Book:One Night Stand with Mr CEO Published:2025-2-9

“You put so much fear in him I think he won’t bother another woman ever again. Thank you my stallion.”She said placing her hand on his thigh and smiled.”For coming to rescue me, my own knight in shining armor.”She rubbed her hand up and down his thigh and he shifted uncomfortably.
“What’s wrong?”She asked.
“I don’t think you should do that while I’m driving… unless if you want me to cause an accident.”
“Oh… oh.”She said.”That wasn’t my intention.”
“You know what happens when you touch me with those soft small hands of yours.”
“No I don’t.”She said blushing.
“I can pull over and show you.”
“It’s late Nico let’s get home.”He chuckled at her.
“How was your evening.”He asked.
“Fun and yours.”
“Couldn’t stop thinking about you.”
He stopped the car so fast that she leaped forward if it wasn’t for her seat belt she doesn’t even wanna think about it. “What…-Ooh.”She yelled when he pulled her on top of him. She didn’t even felt when he unfastened her seat belt. Her dress has shifted way up, almost to her hips.”What’s wrong with you
She hit him with a fist on the shoulders.
“I might be many things but a liar isn’t one of them. Don’t ever say that again.”Then his mouth was on hers, his kiss wasn’t tender or gentle it was fierce, rough combined with anger, he bit her bottom lip and she gasped, he pushed his tongue into her mouth and held her head still so that she has no where to run or hide, he then pushed her down on him so that she could feel his straining length. She moaned because she’s feeling it right down there in the center between her legs, where it’s throbbing with need and yearning for him with a passion. She manages to pull free, gasping for air.
“You… you m.. made your p-point.”She said between breaths and moved back to her seat. She pulled her dress down and pushed her hair out of her face and stared at him.”You really are a piece of work, why do men always have to be so arrogant and prove a point all the time.”
He put the car back in gear and drove off.”I guess it’s a trait of ours just the same as you women are self obsessed.”
“I’m not. The ones you dated before me definitely were”She said.”Why don’t you tell me what my surprise is.”
He laughed at that comment.”If I do then it won’t be a surprise anymore.”
“And why am I getting it so late if I may ask.”
“Cause you were out till so late, I was hoping to have a nice quiet evening with you but you already had plans.”
“You don’t have to do things for me out of guilt…. cause if that’s the case then it will hurt even more than knowing that you don’t love me.”
“I’m not doing that. Can I not do something for my wife.”
“Can I ask you a question.”She asked. He nodded.”Do you think that you’ll ever fall in love.”
“I don’t believe in it, so I doubt it will ever happen.”
“Let’s assume for a second that it happens will we end up divorcing and share custody of our baby or will you fight for full custody.”
“You’re over thinking things again, and there’s no point in talking about something that will never happen.”
Reina doesn’t think she’ll be able to breath the day he falls in love with another woman except for her. She cannot picture a life without him, he’s the very air that she breathes, her strength as well as her weakness, without him she doesn’t exist.
“We’re home.”She heard him say.
She put on a fake smile and said.”I can’t wait for my surprise, aren’t we going to wake up your mom.”
He tenderly touched her face.”Don’t.”He told her.”Don’t torture yourself this way. I know this might not make any difference, but whatever I share with you I’ve never had with any woman before. Nor have I experience something so intense and strong before as I do with you.”
“I believe you. Let’s get inside.”She opened her door and climbed out the night air was cool the moon is out and shining bright. It’s so beautiful. She looked at Nico.”I want you to make love to me under the moonlight it’s such a beautiful night too, I wanna lay in your arms and fall asleep while looking at it.”
“Your wish is my command. When will you ask for something more corazon.”
“What I want you can’t give. So having you with me is more than enough.”Nothing was said further and they went inside quietly, at the stairs he stopped her and blindfolded her, before carrying her. She always felt safe and secured in his arms, like she belongs there as if they were made especially for her to be held like this by him.”Where are you taking me?”She asked after a while.
“Patience.”He said and kissed her.
“Your kisses are so delicious, but yet again no one can ever be disappointed with you.”
“Thank you for the compliment and I just love how you speak your mind so freely.”She heard a door open and then close.
“Please don’t tell me that we’re in your bedroom.”
He gently put her down.”Tempting as that sound we are not.”
“Then I can take the blind fold off.”She felt his hands on her shoulders.
“Let me.”He said and gently took it off.
“It’s dark.”She said.”What am I looking at.”
He switched on the light and she looked around her the room is empty and quite big. The walls are painted blue… baby blue, small tiny foot prints and hands were painted on the wall…. is this what she thinks it is. She turned and searched his eyes for confirmation and she found it, her heart melted at this nice gesture. Making a nursery for the baby hasn’t even crossed her mind at all she has been so busy thinking about leaving that she has completely forgot, but he hasn’t as always he takes care of everything… and she what is she going to do after Bella’s wedding. Leave and not say anything, guilt washed over her and she lowered her gaze, looking anywhere but at him. Tears filled up in her eyes, he has this whole idea that they will be living here together as one, as a family. He might not love her now but at least he’s trying and who says that in future he might not feel something for her. She gave him a hug.
“Hey… this was meant to put a smile on your face, not make you all emotional and bring tears to your eyes.”
“Tears of joy.”She mumbled.
“Than I suppose that’s a good thing. This will be our baby’s room and it’s attached to my bedroom which from now on I wanna see you in it. I’ve already asked Maria to move your stuff into my room, starting from tonight I want to see my wife next to me when I go to bed and her face is the first thing I wanna see when I wake up in the morning.”
Her tears started to roll and she held on even tighter not knowing how to respond. Somewhere deep down he has a heart to love and he does care no matter how hard he tries not to, and she being his wife needs to stand by him and help him not try to run from him. He lifted her head and wiped her tears with his thumbs.”There’s nothing I hate more than to see tears in your eyes. I don’t want you to think that I’ll ever take away our child from you because I won’t. In doing that I’ll be ripping a piece of me away too, so stop thinking such things.