“No I’ll take a taxi besides I want to be alone it will give me time to think.”
“Okay then. Take care of yourself and call me when you arrive
They exchanged hugs.”I will.”
“Reception isn’t so good up there sometimes.”Cathy warned.
“I’ll be okay.”Reina assured her.”It’s exactly what I need.”
“Bye-bye.”Cathy said and left. Two hours later she was standing inside Nico’s bedroom holding the recording disc and a letter along with the baby scan, she placed everything on his dresser where he’ll be able to see it. Leaving is so hard and the thought of not seeing him again is scaring her how she’ll be able to live without him is beyond her.
“So I take it you’ve made your decision.”She heard Luciana’s voice say behind her.
“Yes I have.”She replied and turned around.
“You leaving?”She asked.
Reina nodded.”I have to do this for myself… I need time to think and I won’t get that here.”
“I understand dear, you don’t have to explain yourself to me.”
“Thank you. For everything but above all for being a great mom when I needed one.”
“I’m going to miss you. I’ve grown close to you.”She hugged Reina she has accepted Luciana as her new mother.
“I’ll miss you too.”Reina’s eyes filled up with tears.”Sorry, these tears won’t stop from falling.”
“It’s okay. Probably your hormones, you’ve been a good daughter Reina one any mother would be proud of. I love you dear.”She cupped Reina’s cheek.
Her tears were flowing.”I love you more and I promise to call whenever I can the reception won’t be so good but I’ll call.”
“Take care of yourself and my grandson.”
“I will.”She promised.
“How long will you be gone.”
“I don’t know.”Reina said.”But I’ll be staying at Cathy’s parents cabin it’s out of town. Please don’t….-”
“Nicolas won’t know unless you say otherwise. Concentrate on yourself and be safe.”
“Thank you mom.”She said and Luciana’s eyes shone with tears.”Mrs Riley will come regarding a dress that she wants me to design for her, can mom please…-”
“I’ll handle her don’t worry.”Luciana reassured her.
“I have to go now.”Reina said.
“I’ll walk you out.”Luciana offered and they both left, her taxi ks already waiting outside and when the driver put her one suitcase in the boot she climbed in and waved at Luciana somehow it felt like she’s saying goodbye.
Nico is driving home from the airport when his cell rang, he hasn’t spoken to Reina in two days.”Talk to me Ricardo.”He said.
“Everything is done sir. Come tomorrow she will never set foot in Vegas again just as you wanted sir.”
“Good. Keep me posted if anything comes up.”He cut the call. Anastasia will regret ever messing with Reina just when he was about to start afresh and tell Reina all about his past she came and messed up everything with her devious acts. He wouldn’t have cared if she had done something unto him, her mistake was targeting Reina and for that she’ll pay for the rest of her life he made sure of that. All that’s left is for him to talk to Reina and explain what had really happened… if she will listen to him and give him a chance, he has missed her and couldn’t stop thinking about her. It had killed him when she had broken down like that in front of him the pain he had seen on her face had shattered him completely. Never before has a woman’s tears affected him like that not even his own mother’s, he felt something for her it’s deep and strong and unexplainable. This time away has made one thing clear he cannot live without her, she completes him and makes him feel alive something no one has ever achieved in doing. Picturing his life without her is unimaginable, by the time he got home it was dark and the house was quiet… too quiet. He asked Maria where his mother and Reina was.
“Your mom went to go see Mrs Riley she’ll be back shortly, and senora Reina left yesterday afternoon.”
He felt a chill ran down his spine.”What do you mean ‘left’.”
“She packed her bag and left I thought senor knew.”Maria said.
“Did she say where she’s going.”Maria shook her head. “Thank you Maria.”He rushed upstairs once there he ran to the walk-in closet to see if all her clothes are still there and it is…. everything of hers that he has bought for her is here, including her jewelry and make-up then what did she take? He wondered to himself. Maybe Maria was mistaken, he took out his cell and called her, it went straight to voice mail panic started to sink in. Where is she? He caught sight of something white on his dresser, he slowly walked over to it and saw it’s an envelope he got a deja vu and ran his hand through his hair. He already knew what is was he picked up the envelope with shaky hands and tore it open there’s no mistaking her handwriting.
My beloved Nicolas
I wish things could’ve turned out differently, I wish you were capable of loving me. I don’t hate you I don’t think I’ll ever be able to. I wish you the best and I hope you find the happiness that you deserve I thought I could give it to you but I was wrong. Best wishes to both you and Anastasia I have no ill will against her, I’ll stay in touch when the baby is born and I’ll send the divorce papers as soon as I can. I left you a gift along with the letter it’s the least I could do. I forgive you and I’ll never stop loving you. I’ll never forget the time I spend with you it was incredible. Thank you for those amazing passionate nights and beautiful mornings… I’ll always love you my stallion….
He’s too late… she’s gone and his gut is telling him this time it will be even harder to find her. He sat down on the bed and held his head in his hands, he’s defeated and there’s nothing he could do about it. He lost the one person who actually gave him meaning. He had lost her and for the first time in his life he’s scared… really afraid. He picked up the disc and went down to his study where he played it. Nothing prepared him for what he heard next… The baby’s heartbeat. His chest pulled tight and his heart contracted in pain. The realization that he had lost them both hitting hard, his heart is literally in pain. He screamed out in agony. The door swung open a few minutes later and it’s his mother.
“She’s gone mama.”Is the only thing he said. She could feel his tears even though they weren’t visible, she had known this would happen and even though it breaks her heart to see her son like this, it’s time that he acknowledge his true feelings. Nico appreciated his mother’s presence it was comforting and it might not take the pain away but at least it soothes it. And the fact that she isn’t probing is really helpful, no matter what happens she has always been there and right now he needs her more than ever. He doesn’t know for how long they stood there in silence but eventually his mother pulled away and told him to get some rest, before she left. He doesn’t think he’ll sleep at all or any other night everything will remind him of Reina and of what he had lost. He loved her, he realised with a pang on his heart… he loved her and he cannot even tell her, what ever he has been feeling in these past few weeks with her is actually love. No wonder he had been restless whenever she wasn’t with him and when he’s with her he never wanted those moments to end. The signs had there but he had ignored it and now it’s too late.
Four months later…
Reina was busy sewing a pair of socks for the baby when her cell rang, she has made a few outfits for the baby with the material Cathy has bought for her two months ago. Cell reception isn’t so good but it wasn’t bad either, now and then she can make a call.