigger and that adorable bump.
Damian walks into the dining room. His steps halt when he sees his wife there, rubbing her stomach. Her eyes clearly describe her feelings.
He clenched his fist knowing it was not easy for both of them.
“Mel,” he called.
She flinches and turns her head to him, “Oh, hey. You haven’t eaten??”
He just kept staring at her. Then, he walks toward her without saying anything. Melody lifts her head, looking at him with confusion.
“What’s wrong?” She softly asks.
“You miss our baby, huh?” He whispers.
Melody was taken aback by his question. She clears her throat and looks away. “I do miss our baby.”
“We don’t even know the gender yet…” she chuckles.
Damian sighs. He knows how much it pains for a mother to accept her dead daughter. Without saying anything, he gently brings her to his arms. Melody’s body stiffened.
“I’m here with you. I’m sure…that little angel will be waiting for us in heaven,” he whispers.
His hand caressing her hair, “I know, I haven’t comforted you about this since we had a problem before. But I’m here with you now…”
“You don’t have to get through this alone. We are together. I’m the father too. We face it together, love. Alright?”
His voice is gentle and filled with love. Even though they didn’t convey it through those words, they expressed it through actions.
That’s when Melody bursts into tears. She misses her baby. She felt like she still had the baby but when she back to reality, the baby was not with her anymore. Her hands gripped his top.
“Let it out, love. I’m always here…. for you,”