Mirabelle’s POV.
“Mira, can I have a word with you?”
My heart literally jumped at the sound of his question.
I’m not blind, I can see the shift in his mood. Noah normally wouldn’t be this cold towards me, after not seeing me in a long long time. But here we were.
Noah would be all over me by now, showering me with kisses and touches because he just can’t seem to get enough of me, I mean he wants to touch me all the time and I love it. I can’t argue with him on that, but now. I’m not sure.
I know I did something wrong, but I don’t think there’s a way he would know if I and Ken didn’t tell him. The last time I checked I was sure that the both of them couldn’t have a cordial conversation and except Ken wants to due earlier than his planned time, I don’t think he would want to mess with Noah in that way.
So how would he know that because I don’t know why he’s been cold right now. I know for sure that I did something horribly wrong and I know that I should tell him, but I couldn’t tell him over the phone, I wanted the conversation to be physical.
But then I also wasn’t expecting that he would do a surprise visit. I was expecting something like he would tell me before he came back or something, but I guess Noah was full of surprises.
It didn’t make me feel less relaxed, especially after finding out that he was innocent about all the things I thought he did? Especially after all that, I’ve not been feeling too good lately and even the kids and grandpa Ed noticed.
I just kept waving off and here was the moment of truth.
We got into the room and he came in after me, closing the door behind us.
I just knew that something was coming, so I decided to sit down at the vanity while he sat down on the bed. He removed his tie and suddenly, I could see the exhaustion in his eyes. It was like he was really tired of everything and that made me feel so bad.
Damn it.
His eyes looked red rimmed and he kept squeezing them, like there was something he wanted to say but he didn’t know how to say it.
I’ve know him for a whole now to know the way he reacts to things and the way he approaches them.
I can tell right now that he’s trying to find a way to say something but he’s failing at doing so.
“Mira….. I…. I wa…..”
He stopped.
Oh no.
He was really trying hard and it hurt my heart to see him like this.
“Have I ever wronged you in any way?” He started by asking that.
“No.” I answered after heaving a deep breath.
“Is there something I did that I didn’t know about?” He asked.
It was basically about the stuff I heard, but then none of it was true, so there was no use in saying anything about that.
“Have I ever treated you badly, as in have I not loved you the way you wanted to be loved?” He asked.
“You have.”
“Then why……” his voice came off loud but he stopped himself.
He held his breath, but I needed him to let it out at this point. That was what he needed to do, my chest hurt knowing that I didn’t like being in the midst of a man shouting at me or anything that had to do with that.
“Why did you do that?” he asked, he sounded so broken like I had really broken his heart and I knew I had.
I knew what I did, so there was no point in asking what I did. There was only one thing I’ve done so wrong and it was kissing Ken, how he got to know, I didn’t know but I knew that he was aware now and I had to apologize.
“I’m so sorry Noah.” I said in a small voice because I honestly felt so embarrassed about it right now.
“Oh, you knew what you did?” He asked me and I nodded.
“Mira, in what way did I ever deserve that? In what way did I wrong you to deserve that?” His voice broke towards the end and that had me crying.
“I’m so sorry, it was something that happened based on emotions that were not even valid. Because I thought you did something, but you were innocent afterall, but I still feel so stupid.” I apologized.
I didn’t want to give any excuses, because there was no excuse that could make sense for that.
“Wait, I did something?” He asked.
“No, you didn’t, but at the time, I was made to believe that you did.” I told him.
He looks so genuinely confused that I want to hit myself so hard for hurting him like that.
“Explain to me.”
“When you travelled with Natasha, there was this particular time that I was trying to call you because I missed you terribly and it was after my company caught fire. Then when the phone was picked, I heard your voice and Natasha’s. Y’all were discussing how to ruin me, how you want to divorce me because you don’t want me and that I’m just a waste of your time.” I explained as much as I could.
“I didn’t say any of that.” He snapped.
“I know that now.” I told him, the tears were still running down my cheeks.
“And you couldn’t talk to me about it? Instead you went running to meet your ex-husband? Is that how it is?” He asked me and I couldn’t bring myself to talk, I could only shake my head.
“Talk to me and look me in the fucking eyes.” He shouted and I immediately did.
I can’t remember the last time he was this angry, as he has never been this angry with me.
“You can’t have a fucking conversation with me? Am I not supposed to be your husband?”