Sister’s Lustful Reward:++ 9

Book:Crazy Sex Adventures(Erotica) Published:2025-2-18

‘Lexi?’ I pant, softly.
‘Mm?’, she whispers into my ear
‘Two things.’
‘You have awesome breasts.’
‘Yes, and?’ she asks, teasingly.
‘Um… can I see you naked again?’
She stares down at me, and a small grin appears. She pushes herself off me and stands, straddling my hips, as she stares down at me. Slowly, teasingly, she leans forward, hooks her thumbs into the waistband of her underwear, and pulls them down. She lifts one leg daintily and kicks them aside, then stands and places her hands on her hips.
‘And?’ she says.
I take my time, running my eyes over her body. Her thighs are pale, and the mound of her sex is framed between them, forming a small heart shape in the gap between them. I can see her lips clearly, pale pink, and the sight sends a small shiver of want through me. I look upwards, and meet her eyes.
‘You’re the first naked woman I’ve ever seen. And you’re gorgeous. I could never get enough of seeing you like this.’
She looks down at me, and pouts. ‘Alas, you’re one up on me there.’
‘Really?’ I ask, disbelievingly.
‘Really. Sum total of hot girls seen – zero. Bar today’s glimpse in the shower…’
‘Coming up,’ I say, and lever myself up. Lexi steps aside as I get to my feet. I lock eyes with her, and try to copy the move she just used on me, but I’m far less graceful. Still, I see her eyes drop to follow my briefs down, and I drop them to my ankles, then slowly straighten, kicking them to one side. I take a deep breath, then hold out my arms from my sides and try to turn a slow circle, giving Lexi lots of time to see me. I swallow as I complete my circuit, and meet her eyes again.
She’s watching me, her eyes darting to my breasts and stomach, then down further to my crotch, and I can see a gentle flush on her neck and cheeks.
‘Gods, Robs’ she says, quietly.
‘What?’ I ask.
She shakes her head and laughs, ruefully. ‘You are unbelievably hot.’
‘Rubbish,’ I snort.
Lexi takes a fast step towards me and grabs me by my shoulders. ‘We made a deal. Now listen to me, numbskull. You, my dear, are at least twelve out of ten. I look at you and all I can think of is touching you.’ She steps in closer and pushes herself against me.
We’re almost equal in height, and her breasts push against mine, her erect nipples as hard against me as I’m sure mine are against her. I slowly let my arms trail down her back, and cup her hips as she clasps her arms behind my neck. All I can feel now is her, and all I can smell is her. Her eyes are dark, and her lips are slightly parted, showing just the smallest hint of her perfect white teeth.
‘So what is it that you want from me, Robs?’ she asks me, seriously.
‘Anything. Everything. You’ I say, without thought.
Then I lean in, closing my eyes as I do, and kiss her.

Gently, I try to tease her. I feel her hands moving down, around my shoulders and down my back to cup me as I’m cupping her. One hand doesn’t stop, though, and almost before I realise it Lexi’s hand is probing down between my legs. I moan and break for air. ‘Lexi…’ I try, but she presses forward to kiss me again, arching herself slightly and forcing her hand between my thighs towards my sex. I can’t help it, I want it, and I shift my feet apart. Her finger teases down to my lips and then gently probes between them, slipping easily down between my soaking labia to my clit.
I groan as Lexi teases her fingertip around me, my back arches involuntarily and I break free of her kiss again to gasp for breath. With my small amount of remaining control I, too, slide a hand around her hip and down towards her mons. Lexi takes a deep breath and then she, too, spreads herself to allow me there.
Her lips are slick to my touch, and her clitoris is small but hard. For a moment the feeling of her little nub under my fingertips overrides everything, even the feeling of her touching me, but then she pushes hard against me and teases her finger up to my entrance, and then inside.
She pulls away, and then pushes me backwards onto our nest of pillows, then lies down next to me, driving her fingers deep inside me. I convulse and gasp, my hips bucking hard back against her. She raises herself on an elbow and positions her hand so that she can stroke one, then two fingers deeply in and out of my aching vagina. She leans forward to take alternate breasts between her lips, pausing occasionally to tease her fingers out of me and over my clit.
In and out, each stroke spreading me over her fingers and down to her knuckles. I want more; my hips buck against her, I’m panting and sweating and gasping, crying perhaps, unable to control my need for her to take me and make me hers. I can hear the wet, sticky sound of her fingers plunging into me, and the room seems to go dark around me. I become unable to even move as she drives me swiftly upwards to my plateau and then, deliciously, slower than continental drift and still much too quickly, over into my climax. My legs clamp down on her and I cry out as I have the most intense orgasm of my life on my sister’s slender fingers.
I think I actually black out briefly, because the next thing I can actually recognise as reality involves Lexi lying curled up against me, head on my shoulder and hands gently stroking my outer lips. My hips are still spasming with each stroke, and I take a long, shuddering breath.
‘Oh my God’ is all I can manage to say.
Lexi snorts with quiet laughter. She’s grinning at me, clearly satisfied with herself.
‘I take it that was nice’
‘Holy shit, Lexi. Oh god. I wish you could have felt that. Nice… Nice doesn’t even cover the first three seconds.’
I reach my hand slowly down to touch myself, feeling Lexi’s slick finger running along my lips adjacent to mine. I cannot believe how wet she has made me. Little jolts run through me, and I gasp again. She stops stroking, and slowly trails her slick finger up from my labia, over my mons and through my straggly pubic hair, then over my belly to my breasts. She taps her fingers there, then smiles.
‘So, how do you feel now?’ she says.
‘Literally or figuratively?’ I manage. ‘Literally, like I’ve been turned inside out. Figuratively, like I just got religion.’
‘The religion of Lexi’ she says, deadpan.
‘I’d worship at your altar.’ I say, without thinking.
She starts to laugh then. Loud, uncontrollable whoops, and I ruefully realise the massive double entendre I just let slip. I roll my eyes at her, and she laughs even harder if that’s possible.
I decide on some revenge to get her to quiet down, and so I reach my free right arm over and slide it down over her belly. Instantly, she’s shivering, and her whoops stop, but she still heaves silently with repressed cackles.
Until, that is, my cunning little fingertip reaches her labia and parts them. Then she just gasps and slivers slightly. I ease my arm out gently from under her and watch her breathing as I gently stroke her. Her eyes are closed now and her lips slightly open again. I gently kiss her breasts, then, deciding that I’m all in anyway, I sit up.
She gives me a puzzled frown and a quiet ‘no, don’t’ as I stop stroking, but then her eyes widen as I gently take her knees and spread her legs in front of me. Then I shift so I’m kneeling between them.
I take a moment, now, just to admire her. I’ve looked at myself in a mirror before, and I guess my vagina and lips and clit are passable, but Lexi’s are staggeringly hot. Perfect lips, perfect inner labia, rosy pink with a tight entrance, perfectly shaven. I lean forward, and she lets slip a ‘Oh god, Robs…’ as I gently touch my tongue to her lips and slip it up to her clitoral hood. She moans an inarticulate ‘Ungh’ and her legs quiver.
She tastes musky, and the scent from her makes me ache and desire her fingers in me again. I lick her clit again, enjoying the way her stomach muscles clench and release once my tongue is past her hood.
I tease her. Perhaps mercilessly, perhaps not, but the sounds she makes and the way her body responds leaves me in no doubt that she’s enjoying it. It takes me a while to learn that she’s not mad about being penetrated, but loves to be licked gently, especially just between the hood of her clit and her entrance. She’s sweating heavily now; a glistening sheen has spread between her breasts and down over her belly, which is spasming in time with my licks.
Her eyes are slitted but fixed on me as she lies, mouth open, lost in what I hope is her own sensual world.
‘Oh god, Robs, don’t stop… don’t stop…’ she mumbles. I couldn’t even if I wanted to. Instead, I toy with her, listening to the sound of her gasps and the small whimpers, feeling the quivering running throughout her body, tasting her, consumed by the experience of her and the way her body responds in ways that I can read.
I can see tears on her cheeks now, but all that makes me want is to please her even more. I reach up to play with her right breast, bracing myself on my left forearm now and trusting to my stomach muscles to carry her and me through this. She’s getting really wet now, and I can feel her inner lips moving slightly every time my tongue reaches them. Her stomach quivers and she is panting hard, wriggling around under me as I mercilessly have my way with her.
‘Robyn… Robyn… Robs… Robs…’ she whimpers in time with my tongue tip; growing fainter with each breath until, suddenly, she tenses and starts to convulse. She grabs my head, pulling my mouth hard against her lips and mons as she lets out a long, wailing cry. Her thighs lock against my head, pulsing as I mercilessly continue to tongue her through her orgasm, penetrating her with my tongue tip as her body arches. She lets out a shuddering moan and finally collapses backwards, releasing me. I give her one last lick, feeling her whole body twitch in sympathy, then kiss her clitoris and start to trail kisses up over her mons and belly.
Then I pause.
All I can hear is her panting and the fire crackling. I lift myself up from her and then scoot forward, bracing my arms on either side of her shoulders and letting my dangling breasts and belly gently touch her. I wait for her to open her eyes and look at me, and then, as she does, I lean in to kiss her. She makes a small sound and reaches up to wrap her arms around me, pulling me hard against her.
My arms give out eventually and I break off the kiss so that I can lower myself down. I pillow my head on her right shoulder while trying to get as close to her body as possible.
I can hear her heart, still racing, and her breathing is ragged.