Anastasia ontop of Nico barely covered in what she probably calls a dress. He is laying backwards on his back and she’s straddling him, his hair is disheveled and his bow tie is gone, her dress is resting on her waist leaving her breasts bare and to make matters worse his hands are on her waist. Reina couldn’t believe her eyes and felt nauseous and dizzy, her whole world came crashing down her. Her knees felt weak and neither could she move or utter a word, she doesn’t know for how long she stood there or if they’ve seen her, but at this point she doesn’t care. She felt someone touch her shoulder and saw it’s Bella.
“Reina are you….”But she stopped mid-sentence when she caught sight of what’s happening.”Nicolas…..”She said. Immediately Anastasia got off and dressed up, Nico stood and stared at her and Bella, disbelief and shock clear on his face. Lipstick is still on his lips and Reina gave a soft cry before turning around and leaving, she didn’t want to know what’s going on and neither did she give a damn. She could hear footsteps behind her but kept on walking, she can only hope it isn’t Nico she didn’t want to see or talk to him. She felt his hand on her wrist and stopped. She didn’t turn but could feel him, could feel he wanted to say something but no words came, how is he going to explain what she saw, what Bella saw…. she could feel her eyes burning and closed them. Seconds and then minutes passed without either of them saying anything.
“Corazon…..”He began.
She shook her head.”Don’t, don’t you dare call me that, not after what I had just seen.”
She could hear his heavy breathing and sensed that he’s fighting with his emotions.”We need to talk.”
“No we don’t. There’s nothing left to say, now please let go of my hand.”
“You’re upset and I can understand that but it isn’t what… look I’ll give you some time to calm down.”His hand tightened on her wrist and then he let go. She continued walking outside and didn’t feel him behind her anymore, she let go of her breath and sank down on one of the chairs that’s out on the patio.
Her mind is going into overdrive, she felt weak and numb, unable to process or make sense of what’s going on. She felt her chest and throat tighten, everything around her is closing in making it difficult for her to breath and get air into her lungs, her hands tightened on the chair.
“Reina!…. Reina!”She heard a voice say from a distance. “Reina! Are you okay!”It was Bella.”You’re in shock. I’ll get you some water.”Seconds later she put a glass at her lips and Reina drank, it was sugar water.”Come let’s get you to bed, and please don’t argue with me.”
She was too weak to argue so she let Bella help her upstairs. Everything that happened afterwards was a blur, Cathy came to see if she was okay, Luciana also came and sat with her for a few minutes she didn’t utter a word. Then she got up and helped her take a quick shower she then got dressed and went to bed through it all Reina was moving around like a zombie oblivious to what’s going on. She slept afterwards and when she woke up it was dark outside and she was alone, for a sec she tried to make sense of what had happen and why she’s in bed. The door swung open and Nico’s tall frame filled it, he stepped inside and closed the door behind him, everything suddenly came rushing back like a big wave. He still had the audacity to show his face after what he had done, how dare he she thought and jumped out of bed.
“You have no right to be in here. Get out.”She said. But he showed no sign of leaving. Her head was spinning and she wanted to sit down. He reached out to her but she stopped him with her hand.”Don’t come near me I don’t need your help.” Thoughts of him and Anastasia together flashed before her eyes, how could he do this to her after he had promised he wouldn’t. How could he disregard what they had shared. She is at her breaking point, all she wanted is for him to leave.
“Reina.”Even hearing his voice is too much she looked away and covered her mouth with her hand.”I’m sorry. I meant what I said before I would never cheat on you, nor have I.”
“Just go Nicolas. You don’t owe me any explanation neither do I want one, you cannot explain your way out of this.”She then looked at him.”Besides you don’t love me, so you owe me nothing. Now please just go.”
“I’m not going anywhere. You’re my wife.”
The fact that he believed that title allowed him liberty infuriated her, it was too much for her to take.”Wife? Now I’m your wife. Was I your wife when your lover or whatever you wanna call her was ontop of you. Then I don’t want to be your wife!”She screamed at him and walked towards him.”I don’t want any part of you!”She yelled at him and hit him on the chest with her fists.”You hear me I don’t want any part of you. Get out! Get out!”She pushed him, hands flailing, but he held onto her so easily and it made her even more angrier.
“You have no right….. no right at all!”She shouted, never before had she been this upset, never before had she allowed herself to get this furious. Anger and fury got choked down by the tears that are flowing down her cheeks, her whole body is shaking as she cried. She cried out and collapse to the ground in front of his feet, the tears were coming and she couldn’t stop them, wouldn’t stop them. Her heart is torn, she’s broken and doesn’t have the power to fight back, she knew from day one that he could hurt her, she just didn’t know it would hurt this much. She faced him and he just stood there unmovable through the blur of her tears she could see the empty, desolate look he had in his eyes like a never ending ocean. He bent down and picked her up and carried her back to bed. He went into the en-suite bathroom and emerged with a face cloth and gently wiped her tears away, his gentle touch just made fresh tears want to fall. He swiped her hair out of her face. He himself looked hurt, broken and torn apart. They both stared at each other, neither saying anything, she had a million questions but not one wanting to come. And to think he had made love to her on that very same table, there’s nothing more degrading than that.
She shut her eyes.”I want you to leave. Tomorrow I have a doctor’s appointment and I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t be there.”
“You’re not going to keep me away from wanting to know what’s going on with my baby. That’s a battle you are going to lose.”
“Well then you might as well go without me.”She turned away from him.”Please just go I’d like to be alone. Looking at you hurts it’s more than I can bear, and you have no idea how much I wanna hate you right now. The love I have for you prevents me from doing that, and I hate myself for that…. so please leave.”If only he can say I love you Reina and whatever happened was a misunderstanding she thought then maybe this pain won’t hurt so much, but his silence was enough for her to understand that it wasn’t just a mistake. She heard his cell vibrate and he took a few minutes before answering, he got up and she felt the cold air hit her back as he moved away.
“I thought I made it clear when I said I don’t wanna be disturb.”She heard him say to someone on the other end.”How bad?”He said again after a second.”Fine. Get the jet ready I’ll be there in ten.”Silence filled the room and she thought that he had left, but the hand that reached out to her said otherwise, he was nearly… nearly touching but pulled back.”I have to go. I’ll see you after two days, but when I get back we are going to talk and whether you like it or not you will listen to me.”Then she heard the door shut and he was gone, never before had she felt so alone than at that moment, the tears just came all over again and she took comfort in the only thing that’s there. The pillow. She weeped, tears of anger, pain, hurt, rage but most of all sadness, sadness for the fact that come tomorrow she won’t be here anymore. That she won’t be having that happily ever after and crying for something that was never meant to be.