Damian’s POV
” Seem like everytime we kill a few dozen crows more just show up! I don’t think we are making a dent in these fucking things!” I hear Boyd complain from somewhere behind me.
At the time I figured by killing as many crows, as possible would lower the crow count, causing that giant crow demon in the sky to fly down and help its little minions. However, this plan doesn’t seem to be working out.
” We need to try taking that giant crow out.” Virgil shouts from a few blocks away.
” I know that!” I yell out to them, as I rip a crow out of a women’s chest. I snap its neck and dodge the giant Troll demons wooden bat by sliding underneath it.
As the wooden bat slings past my head. I quickly turn around to see the giant bat slamming into several building. I watch debris go flying through the air and crash into several crows in the distances.
Look back at the dead Troll I watch as it raises the wooden bat into the air almost hitting the giant crow above, causing it to fly a little higher.
I watch as the bat is swung in a downward motion in my direction. Popping my neck I dodge the giant bat, by jumping off to the side. Dust and debris go flying everywhere giving me some cover. I jump on top of the Troll demons right arm. It starts swinging its arm around wildly trying to knock me off.
Good thing it is dead.
A demon crow might be able to move its dead corpse, but it can’t reactivate its demon power the Troll demon once had.
I pop my knuckles, before jumping into the air. I reach my right hand out, and catches ahold of its clothing. Climbing my way up the Troll demons shirt, I feel around until I find an opening underneath the clothing. Punching my hand through the clothing. I rip it enough to see a giant hole in the Troll demons chest.
I put my hands on the edge of the hole, before pulling myself inside. As I am climbing in the scent of rotting flesh becomes stronger.
These Troll demons have been dead for awhile. It won’t be long before its skin starts to rot away and fall apart. When I was down by its legs I noticed there were giant fang mark on its ankles from a giant snake demon of some kind.
So, it most likely has poison sitting in it’s veins. Which will help increase the rotting process. Which is good for me, but bad for these dumb crows.
Once I am fully inside the Troll demons chest. I slowly stand up and take a better look at the huge hole.
I can see tiny beak marks all around the edges of the hole. It must have took forty to fifty crows to make a hole this big. It is possible that it is taking just as many crows to get this Troll to move around. Which would explain why it’s aim, and movement sucks.
Crows flying in sync in the air, is a lot different than trying to move in sync inside of a body this huge. Which is why they normally possess dead bodies that is smaller, and easier for them to handle.
Walking down the flesh filled hallway. I come across several smaller holes that lead into different directions.
I am not about to crawl down each hole just to kill a bunch of little ass crows.
Snapping my fingers I create a small spark, that instantly lights everything around me on fire, before exploding.
I get flung into the air, before slamming into a building close by.
I quickly get back on my feet, and flick some chunks of flesh and fluids off of me.
Damn, I forgot about all that toxic gas that sits inside of a dead body. The smallest spark can cause the body to explode. Although, that was one way to kill those crows, and to get rid of one dead walking Troll demon.
I was planning on setting it on fire. I just wasn’t counting on it to explode, and send me flying through the air.
” You alright?” Boyd asked with an amused looked on his face.
” Yeah, I am just peachy.” I tell him, as I jump down from the building to the sidewalk. Seeing a man run towards me with a shovel in his hand. I dodge the shovel by squating down While Boyd kicked the man into a stop sign.
The second the man hits the stop sign. His shirt goes up just enough for us too see a hole in his chest with a crows head sticking out of it.
Guess me killing that giant Troll puppet pissed them off, for them to stop hiding among the living to attack.
Sensing someone behind me. I quickly transport behind the person, and shove my hand into their back, causing the crow to fly out through the front, before it could get away. I bite my hand and fling my blood in its direction.
The second my blood makes contact with the crows feathers. It instantly catches the crow on fire.
I watch it start to freak out and fly upwards into the sky. It catches every crow around it on fire, before crashing back down into the concrete.
” Haven’t seen you use that trick in a long time.” I hear Jake says from beside me.
He is getting good at sneaking up on me. I didn’t even noticed him until he spoke.
” I don’t like using it, because it is a weak trick.” I tell him.
” You might consider it weak, but you just killed about twenty crows with one attack.” Jake tells me.
” Yeah, I guess.” I say only half listening, as I stare up at the giant crow still soaring high in the sky.
” Do you think you can create a wind strong enough to fling me up to that crow?” I question him
” I can give it a try, but it could still fly higher causing you to mess.” Jake informs me.
Yeah, that is true. It could see me coming and move out of the way.
” Which is why you need to shoot me up there at full speed. That way it won’t have time to move even if it does see me.” I tell him.
” Are you nuts? If I fling you into the air at full speed. The air could skin you alive. You would be injured, before you even make contact with that damn crow up there.” Jake snaps at me.
” Yeah, I know.” I tell him.
My blood has poison inside of it. I inherited it from my father. It makes me immuned to alot of snake poison, and whatever type of poison human and demons can create.
I can activate the poison in my blood, and fling it onto my opponents. While my poison is melting into their flesh. I use my fire ability to make for a quicker death, and to set anything and everyone nearby on fire.
” Just do it Jake. We need to take out their leader.” I snap at him.
Normally when you kill the leader. The rest will run away.
” Fine!” Jake snaps at me.
I watch him raise both hands into the air, before watching leafs start to lift off the ground and twirl into the air. The breeze starts off slow and gently, before turning into a strong twister that starts sucking in nearby crows.
It was ripping their little bodies to shreds, before shooting their lifeless bodies high into the sky. Their lifeless bodies would knock into a few crows, causing them to fall towards the ground at full speed.
” It’s ready.” Jake tells me.
” I can see that.” I tell him.
Staring at the twister infront of me. I hesitate for a split second, before jumping into it.
I start spinning at full speed, as I am shot upwards towards the sky. I can feel the air slicing through my skins.
I can see my blood twirling in the air around me. As I am shot out of the twister, and flying towards the crow. I realize that I am not going to hit it.
I start transporting and use the smaller crows, as stepping stones to catch up to their leader. After a few seconds I finally catch up to it, and jump onto the giant crows back.
I wipe my blood onto my right hand, before shoving my hand into its back. It makes a loud screeching sound, before flying low, and hitting trees trying to knock me off.
I focus all my power into my right hand. I can feel my hand heating up, as I set the crow on fire. The crow opens its mouth to scream, but no sound comes out, as flames shoot out of its mouth and nostrils.
Seeing the ground coming into view fast. I jump off the crow, and roll across the ground, before watch the crow explode into flames, as it goes over the cliff.
Looking up into the sky I noticed all the smaller crows were just hanging in the air, before all diving down at once.
Guess that only pissed them off.