Book:One Night Stand with Mr CEO Published:2025-2-9

His cell buzzed and he saw it’s Anastasia he immediately dropped the call why can’t the woman get the picture and leave him alone. He gulped down his drink and went to go and take a shower, he missed Reina and her beautiful luscious body he so badly wanted to make love to her, the whole day he couldn’t stop thinking about her and what she had been up to. He had felt bad for leaving her in a place she doesn’t know the urge to call her had been strong. After his shower he went to bed and joined her, her body is so warm and he couldn’t help himself he pulled her into his arms and love how she curled her soft feminine body up against him.
He was hard instantly falling asleep won’t be so easy as he had first thought, she snuggled up even more and feeling her naked legs around him is killing him. He gently woke her with a kiss and brushed his fingers up and down her arms, she stirred and moaned he shifted slightly and planted kisses on her face he then moved to her neck. She moaned again and called out his name softly.
“Si corazon.”He responded.”It’s me.”Her hands went around his neck. He moved over her and put one leg between her thighs he began planting kisses on her neck then moved to her shoulder blades. One hand went to her breast and he felt that she isn’t wearing any bra. His hands started to move all over her body and when he discovered that she’s naked underneath her night dress he groaned in satisfaction without wasting any time he removed her night dress, and began kissing her all over. She writhed under him and his name came out in a sob from her parted lips as she begged him to enter her. Then he was inside her filling her, her legs went around his waist her fingers were entangled in his jet black hair, he started to move inside her and she matched his rhythm. She was in tune with every thrust she held onto him as he pushed deeper and harder screaming out in pain and pleasure. Her cries motivated him even more, he began to pick up the pace and thrust faster and harder, his buttocks tightened and he swelled further within her then seconds later he released and spilled inside her. She cried out again as she came and mixed emotions ran through her body, Nico held onto her and she tightened her arms around him. Out of no where she felt tears roll down her cheeks, she quickly wiped them away, she’s connected to this man he made her whole he is her better half and somewhere in her heart she’s afraid that it might not last regardless of her being his wife. He rolled of her and pulled her with him, her head resting on his chest she could hear his heart and how steady it’s beating, how she wishes that he can belong to her mind, soul and heart. He kissed her forehead so tenderly that another wave of emotion came over her and she could feel the tears were ready to fall again. She suppressed them and cried inside her heart instead she can now understand why they say love hurts despite it being beautiful. After a while she heard his steady breathing and knew he’s asleep, not long after he had fallen asleep she herself fell into a deep sleep.
The following morning when she woke up she saw that Nico is still asleep, she gently removed his heavy arm from around her waist and went to go and take a bath. Following her bath she went to go and prepare breakfast. Since Nico always eats take outs she decides that a cooked meal would be best, besides it’s been ages since she’s been behind a stove, she only hopes that he has food inside his massive kitchen cupboards. She began with the coffee she knows he loves his coffee especially black with no sugar.
The smell of fresh coffee woke him up, he turned and found that Reina isn’t in bed. He got up and put on his satin pajama bottoms and headed for the kitchen where the smell is coming from he saw her standing behind the stove cooking he immediately stopped in his tracks and watched her from a distance as she took out the eggs from the pan. She’s so focused on her task as if she’s been doing this every morning he smiled at her, she’d make a good mother that’s for sure and he’s grateful that she’ll be the mother of his child. He knows she’ll take good care of their baby at least his child will have what he never had love, affection, security and protection and this beautiful woman will be there to provide it for him or her. She is looking amazing in her blue jeans that’s hugging her waistline and showing her luscious curves, along with a white floral blouse with her hair made up in a ponytail. She looked up and saw him and gave him one of her beautiful smiles it hit him right in the heart.
“Good morning. I hope you’re hungry.”
He is but for her. She pour him a cup of coffee.”Thank you.”He said when she handed it to him.
“You can cook?”He asked.
“Yes I can. Mom taught me as soon as I became of age, so yes I do know a thing or two.”
“You’ll make a good mother.”He said and took a sip of his coffee. She stopped mid-way from taking out the bacon from the pan.
“Where is that coming from?”He seemed lost in his own world as if he’s stuck in another lifetime, but it only lasted for a second. That cold empty look was back where he’s hiding all his feelings.
“It’s true. I can tell you have that motherly instinct. I’ve never wanted kids or to get married, but I’m glad that my child will have you as their mother.”
She’s taken aback by his revelation, before she could answer he pushed his chair back and got up.”Let me go freshen up before we gonna eat.”
And just like that he was gone, leaving her with more questions than answers she wonders what scars he bears that’s not letting him allow anyone too close. She finished up making breakfast and by the time he joined her again at the kitchen island everything was already laid out. He’s so extremely handsome in his black designer jeans and tight fit v-neck grey sweater, his hair still wet and one curl is hanging over his forehead, her fingers are itching to touch it.
“I take it that you’re not going to work today.”
“Everyone needs a break. Don’t you think? What do you wanna do today?”
“What did you have in mind. I don’t know the place.”She lifted one eyebrow.”Why don’t you show me a good time.”
He sat down and she took the chair next to him. She dished up for them and caught him staring.
“What?”She asked putting a grape in her mouth.”You’re always staring at me.”
“Let’s eat the food smells nice. I hope it’s edible.”He said with a smile.
“Ha-ha. Very funny Mr Garcia. You’ll be eating your words soon.”
Both of them ate in silence and surprisingly Nico finished up his food.”That was delicious. I’ve got to say this is the second time in my life that I’ve ate food made by a woman with her own two hands and I have to admit I’m impressed Mrs Garcia, you did good.”
She smiled at him.”Why thank you sir. I feel honored that I have met up to your standards.”She joked.
He held out his hand to her.”Come here.”He ordered.
“Let me put the dishes away first.”
“Leave that. Someone will come and take care of it.”
“It feels so wrong to let someone else clean up after me, mom has taught me different. Please give me one minute I’ll quickly put them in the dishwasher.”Before he could disagree she quickly ran bare feet and put the dishes in the washer.”I’m done.”
He pulled her ontop of him and took of her elastic band that’s holding her hair, it came tumbling down around her. “That’s much better.”He slowly slid his arm around her waist and the other went to her face. He gently caressed her cheek and she leaned into it loving the feel of his fingers on her skin.
“I forgot to give you this.”He said bringing her back from her dream land, she saw him holding two credit cards and looked at him confused.
“What’s this.”
“Last time I checked they are credit cards.”
She climbed off him.”That’s not what I meant. I thought we agreed…-”
“We didn’t agree on anything, you just assumed. Take it.”He held it towards her.
“No!”She said it out loud.”I will not be bought by anyone.”
“And who said anything about being bought.”He stood up too.
“If I take those cards then it will be exactly that.”She flung at him.”I have a job I can by my own stuff, it’s bad enough that I had to accept all those clothes and jewelry just so that I could fit in your social circle and lifestyle… but.. but this it’s too much.”
“No. Nicolas please don’t this. I won’t be one of those trophy wife’s who only knows how to spend their husbands money and watch from a distance how their husbands have affairs or mistresses.”
He walked over to her and grabbed her shoulders.”You won’t be like that you’re far too stubborn to listen to anyone.”He took a strand of her hair and stared deep into her eyes.”I will never cheat on you or have extra marital affairs, don’t ever question my fidelity. You are my wife, so yes I expect you to spend my money. I promise you won’t make me bankrupt.”He said that with a smile.