Book:One Night Stand with Mr CEO Published:2025-2-9

“Why did you marry me. You could’ve said no… then why didn’t you.”
“It’s a little too late to ask that question. Let’s get an ice pack on your hand sit down I’ll be right back.”She quickly went to the kitchen and grabbed the ice.”Give me your hand.”She demanded when she got back.
He watched as she took care of his hand with her soft touch. She cares more for him than she does for herself, how can he allow her to stay with him while she’s hurting, while she’s yearning for the one thing he cannot give her. He doesn’t like to see her in pain and to know he caused those tears in her eyes makes him angry at himself, he never wanted to hurt her, yes he wants her and yes he doesn’t want to let her go but he also doesn’t wanna see tears in her eyes or hurt her intentionally. Letting her go will be hard but for her to stay out of compulsion he will not allow, his mother was right he should’ve let her go.
“I heard you talking over the phone.”He admitted and she stopped doing whatever she was busy with. Her eyes slowly met his.
“What did you hear exactly.”She stood up and looked away.
“Everything.”He said. She draw in a sharp breath and felt paralyzed at her knees, she held onto the couch for support afraid her legs might give away at any second.”Why didn’t you tell me.”
“And say what Nico. That I’m in love with you after you made it very clear that there’ll never be any real bond between us except for the baby.”
“I wouldn’t have let us get married if I had known that’s how you really felt.”He told her honestly, he saw her knuckles turn white where she’s holding onto the edge of the couch. He wanted to reach out to her but if he did that it will be more harder for her to leave if it comes to that.
Reina is fighting so hard to keep down the tears that’s choked up in her throat, she can’t believe she had just heard him say that.
“It’s a little late for regrets Nico. What’s done is done.”
“I’m ready to give you a divorce if you want one, no one knows that we are married except for mom. You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to.”
All the strength that had been left in her body just drained out by his words, she sank down on the couch and silently her tears flowed down her cheeks. What had turned out so beautifully is now just a memory.
“If you think I’m just going to give up on this marriage without giving it a chance than you’re mistaken.”She said with a steady voice even though she’s dying inside.
“I can never love you Reina. You deserve better than what I can offer you.”
His words pierced her like a knife right through her heart. “You never asked me to love you it’s all on me. So please don’t try to convince me otherwise. I’m staying and that’s final.”She got up on shaky legs and faced him, her face is a mess and she didn’t want him to see how he has hurt her.
Seeing her cheeks wet with tears killed him”Think about it for how long do you think you can stay with a man who will never return your love. A woman like you won’t be able to. I don’t wanna hurt you and our baby…. you’re a good woman Reina, mother was right I don’t deserve you.”There was an endless silence before she heard the elevator and then he was gone. She collapsed to the floor and the flood gates opened.
The following couple of days that led up to Bella’s wedding was the hardest ever. She and Nico have grown apart, he has made sure to keep his distance and when ever he does talk to her he’s civil. He’s shutting her out so that she can leave all on her own and she has.. she’s gotten tired of his behaviour and the way he’s treating her. She has left him in Paris where he’ll take a flight to Spain. His cold distant behaviour has become too much for her to handle, soon she’ll be home. She’s physically and emotionally drained her heart is shattered and she doesn’t have the strength to face each day, after Bella’s wedding she’ll be going away for a while, away from Nico and all the hurt she’s feeling when ever she’s near him. She cries herself to sleep at night, last night the tears didn’t come at all…. she’s going to hand in her resignation as soon as possible. Leaving is the only option that seems plausible at this point no matter how hard it will be, some time away might clear her head and bring things into perspective.
By the time she got to her flat she was exhausted and wanted to go to bed, but it wasn’t going to be so easy. Her flat has been rented out to someone else since she hasn’t been staying there in weeks. Great she thought another problem that she has to deal with she can’t even go and stay over at Cathy’s because she’s staying with Logan, she can’t intrude on them especially now. There is only one option left going back to the one place she had been avoiding to go to. The Garcia’s house. This is a bad idea she kept on telling herself the whole time in the taxi and when the taxi stopped in front of their house she knew it was too late now to turn back. The driver helped her to get her bags out in the back of the trunk, she paid him and carried on inside. Maria the housekeeper greeted her.
“Senora, come in. Welcome back.”She looked behind Reina. “Senor no.”She asked.
“No Maria.”She responded.”I’m alone. Where is everyone?”
“Gone. They went for lunch, can I get you anything.”
Good no one is here she can just go to her room and rest before she’s gonna get bombard with questions.”No thanks Maria I’m fine. I’ll just go to bed and rest for a while. Please I don’t want to be disturb if anyone asks questions. I’m asleep” She nodded and Reina went upstairs, she took a quick shower and jumped into bed but not before switching of her phone.
Nico tried calling her again but her phone goes straight to voice mail, he hopes she’s okay. These few days that has passed had been tough he has seen the pain and hurt reflect in her eyes, that’s why he had avoid her as much as possible, only coming back late when she’s already asleep and leaving early before she wakes up. He has pushed her away so that she could leave on her own and now that she has, he feels an empty void a space only her presence can fill. His heart is burning probably with guilt. He needed her but yet he cannot have her, she refuses to get a divorce… she had told him that their marriage can remain a secret until whenever one of them will find someone else. He doesn’t think he’ll be able to handle her moving on with another man let alone see her being touched and caressed by one. He has made the right decision he told himself, but somewhere deep down he feels it’s the wrong one.
She heard someone calling out her name and moaned. Can’t they leave her alone she just wants to be left alone.
“Reina.. wake up.”She heard Bella’s soft voice say, she slowly sat upright.
“What time is it?”She asked placing a hand on her forehead, she has a headache.
“Eight. I’ve brought you dinner Maria said you didn’t have anything for the whole day.”
“I’m not hungry.”She said, food had no taste these days.
“Come on you have to eat. You pregnant or have you forgotten.”
Somehow that ticked her off.”The baby! Is that all everyone seems to care about. The god damn baby! The baby this, the baby that… what about me dammit! What about what I want.” She jumped out of bed so fast that dizziness came over her and she lost her balance and fell to the floor unconscious.
Bella rushed to where she’s laying on the ground not being conscious and tried to wake her up but with little success. “Mom!”She yelled out.”Mom. Come quickly!”
Luciana came running into the room.”Isabella what’s thi-…. oh my word what happened.”She asked when she saw Reina lying on the floor.