“Hush now. From now on I’ll personally take care of you.”
“I’m here for that.”Nico said from behind them.
“And look where that got Reina on a hospital bed.”
“It’s not his fault, he’s not to bla-..”Reina began.
“Stop making excuses for him child.”Luciana said cutting her off.
“Enough now mother, may I have some time alone with my wife if that is not too much to ask.”
“I’ll only go if Reina is okay with that.”
“Someone is in the dog box.”Bella said.”And she’s not your wife yet clearly you cannot wait to marry her.”
“Reina…”Luciana said looking at her.
“I’m okay.”She assured her.
“We’ll be outside if you need anything, get ready the car is waiting and if he troubles you I wanna know.”
“That’s not required mother. You guys can go I’ll bring Reina home and thank you for the clothes.”
“Let’s go Bella. If you weren’t my son and if I didn’t love you the way that I did I would’ve never forgiven you. I’m going for the sake of Reina and the baby the doctor said she doesn’t need more stress. I’m angry at you.”With that they were gone.
Reina sat upright so that she can get out of bed. Nico rushed to her side.”Wait I’ll help you.”He said.
If she wasn’t feeling so weak she would’ve refused his help but truth be told she needed help to get to the bathroom, lord knows how she’ll be able to stand. He scooped her up in his arms and she wondered if it was a mistake, she could feel the warmth of his body and all she wanted to do was bury her face in his throat. Their eyes connected and she held her breath, as always his eyes are empty and unrevealing she wonders what is going through his head. Despite everything she still yearns for him and his touch she wants him to hold her and make love to her and tell her that everything will be okay, and that he doesn’t want her to leave him.
“Be careful corazon.”He warned.”You have no idea how hard it is for me to control myself with you being in my arms like this.”She looked away and hated the fact that he always knows what is going through her head. Her carried her to the bathroom.
“Will you be able stand on your own, or will you need my help.”
“I’ll manage.”She told him, and waited for him to leave but when he made no move she said.”You can go now.”
“I’m not leaving you alone in here. There’s nothing I haven’t seen before, besides we’ve taken many baths together. Nothing has changed.”
He watched her as she carefully undress the hospital gown, she fasten up her hair roughly ontop of her head before stepping inside the shower.
“You wanna tell me what happened.”He asked her.
“I don’t want to talk about it.”Reina wanted him to leave but yet his presence is comforting her, she has missed him and everything about him, his scent, his touch and that big strong body of his where she always finds solace in. Carefully stepping out of the shower she asks him for the towel and wrapped it around herself before completely getting out, being naked and near him will not be a good idea. She went to go and fetch her bag that his mother had brought.
“I’m going to get dressed and no I don’t need you to come with me, I’m perfectly capable of dressing myself give me five minutes.”She left him alone and five minutes later she emerged feeling slightly better now that she was in comfortable clothes. A white crop top with a grey pencil skirt along with matching flat pumps.
She wonders how Nico’s mother could’ve known that she would prefer her flat pumps, however she’s grateful. She had twisted her hair in a low rolled bun at her nape.
“We can go now.”She told him.
He blocked her way when she wanted to open the door, he gently grabbed her around the neck.”I’m sorry.”She saw that he meant it but it’s too late for apologies.
“Nico please…. not now, not here.”She didn’t have the strength to deal with him and whatever he wanted to say, and his touch wasn’t helping either.”I wanna get home.”
He didn’t press any further and they left in the car no one said anything, she looked out the window and thought how everything took a bad turn, one minute she was happy and the next devastated. She wonders if they’ll ever get past this, she wonders alot but for now she’ll shift everything aside till she’ll have the strength to deal with their situation.
Loving him will never change, letting him go will be impossible, she sank deeper into the leather seat of his car hoping that in some way it will comfort her. He slowly pulled up the driveway and parked the car in the garage, when he switched off the car she reached for the door but he stopped her by grabbing her hand.
“No one at home knows what’s going on. So until we’ve come up with a solution I suggest we keep quiet for now.”
“I wasn’t planning on saying anything either, just so you know after Bella’s wedding I’m leaving and nothing you say will make a difference so don’t waste your breath by trying to convince me not to.”She freed her hand from his grip and got out of the car, before going inside she took a deep breath before releasing it. Pretending nothing is wrong and that all is well will be hard but she can do this. Maria opened the door for her and she stepped inside.
“Senora… you okay.”
“Yes Maria I’m fine thank you and before you gonna ask, I’ll have a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice with a salad. Where is everyone.”
“Senora Luciana went to go and get your food that the doctor prescribed and senorita Bella went with her.”
“Okay. Please bring my food up to my room then.”She nodded at Reina.
“Senor, it’s good to see you. Can I get you anything.”
“No Maria.”
Reina proceeded up the stairs she knows Nico will follow her and try to talk but all she wants is to be far away from him. When she got to her room she locked herself in until Maria came and brought her food.
“Thank you, Maria.”She left afterwards leaving Reina alone…. by the time her food is finished Bella and Luciana came to check up on her, she told them that she’s fine and that they should stop stressing, after that they talked about the wedding and checked if all is still in place for the big day. The day flew by without her feeling it, probably because she hasn’t seen Nico he hasn’t bothered her since they have came back from the hospital and he also hasn’t left the house he’s been cooped up in the study all day. Even though a small part of her is disappointed that he hasn’t come to see her yet, another was grateful that he respected her enough to leave her alone. She came out of the bathroom brushing her freshly washed hair, a long bath and a few drops of massaging oil can really do wonders for one’s body. She’s feeling much better than this morning when they had left the hospital tonight she’ll be eating in her bedroom. When she was done brushing her hair she slipped on her long silk v-neck night gown that’s pink and has a thigh high slit with ivory lace trimmed in. She hears a soft knock on the door and assumes it’s Maria with her dinner, she opens the door with a smile on her face, but instead of Maria it’s Nico holding a small tray in his big hands….. hands that do magic on her body.
She’s looking so sensual and all he wanted to do is take her in his arms and love her. LOVE. He asked himself and felt something pull on his heart strings.