“Do you think it’s wise to wear those shoes.”
“Don’t you like them.”
“You still experiencing dizziness corazon.”He reminded her.
“I’ll be off my feet most of the time. I’ll be okay don’t worry.” She assured him.”If and that’s a big if… if I do feel unwell or get lightheaded I will call you.”
“Fine. Don’t over do it.”
She grabbed her black leather blazer and purse.”I’ve gotta go now. See you later on.”She leaned closer to kiss him on the cheek, but he pulled her in for a proper kiss. After a few minutes she moved away.”No. I have to go now before I’m gonna end up naked in your arms.”
“That won’t be a bad idea.”
“Nicolas no.”She dashed for the door, but he stopped her.
“You look beautiful.”He said and threaded his fingers through her hair.”I have to admit for the first time ever I feel jealous.”
She searched his eyes.”What for.”
“My wife is looking so beautiful and I’m not even going out with her to show off her beauty.”
Reina wished she could say that they’ll have plenty of time to do things together but she’s leaving soon and lying to him isn’t an option, if they are meant to be then destiny will bring them back together again…. if not then it will be a big loss for her. She’ll take advantage of the next two days with him and treasure each and every moment.”I’m the one who should feel jealous with all those women lining up to take my place.”
“I’ll see you tonight.”He said. She opened the door and left, he didn’t even assure her that won’t happen. Bella is downstairs waiting for her and she looked gorgeous in her white glitter dress with its sleeveless bodice, v-neckline, spaghetti straps and a cowl back that showed of a bit of skin. The relaxed fit waist leads to a curve hugging mini length silhouette, her hair is also loose and she’s wearing a white pencil heel.
“You definitely going to make heads turn in that dress tonight girl. You look gorgeous.”
“Isn’t it too much.”Bella said.
“Nonsense. Santiago better watch out or he’ll find himself unengage tonight.”Bella laughed.”Ready?”Reina asked and she nodded.
“The Garcia women really are beautiful.”Nico drawled from the bottom of the stairs.
“Yes we are.”Luciana agreed with him.”Come here you two.” She said to Bella and Reina.”Take care of one another and don’t stay out late.”She said looking at Reina.
“Yes.. mom.”Reina said.
“Mom….?”Bella said looking at them confused.
“You’ll come to know soon.”Her mother told her and pulled Reina to one side.”I know what you doing for Bella tonight and I’m thankful to you, she’s never had much friends and the ones she did have always exploited and used her because she’s coming from a wealthy family. She’s taken alot to you and trusts you and so do I… enjoy yourselfs and stay out of trouble but most importantly take care of yourself I know what happened in the driveway this morning.”
“I promise. You have my word.”
“Okay my child. Go now.”
“See you guys.”Bella said and they left, the driver was already waiting outside for them and soon they were on their way over to Cathy’s. When they arrived and took the elevator up to the apartment Reina told Bella that she’s going to blindfold her.
“Should I be scared.”Bella asked.
“Don’t be. Just trust me.”
“Okay.”She said and Reina put on the blindfold before knocking softly on the door. Cathy opened up the door.
“Look who finally decided to show up. Come in.”Reina held Bella’s arm and steered her inside.”You both look so sexy in those mini dresses I feel left out wearing jeans.”
“You look fine. Are you ready?”She asked Bella and took of the blindfold when she nodded.”Surprise!”They both screamed.
“What is this.”She looked around her and gasped in awe. There’s a big sign hanging from the ceiling that said. Welcome bachelorette.”Guys…. I.. I don’t even know what to say. Thank you.”
“Thank Reina.”Cathy said.
“There’s no need. Let’s get this party started instead.”
“Amen to that.”Cathy agreed.”But wait there’s a change of plans.”
“We’re listening.”Reina said.
“Instead of us staying in and be like those boring bachelorettes who gets medi and pedi’s and facial washes, let’s go out and enjoy ourselves this is Vegas after all.”
“Do you think that’s a good idea… I mean the paparazzi and all I don’t think that will go down well with Nico if he sees his sister’s pictures splashed all over the media on her wedding day. People will do anything to get a juicy story, she’s high profile Cath.”
“I’ve thought about that, that’s why we’ll hit all the local clubs where no one will recognize her… you know the places we’ve been to celebrities don’t go there and I’ll give her my shades.”
“Cath….”Reina began.
“There she goes over thinking everything. Stop thinking and let’s go already, time flies and you know that.”
Reina was a bit doubtful but kept quiet she didn’t want Bella’s night to get spoiled, she looks so excited for the night ahead. “Fine let’s go.”
“We’ll take my car.”Cathy said.
“Our driver is outside.”Bella told her.
“That will definitely attract unwanted attention and we don’t want that, tell him to go home.”
“The second we do that he’ll call Nico and tell him everything and that won’t go down on him.”
“You guys really are living a strict lifestyle.”
“Brother takes care of everything. I’m going to tell you something that must never leave this room it should stay between us. If Nico ever finds out I told you guys I’ll never hear the end of it.”
“Bella..”Reina began.
“I was kidnapped before… more like held hostage for money, no one knows about it, brother made sure that the media never found out about it, he used his street smart skills to find me.”
“What! No wonder you never without a driver.”Reina said.”I was thinking he’s being paranoid and too over protective… meanwhile he’s protecting you.”
“How did he find you… and was the person ever arrested.” Cathy asked.
“Two people actually, a man and a woman she pretended to be poor and that she needed help, of course gullible me I fell for it and they took me while we were getting out of the restaurant. I don’t know how he found the woman but he put so much fear in her she ended up giving him all the information. The police knows but brother asked them to keep it quiet just imagine if it was public news, someone else would’ve tried something different.”
“Knowing people they certainly would’ve.”Cathy added.
“He might come across as hard and over bearing, but when it comes to family… all bets are off.”
“Then let’s not make him worry for no reason.”Reina said.