“She’s right son. Bella isn’t your little sister anymore she’s a grown woman who’s getting married in a week, let her soon to be husband take care of her isn’t paying for the wedding enough.”
“There’s no reason why I can’t do all that.”He teased.
“Nicolas!”Both of them said.
“Joke.”He laughed and poured them something to drink.
Dinner was served and they ate in silence until his cell rang and he saw it was Anastasia he dropped the call and put his cell on silent. He loved the fact that Reina doesn’t question him she waits for him to talk when ever he was ready. All of them moved to the patio after dinner and enjoyed a last drink before going to bed, tonight she was drinking chamomile tea and it was going down nice. When it was finished she asked Nico if he wouldn’t mind getting her another cup.
“It will be my pleasure to be your slave.”He said and she playfully elbowed him in the ribs.”You wound me my lady.” He said before leaving.
“I’ve never seen my son this happy with any woman. I must thank you dear he’s even home alot these days, before I used to fight with him just so that he can come and see me but now I don’t have to having you here I see more of him. You’re a godsend.”
“I’m happy to hear that I could at least repay back the love and care you’ve showered on me since my arrival.”His cell rang again.
“Answer it.”His mother said.”It could be important.”
“Hello.”She spoke softly.
“Nico darling.”She heard a woman’s voice say on the other end.
She spoke in an even tone but was far from okay.”Can I help you?”
He returned with her tea and she handed him his phone not able to stomach the fact that another woman has called and so late.
“Don’t call me again.”She vaguely heard him say.”I thought I told you to delete my number. This is your last warning call me again or show up unannounced at my office there’ll be serious consequences.”
“I can only guess who that was.”His mother said.
“I do not want to talk about that woman.”He told his mother.
“Some things are bound to come back and haunt us son. I never could understand why you dated that woman I knew she was bad news from the moment I saw you together on the news. Thank goodness you never brought her infront of me.”
“Mother please!”He barked.
“Good night Reina.”She stood up and left. There was an endless silence.
“I’m going to bed too.”She told him.
“I’m tired.”She said.
“I’m not cheating on you.”
“I never said that you were Nico.”He took her hand and led her upstairs to her own bedroom.
“Sit down.”He instructed and she sat on the bed.”That was my ex…-”
“You don’t owe me any explanation. It was your past.”
“Don’t interrupt me again.”He warned.”She’s my ex girlfriend and a mistake that I regret everyday of my life. Her name is Anastasia and we broke up a year ago but she doesn’t want to let go, she keeps on calling and texting and coming to my office unannounced. I’m starting to believe that she’s trying to get back at me for calling things of she has this notion of if she can’t have me then no one will.”He paused for a moment before continuing.”Remember the night I bumped into you.”
It’s a night that she’ll never forget Reina thought and nodded at him.”I was trying to get away from her somehow she had found out where I was and came. For a while it stopped but it started again when she saw my engagement on tv I know she wants to use you to get to me that’s why I’ve tried very hard to keep her away from you, she’s a wicked woman who’ll do anything to get what she wants and me rejecting her made things worse.”
She walked over to him and gave him a hug, him explaining things to her cleared up all the doubts she had.”I trust you wholeheartedly.”
“I want you to be safe as well as our baby.”He put his arms around her.
“We are because we have you. Our stallion.”His hold tightened on her but not too much to hurt her.
“There’s so much more I want to tell you about my past and of how I grew up.”
“Not today.”She said.”One thing at a time besides I’m exhausted I wanna go to bed.”
“Go and change then.”He ordered her. Seconds later she entered the bedroom wearing her black night dress she saw he had already opened up the bed for her and he was still fully clothed. He took her hand and led her to bed where he tucked her in and kissed her forehead as if she was a little girl.”Sleep I’ll stay with you until you fall asleep.”He gently stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. She let herself drown in his touch and it didn’t take that long for her to fall asleep. When she woke again she found him lying next to her with his arm around her waist she twisted herself around so that she could face him. A day after tomorrow he’ll be her husband this sexy hunk she still can’t believe that he’s all hers. She touched his cheek and he stirred but didn’t wake even in his sleep he looks gorgeous. A part of her can understand why some woman cannot let go of him or love him unconditionally, she herself can’t picture her life without him losing him would be like living without oxygen. She only hopes that nothing will come between them.
She was putting on the last finishing touches of her make-up, today she was getting married. Her soon to be husband is also getting ready and she can’t wait for him to be her husband. Last night they had spend the night here at the penthouse to avoid further questioning and now here they were only two hours away from being husband and wife.
Nico has chosen her wedding dress and she has to say it sat perfectly on her, he had kept it hidden from her until this morning. She had been surprised at the fact that he knows her size so she had asked him.
“I know everything about you corazon.”He had told her and she had smiled at him.
The mermaid design was elegant and simple something she herself would have chosen it had lots of style and was unique. It was in marvelous crepe with a strapless neckline and cap sleeves that outlined her silhouette giving it a very special air of romance… it enhanced her femininity and sensuality. She turned when she saw him standing behind her in his tuxedo and looking handsome.”You look handsome too good to eat.” She teased.
“And you’re the most beautiful looking woman on this planet.”They were standing a few feet away from one another.
“I’m afraid to come close. I might not be able to keep my hands of you.”
“Then it’s better if we stay apart for now.”
“You let your hair loose?”
“You asked me to and you know I can’t say no to you.”
He walked over to her.”I have something for you.”
“You’ve given me enough I don’t need anything else.”
He opened up the small box and she saw her earrings in there, the ones she had sold to give the bank their money after her mother’s passing.