Chapter 91

Book:Damian's Demon Clan Published:2025-2-27

Damian’s POV
Looking up into the sky I notice all the smaller crows were just hovering in the air, before diving down all at once.
” Dean! You have a barrier up right!” I mindlinks him in a worried tone.
” Yeah, I have one up, but I am not sure how long I can hold it.” Dean answers back to me.
” Just keep it stable and strong. I will take care of everything.” I tell him.
Jumping up onto a tree branch. I start jumping from tree to tree at full speed.
” Virgil, are you and everyone inside the barrier that I placed in the street?!” I question him.
” No, Jake didn’t make it inside. I can’t get too him because of the dead corpses blocking the way. They are attacking him from all sides. I don’t know how much longer he can hold them off.” Virgil links back to me.
Those crows are out for revenge. Since Jake wasn’t able to make it too the barrier. They are making sure no one can get out of the barrier to help him. While also attacking him on all side.
” Jake hang on. I am coming.” I link him.
” I don’t need your help.” I hear Jake grunt out into the mindlink.
Stubborn as always.
” Dude! I don’t know what you are planning to do, but you need to do it now. There are too many crows to hold off. My barrier is eventually going to shatter.” I hear Dean say inside my head.
” I hear you! I’m not exactly in town. The giant crow flew kinda far with me on top of it.” I tell Dean.
” Make a damn water portal!” I hear Dean snap at me.
Fucking water portal really?
Although, Dean is right it will get me there a lot faster than running, but I fucking hate water portals.
Coming too a completely stop, I jump down from the tree branch, before walking out to a clearing. I raise my right hand up infront of me. I focus my energy as I start pulling water out of everything around me.
As water comes up from the ground. The once bright green grass all around me turns jet black. While the trees start to slowly turn to ash. Once I have a huge amount of water. I start shaping it into a giant doorway. When the doorway is complete it starts glowing bright blue.
Stepping through the doorway I am instantly transported into the center of town.
I can see Jake standing up with one hand in the air. He was controlling this huge twisters that was sucking in demon crows, dead bodies, and leafs inside of it. It was twirling them into the air at a fast speed, causing blood to spray everywhere.
I suppose that is one way to kill these demon crows, and to get rid of all the walking corpses, but there are still too many for him to kill by himself.
I extend my nails and start digging into my right arm. I cut myself in a downward motion to make myself bleed. Snapping my fingers I catch my blood on fire, before slinging my blood into the giant twister.
My fire covered blood lights up the sky, as it merges with the twister. It catches every crow and corpse inside, and around it on fire. I listen to the crows screeching in pain, as they fly in a panic into each other.
” Finally, looks like they are leaving.” Jake say in a out of breath whisper.
Looking over at Jake I can see blood all over his face, but what catches my attention is his right shoulder. He has blood running down his right arm creating a puddle next to his feet. I walk over to him, and help him sit down.
” Virgil, go get me a bottle of whiskey.” I tell him, as I squat down next to Jake.
” I’m not thirsty.” I hear Jake tell me in a tired tone.
” The whiskey is for me.” I tell him.
I hear Jake let out a soft chuckle, ” You are a dick.”
” Why? Did you want some?” I question him.
” No, I don’t your pity drinks.” Jake shoots back.
I can hear Virgil walking away, as I place my blood cover hands over Jake’s wound. I watch my hand light up, as I start healing his shoulder.
” You better not poison me with your toxic blood.” Jake tells me in a worried tone.
” I’m not bleeding anymore, and I’m not touching you. My hand is hovering over your wound. So, stop being dramatic.” I say rolling my eyes at him.
” Dude, I just saw crows flying around in a panic. While on fire and melting from your toxic blood. So, me being worried has nothing to do with being dramatic.” He informs me.
I can’t help but to laugh, ” Even if a small drop of my blood got on you. It wouldn’t be enough to cause any damage. Might make your shoulder hurt a little, but it wouldn’t kill you.” I finish up healing his wound, just as Virgil returns with my bottle of whiskey in his hand.
” How is Dean?” I question him, as I take the bottle from him.
” He is fine, but your room is completely trashed. Also Willow needs your help with Draco. He is throwing a huge tantrum.” Virgil says with a smile on his face.
” What type of tantrum?” I ask with a raised brow.
Demon child are unpredictable with their tantrums. So, for all I know my son could be inside murdering a bunch of maids, or using his demonic energy to throw stuff across the room.
” Just go look.” Virgil says busting out into laugher.
I let out a sigh, and slowly stand to my feet.
I am starting to think that Draco trashed the bedroom.
” Help Jake get to a room, and have a maid run him a bath. So, he can get cleaned up and get some sleep.” I tell Virgil.
” I can’t sleep. I need to go check on my diner.” Jake says to me.
” That can wait until tomorrow. You need rest to recuperate your energy before leaving. You don’t know if there are still enemies lingering around. I want you to be able to protect yourself, before you head home, or back to the diner. ” I tell him.
Jake is tough enough to take care of himself, but in the condition he is in right now. He can’t even fight off a dog. He used too much demonic power. He got lucky with just having an injured shoulder. Those damn crows can rip out your heart, or limps.
Heading back to the mansion I notice two gaurds running out of the front door.
” What the hell was that?!” I hear the guard with blonde hair ask.
” It looked like an infant.” The other guard with brown hair says back.
” Why were you two running out of the mansion?” I question them.
” There is an infant inside that is killing everyone in sight. Lady Willow is trying to catch it, but it is too fast for her. She told us to run outside for safety.” The gaurds with blonde hair informs me.
Why is he is killing everyone?
Letting out a loud groan I walk up the steps and go inside. The second I walk through the door I instantly step in a puddle of blood. I notice there are a few drag marks. Along with body parts scattered everywhere.
” Draco! Get back here right now!” I hear Willow yell from somewhere down the hallway.
I follow the sound of her voice, and find them in the ballroom.
” What is going on?” I ask Willow.
” Draco took off after a crow.” Willow tells me.
Took off?
How can an infant take off?
He can’t exactly crawl or walk yet.
” What do you mean?” I question her.
I watch Willow gesture towards something infront of her. I follow her hand gesture with my eyes. Until I see something tiny floating in the air infront of me.
So, the gaurds weren’t over exaggerating. It really is a flying infant. However, if he is trying to kill a crow. Why is he killing random people?
” Draco! Come down!” I tell him in a stern tone.
” No, it is still in here.” A tiny voice says inside my head.
So, he can mindlink.
Most demon children can’t mindlink at just a few hours old. It normally takes a few months, but it isn’t impossible. I just assumed he could only communicate through showing us visions.
” I will find the crow. You get down from there before you fall.” I tell him sternly.
” It isn’t a crow.” The tiny voice says into my head.
What does he mean it isn’t a crow?
Hearing a loud snarl coming from the far corner. I instantly feel the hairs on my neck stand up.
What the fuck is that?
Did a hybrid survive and follow us home?