Book:One Night Stand with Mr CEO Published:2025-2-9

“I don’t know mom. We were talking and then out of no where she just got so angry when I said she needed to eat for the baby. Then she jumped out of bed and lost her balance.”
“Her pulse is weak.”Luciana said.”We need to get her to the hospital. Where is your brother?”
“I don’t know mom.”Bella is scared to death.”I’ll go and get Jose to help us get her in the car.”In less than five minutes they have gotten Reina in the car and are now on their way to the hospital.
“Have you called Nicolas.”Her mother asked concern clear in her voice.
“I did but his phone is off, I left him a message.”When they reached the hospital, immediately they were helped and the doctor told them to wait in the waiting area.”She’s pregnant doctor.”Bella said before he left.
An hour passed before the doctor came and spoke to them. “She and the baby are both fine. She fainted due to exhaustion and I’d advice that she eats more and take alot of rest, she took a hard hit when she fell we’re just waiting for her MRI results to get back to see if there is any damage but other then that she’ll be perfectly fine. We going to keep her over night to monitor her, her pulse is still weak, and in her condition additional stress isn’t good for the baby.”
“Can we see her.”Luciana asked.
“Of course but not for long, we’ve sedated her for now as I’ve said she needs rest.”
“Thank you doctor.”Bella could see her mother is close to tears.”It’s okay mom.”She said giving her mother a hug.”Mom heard the doctor she’s going to be fine.”
“Have you reached your brother yet.”She asked, Bella only shook her head.”Let’s go inside.”Luciana sat down in the chair that’s next to the bed, she took Reina’s hand in her own.”Oh Reina…”She breathed softly.
“I just don’t get why she got so upset, is everything still okay between her and Nico.”
Luciana has no idea she can only hope that Nicolas has nothing to do with Reina’s current condition.”This is not the time for questions Isabella Reina’s health is more important why don’t you try your brother again.”
Bella tried calling Nicolas again but to no avail, she wonders where he could be. She left another message saying that he should call back it’s urgent.”His phone is still off.”She told her mother when she went back inside.
“I’ll stay here with her for the night, hopefully tomorrow they’ll discharge her.”Luciana said.
“Mom there’s no need. I’ll stay you go home and get rest the doctor did say they gave her a sedative I don’t think she’ll wake up anytime soon. Please mom if anything changes I’ll call.”
“Are you sure?”She nodded.”Alright take care then.”After her mother had left she took her seat, Bella hopes that Reina will be okay.
Nico checked his wrist watch and saw it’s seven thirty, it has been a long night he couldn’t get Reina out of his mind he wonders if she’s okay. He had switched of his phone the moment he had gotten on the plane the meeting he was suppose to have in Spain got cancelled at the last minute immediately he had decided to come home. He’s feeling guilty for letting Reina take a flight home alone, especially since she didn’t look okay to him. When he climbed into his car and drove out of the airport he switched on his phone, he saw ten missed calls from Bella and two voice mails. He listened to the voice mails.
Nico please call me it’s urgent. The first one said, he played the second one. Nico it’s me again, where are you. Call me as soon as you get this. It’s really urgent.
She sounded anxious and worried, without wasting time he called her back.
The sound of her phone ringing woke Bella up, she slowly lifted her head and saw that Reina is still sleeping. She got up and went to go stand outside before answering the call.
“What’s wrong Bella. I just received your voice messages.”
“Where are you?”She asked.
“On my way to the hotel.”He told her.”Why?”
“Reina’s in the hospital. We tried call..-”
“What!”He yelled almost screaming off her ear.”Why am I only hearing about this now.”
“It’s not my fault your phone was off.”
“What happened. Is she okay. The baby?”
“Just get here.”She pleaded and gave him the details of where they were. In less than an hour he was there.
“Where is she?”He demanded. Bella took him to her room. Nico couldn’t believe that she’s lying there so defenseless and fragile, her face is pale and he could see the dark circles around her eyes. He walked over to her and caressed her face lightly.”How did this happened.”He asked harshly.
“It all happened so fast even I didn’t get a chance to make it all out.”She ran a hand through her hair.”We were talking then I offered her food because Maria said she didn’t have anything for the day. She refused and then I mention the baby she just got so upset and jumped off the bed and the next thing I saw her lying on the floor.”
Anger and frustration ran through Nico’s body he’s shaking all over with fear, something he told himself he would never experience. For the first time in his life he’s afraid and it’s a feeling that doesn’t sit well on him.
“I’m sorry Nico.”She said, Bella’s eyes were full of tears he can see his sister is scared and worried and she thinks it’s her fault.
“Come here.”He told her.”It’s okay it wasn’t your fault, accidents happen.”He hugged her tightly not knowing if she needed it more or him.”Where’s the doctor?”
“He saw her early this morning but he said he’ll come back after an hour to check on her again. Mom is on her way too, with some of Reina’s stuff.”
“Go home and get some rest. I’ll stay with her.”
“Are you sure, looks like you the one who needs rest.”
“Don’t worry about me I’ll be fine.”He kissed her on the forehead.”Take care of yourself, you’re getting married in a day.”
“What about Reina, we can delay it for now until she gets better.”
“Nicolas….”They heard Reina whisper softly, he quickly ran to her side.”Nicolas.”She said again.
“I’m here.”He said softly touching her head and caressing her hair. A knock came from the door and the doctor came in followed by his mother.
“Good morning everyone.”The doctor said, he looked at Nico as if he knows him.”Mr Garcia.”He asked and waited for confirmation.
“Yes, do we know each other.”Nico asked him.
“No. But who doesn’t know you, you’re Vegas’s astute and successful business man for five years in a row I have to say I’m impressed and what an honor to meet you. Dr Quinn.”
They shook hands.”Likewise.”Nico returned.”How is she?”
“She’s going to be perfectly fine, no serious injuries. She did take a hard blow to the head but she’s okay, if she experiences any dizziness or light headedness don’t worry it’s nothing serious but I’d advice that she takes it easy and rest. She’s weak and not eating properly that’s not good for the baby, I’ll give a list of things to buy that she can eat so that she can regain her strength. Her MRI also came back clear she can leave when ever she’s ready, but I do wanna see her again after a week… and please she doesn’t need additional stress don’t forget she’s pregnant.”
Nico partly blames himself for Reina’s condition if he hadn’t pushed her away and ignored her she might not be lying in this bed.”Anything else?”He wanted to know.
“No.”The doctor said.”I’ll send in a nurse to come and take of her IV. How are you feeling Mrs Garcia any dizziness nauseousness.”He came over to check her breathing.
“I’m… I’m fine.”She murmured.
“Your pulse is better than yesterday. I’m glad. You can leave when ever you are ready. And I’d recommend that you take a few days off to let your body get the rest it needs, and don’t exert yourself I’ll take your leave now.”
“Dr Quinn can I talk to you outside.”Nico said.
“Of course.”When they left Bella went over and gave Reina a hug.
“You scared me don’t ever do that again.”
“I’m sorry for yelling at you please forgive me.”
“There’s nothing to forgive it was tiredness that spoke, are you sure you feeling a bit better now.”
“Yes. How can I not be when I have you guys here.”
“Come now.”Luciana complained.”Leave some of those hugs for me too.”Both Bella and Reina laughed.”It’s good to see that glow on your face my child, you scared us yesterday.”
“I’m sorry.”She said again.”I didn-“