Book:One Night Stand with Mr CEO Published:2025-2-9

She doesn’t know for how long she cried and when she had fallen asleep again, but when she woke up she felt hungry and remembered she didn’t have anything for dinner getting out of bed she went downstairs to the kitchen to get something to eat. The house was quiet as if there never had been a wedding Bella and Santiago are probably on their honeymoon or still going. She made herself a sandwich and a hot chocolate and sat down to eat, she’s hungry but the sandwich had no taste she continued eating anyway. Halfway through her second sandwich she heard footsteps and saw Luciana entering the kitchen.”Reina…?”
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to wake you I was hungry so I came to get something to eat.”She said apologetically.
“You didn’t I couldn’t sleep so I came to get a glass of warm milk.”
“I’ll get it.”Reina offered.
“No dear finish up.”Reina watched as she prepared the milk Nico and Bella are really lucky to have her as their mother, she would give anything to talk to her mom right now.
“Has Bella and Santiago already left.”She asked.
“With great difficulty yes.”Luciana answered.”She didn’t want to leave you alone, but I assured her, her being here won’t help either and Cathy also called numerous times. She doesn’t give up she’s a true friend.”
“We’ve come a long way Cathy and I, I don’t know where I’ll be without her. We have been friends since elementary school.”
“Before going she gave Nico an earful. I’m so sorry Reina for my son’s behaviour.”
“There’s no need to apologise. I knew what I was getting myself in for when I married Nicolas and he never promised me anything.”
“That still didn’t give him the right to do what he did. I raised and taught him better than that, I always thought that Nico would turn out better then his father I tried my best to prevent that, but I somehow failed.”
“No, no, no.”Reina said.”You are and will always be a great mother to them. They’ll make mistakes it’s what we kids do, what matters is if we will learn from them.”
“I can see the love you have for him and that’s something I’ve never seen in any of the women he dated. Don’t give up on him.”
Reina could hear the plea in Luciana’s voice she doesn’t know if she and Nico will ever be the same after today.”I… don’t-” Reina began.
“I was where you are right now. Loving a man that doesn’t love you is hard and tiring. Nicolas’s father never loved me he treated me and the kids bad everyday, he had mistresses.” Reina could hear the despair and sorrow in her voice even the pain of those scars are visible.”No one knows this but he used to beat us especially me, he drank alot so that caused all the fights. Nico would always stand up for me when his father would hit me and I admired that about him, but he was just a boy what chance did he have.”Reina touched her hand and she looked at her.”My husband might not have loved me but I know deep down that Nico is capable of loving and the day he does finally love a woman that woman will be you. I know you planning on leaving I would too if I was in your shoes, but please don’t give up on him I’ve seen how he is when he’s with you, he’s alive, he’s happy and at peace you bring out a side in him that even he doesn’t know he has. I’m not trying to stop or convince you but think about what I said. Okay.”She gently touched Reina’s cheek and she nodded.”Now I want you and my grandson to get some rest.”
An hour later she was standing inside their bedroom, his fragrance is still lingering in the air and it played with her senses. She saw that the bag was still on the bed and walked over to it, carefully taking out the robe she stared at it and thought what was suppose to be a happy night turned into a disaster. She climbed onto the bed and laid down on his side the pillow still smelled of him it has his scent as if he’s there next to her. She curled up into a ball and took comfort in the closest thing to him. His scent.
The following morning she was dressing up when her phone rang for the second time it’s Bella, first it had been Cathy who had wanted to come over but when she had heard about Reina’s doctor’s appointment she had insisted on tagging along.
“Good morning Isabella.”She said.
“Reina. I’m calling to check up on you. How are you holding up?”
“I’m okay and I mean really okay.”
“I’m sorry for brother’s behaviour at the wedding I’ll never forgive him for what he has done. I cannot imagine what you must be going through right now.”
“It’s fine seriously, besides your brother never made any promises.”
“Still. His actions was uncalled for I won’t speak or forgive him until you do.”
“No Bella don’t do that, he’s your brother. He can do whatever he wants to do with his life.”
“After everything that has happened you still stand up for him.”Bella said shockingly.
Reina could feel the tears threatening to fall. She loves him and will defend him despite how he has wronged her.”Bella I-I have to go now I have a doctor’s appointment. Take care.”
“You too. Love you lots.”Bella said.”I love you too.”She replied and ended the call as the tears came streaming down. A family that has so much love for her. This was too much for her she sat down on the bed and let the tears flow, how much more will come, when will they end she had thought that yesterday she had cried enough but clearly she was wrong. Fifteen minutes later when she was more calmer she finished up and went to go and have a quick breakfast before taking her vitamins. When Cathy arrived at the doctor’s office both of them went inside.
“Mrs Garcia nice to see you again.”Dr Quinn said and Cathy gave her a questioning look.
“You too doctor. This is my friend Cathy I hope it’s okay if she joins us.”
“No problem. Pleasure to meet you.”He extended his hand.
“Likewise.”Cathy responded and shook his hand.
“Follow me.”He said and led them to an examining room where he checked her blood pressure and breathing.”Now it’s time to see how the little one is doing can you please go and wear this.”He handed her a gown.”The bathroom is on your left.”Two minutes later she emerged and laid down on the bed she gasped softly when he put the gel on her abdomen it was cold. A few seconds later the sound of the baby’s heart beat filled the room and it’s such a beautiful sound she felt a tug on her heart and closed her eyes. His heart is so strong…. just like his father’s she thought, her eyes began to burn with unshed tears.
“Is that the baby’s heartbeat.”Cathy asked.
“Yes it is.”Dr Quinn confirmed.
“It’s such a beautiful sound.”She said and Reina agreed.
“Everything is perfect the baby is healthy and growing well you’re over a month now. I’d advice you still take it easy though.”He got up.
“Are we done.”She asked and he nodded.”Can I please have a copy of the scan.”
“Of course I can give you the recording as well that way you can listen to the baby’s heart whenever you want to.”
“I’d love that.”She said.
“You want me to drive you up to the cabin.”Cathy offered outside handing her the keys.