Book:One Night Stand with Mr CEO Published:2025-2-9

“Just take it and do whatever you wanna do with it. You can spend it on the baby if that will make you feel better. For me money is no issue and I just want you to be happy and not be short of anything.”
If only he could understand that she doesn’t need his money, she’d trade all the money in the world just for him to love her, him loving her is all that she needs if she has that then nothing else matters. She took the cards but only to make him happy because only she knows that she won’t use them. Her cell rang.”I have to take that.”She told him. He let go of her and she quickly ran to the bedroom it must be Cathy she thought to herself.
“What took you so long.”She heard her friend say on the other line.
Reina laughed.”What happened to greeting these days.”
“I guess it left along with you. Why didn’t you tell me that you’re going to Berlin.”
“I also got to know when we were about to leave, but how did you find out.”
“Your soon to be sister-in-law told me I stopped by there yesterday to tell you how everything went but apparently you jumped on a plane and flew tens of thousands of miles away from me.”
“I’m sorry Cath.”She said.”I didn’t know.”
“It’s okay. I don’t blame you, life with a billionaire won’t be easy as soon as you’re going to be his wife it will get worse. Last minute travelling, hosting parties, attending dinner parties and going to brunch with alot of uptight snobbish bitter wifes. Just don’t become like them I don’t think I’ll ever forgive you.”
Reina laughed at Cathy’s remarks.”I have you to keep me in check don’t I.”
“Damn right you do I don’t wanna lose my best friend.”
“You won’t. Now are you going to tell me how it went.”
“You’re officially talking to the future Mrs Logan Slater.”
“Congrats! I’m sure Logan must’ve been happy.”
“Happy he was ecstatic. Apparently we both were having the same thing in mind he was going to ask me again, but I beat him to it.”
“When’s the big day?”Reina asked.
“That is still something we gonna have to discuss, for now I’m happy to be engage to the man of my dreams the man I’ll love till eternity.”
Reina wished she could say that out loud and scream it to the whole world, love is meant to be shared and returned. Her heart ached to express her feelings to Nico but another part warns her to be careful because if he tells her that he doesn’t share the same feelings it will break her completely, not knowing for now is okay but in the long run she wasn’t so sure.
“Reina are you crying.”She heard Cathy asked she hadn’t even felt the tears as they had escape from her eyes.
“No… no I’m not. What gives you that idea.”She quickly wiped away her tears as if Cathy is there and she’ll see.
“You know you cannot hide anything from me. I can hear from your tone that you’re not okay.”
Nico went to go and check if Reina is still okay, she has been gone for a while now. He stopped when he heard her talking over the phone he knows he shouldn’t be eavesdropping but his legs doesn’t want to move.
“Yes I’m crying.”He heard her say.”I’m crying because I’m happy for you.”
“Do you really think I’m going to fall for that one.”
“You so lucky Cath that Logan loves you. I wish I could have the same.”
“What nonsense are you saying now.”Cathy told her.”Nico loves you too.”
She gave a pitiful laugh.”If only that’s true. I can only wish that a man like him can love me.”
“Reina… you’ve lost me. What’s really going on?”
“It’s a long complicated story, but to make it short and sweet Nico doesn’t love me and I don’t think that it will ever happen. I was stupid enough to fall in love with him even though he had warn me not to. Even though he had made it clear from the word get go that he will never be able to love anyone and that I shouldn’t expect anything from him, through it all I was dumb enough to fall for him regardless of what he has told me from the start.”
“Reina…”Her friend said in a sympathetic voice, which made her want to cry even harder.”It’s not your fault friend, we don’t ask who we fall in love with it just happens. Then why are you getting married to him.”
“I love him he makes me happy. I’m complete when he’s near me. Besides I owe it to our baby to give it a try don’t I. Nico doesn’t strike me as the type of man who would settle to be a part time dad somewhere in the long run or whenever the baby is gonna be born he would’ve demanded full custody and we both know he would’ve won. He has money, power and alot of influence where will that leave me to see my own baby on weekends only I don’t want that for either of us. This baby deserves to have what I never had a dad who’ll be there for him and who’ll love him and protect him. In my heart I know he’ll be a good dad and he’ll do right by me even if he doesn’t love me it might not be much, but it’s enough for me.”
“Are you sure? I mean…. what if he falls in love with another woman.”
The thought has crossed her mind alot but in life we all have to take risks.”It’s a risk I’m gonna have to take.”
“You don’t have to though.”Cathy tried to convince her.
“I know I don’t have to. But wouldn’t you do anything for Logan.”
“I would.”She said softly.
“I’ve gotta go now but we’ll talk soon. Take care of yourself and I love you.”
“You too and don’t be a stranger I love you too friend.”
“Bye…”Reina dropped the call and went to the bathroom to rinse of her face. Nico turned away being stunned speechless by what Reina had said, he did know that she loved him but what he didn’t know was what a big sacrifice it is for her. He knows it all too well, to live with someone and not being loved in return it had happened with his mother. She had loved his father but he didn’t give a damn he had multiple lovers and didn’t even care if she knew or not, the only reason his mother had stayed was because of him and Bella and also because she had loved his dad. He has always told himself that he would never be like his dad but here he is being no different than his dad doing what his dad did to his mom to Reina. He ran a hand through his hair at that moment he hated himself for what she’s going through and to make matters worse he has already married her, he slammed his fist into the wall leaving a dent.”Nico…! He heard Reina yell. She grabbed his hand and saw a small bruise.”What are you doing. What’s wrong. Did something happen.”
She gently caressed his hand and kissed his knuckles where it it’s bruised from hitting the wall. He took her hands in his and held it tightly.”You’ve been crying.”
“No I haven’t.”She lied.
“Your eyes are swollen and all red.”
“There was something in my eye that’s all. What’s wrong you look upset.”
He looked at her for a long time before answering.”Why are you so good. Why do you care so much.”
“I.. I… it’s because you’re my husband. It’s my duty to care, wives take care of their husbands. Don’t they.”