“Okay. We’ll still take my car but let the driver drive us. How does that sound?”
“Much better.”Reina said.”But give me a sec with Bella.”
“Let me get my jacket and the glasses.”
“Your brother doesn’t share anything with me I can understand that, but I don’t want you to get into trouble, we can stay here if that’s what you want us to do.”
“No Reina I never get a chance to go out and be myself, let alone enjoy myself, tonight I wanna be free for a change I want to feel how it is to let loose, Cathy seems pretty wild and I like that. Brother doesn’t have to know I can talk to the driver.”
“No. I just wanted to make sure that you want this.”
“I’m the one who should be worried not you. You pregnant, and if something goes wrong. I’m sure he’ll breath fire this time around since you’re carrying the Garcia heir. The next one in line to take over the empire.”
“Don’t be silly.”Reina smiled faintly.
“Family means everything for brother. You’ll realise that soon when this little one is born.”She placed a hand on Reina’s stomach.
She knows that if only he also felt so strongly for her like he does them, maybe then she won’t feel the need to leave and go. There are so many ifs… so many questions that only he can answer.
“Enough of the emotional drama you two… let’s go and party!” Cathy yelled. Bella and Reina smiled at Cathy’s craziness. Everything went well and all the clubs they went to doesn’t seem to recognize Bella. They drank and had shooters and tequilas along with bottles of champagne, Reina wasn’t drinking she only had juice or drank water and it’s good because Cathy and Bella are drinking as if there’s no tomorrow. Their next stop was the strip club and Cathy announced that they have a bachelorette the whole crowd cheered and screamed, the next thing Bella was on stage dancing along with the men who was performing. Reina checked the time and saw it’s eleven, time really has passed quickly soon she’s gonna have to text Nico, she wonders what he’s doing strange enough he hasn’t called yet. So unlike him she thought. She walked over to the bar and ordered a soda, while she was waiting for her drink a man came up to her. He had blonde hair, blue eyes high cheekbones and his nose isn’t straight as if it had been broken once he’s good looking but not her type and he reeked of alcohol.
“What’s a beautiful woman like you doing here.”
“Celebrating.”She answered.
“Jack.”He introduced himself and extended his hand.
“Reina.”She just said and took her drink and left but the man grabbed her arm and she stumbled.”What the hell do you think you doing. Let go of me.”She tried to wrestled her arm out of his hand but he tightened his hold.
“Come on why the rush… the night is still young let’s have some fun I can show you a good time.”She is disgusted that he’s holding her and he made her skin crawl, she wanted to slap him but gets the feeling that will only infuriate him more. She can’t even scream to Bella and Cathy for help.
“Let go of me.”She said again but the man refused to oblige. He moved closer to her and she almost puked because the scent of alcohol on him is overwhelming. She put her glass down and tried to take off his hand but he’s so strong.”If you don’t let go now I’m going to scream.”She warned.
“No one will hear you.”He said laughing at her.
“Oh Nicolas where are you. I need you now.”She whispered to herself. His hands went to her butt and she froze, she lifted her hand and gave him a slap right across the face. He let go of her and she moved back, he touched his mouth with his thumb and she saw the blood. Uh-oh she thought she didn’t know that she hit him that hard… good riddance that will teach him next time not to mess with a woman. He gave her a deadly look.
“You little bitch, you’re going to regret this.”He lunged forward and she closed her eyes waiting for whatever was about to come…. but nothing….. she slowly opened her eyes and saw his hand halfway in the air, and she was surprised who’s blocking it. Nicolas. Him. Here. Thank god.
“If you value your hand and would like to use it in future, then I suggest you apologise to my wife right now.”His tone is cold and deadly if she didn’t know him she would be afraid of him. With one hand he slowly brought the man’s hand down and twisted it, the guy was wincing as Nico increased the pressure.
“I’m s.. sorry.”The guy said.
“Mean it.”Nico growled.
“Please forgive me ma’am. I’m so sorry.”
“You have exactly ten seconds to get out of here.”
The man quickly squirmed and ran for his life, as if the hounds of hell are after him. She didn’t even know that the music had stopped until she saw that there’s a crowd around them and everyone is looking at them thankfully Bella was of the stage and standing next to Cathy.
“DJ music!”Someone screamed and the music started playing again.
“Are you okay?”He asked her. Okay. She’s never been this happy before to see someone and ran straight into his arms. He embraced her in his big strong warm arms.
“I’m so happy that you are here.”She told him and inhaled his cool scent. She felt his arms tightened around her and also tightened her own arms, everyone faded into the background for those few minutes it was just them alone in their own world. She lifted up her head and stared into his eyes for a second she saw something in them that she has never seen before, something that she has always wished to see when ever he looks at her. LOVE. He blinked and looked away and when he looked at her again it was gone as if it was never there. His empty look is back again.
“Let’s go.”He said putting his arm around her waist and leading her to the door.
“Wait. What about Bella and Cathy?”
“I’m sure they’ll leave when ever they are ready.”He simply stated and she gazed at him with shock.
“Hold on. You not angry.”She said.
“No. Should I be.”
“No.. it’s just I thought you would be angry if you knew where we brought Bella that’s all.”
“She deserves to enjoy herself, she’s a grown woman who’s about to get married I cannot protect her forever. Besides it’s her bachelorette party I don’t think she’ll forgive me if I let her leave… let’s go I’ve already called two of my best men to come and keep an eye on them just in case another idiot tries something.”
She gladly left with him now that she knows Cathy and Bella will be safe. In the car she send both Bella and Cathy a text before turning her attention to the man next to her.
“I have to tell you something crazy. She said.
He quickly glanced at her.”I’m listening.”
“When that guy was man handling me, I silently called out your name then just out of no where you were there. Crazy isn’t it. Almost as if you knew that I was in trouble and needed you.”
He himself is trying to understand how he had felt she might be in danger and needed his help. He had heard her calling out to him and he had known she needed him, so he had called the driver and ask him where they were. He had jumped into his car and drove as fast as it would go probably breaking all the speed limits.”Were you even listening to me right now.”She asked him.
“Yes… I’m sorry. I think I shouldn’t have let that guy go.”He lied.