Book:One Night Stand with Mr CEO Published:2025-2-9

“Please call me Santiago. I won’t take no for an answer.”
“What is it with this family and their no’s.”
“We treat those we trust as family and you are.”Bella interjected.
“Honey… it’s time for us to leave. Remember I still have a meeting I’ll wait for you in the car. Reina it was good seeing you.”
“You too.”She said.
“I’ll see you later and take it easy, don’t work too much. And promise me that you’ll take rest if you feel tired there’s still time for the wedding no need to rush. If brother finds out that you working yourself to death he’ll blame me and trust me an angry Nicolas will breathe fire on you.”
“Stop worrying about me I’ll be fine. Now go before Santiago will come back and carry you out.”
“He wouldn’t dare.”She said laughing and got up to give Reina a hug.”Take care.”
The rest of the day passed in a blur as she worked in the studio that Bella had set up for her. Everything that she needed was there and there was only the best which made her job alot easier. She worked without taking a break a soft knock on the door made her stop.
“Come in.”She said and saw Nicolas’s mother enter the room with a small tray in her hands. She quickly stood up.
“Mrs Garcia.”She waved for Reina to sit down again and she did.
“My controlling son send this and also told me to make sure you finish it.”
“There really was no need ma’am. I’m not hungry.”
“You might not be, but someone else might be?”She told her.
Reina pretended not to know what she was talking about.”I don’t understand.”
“Just because I don’t say anything dear, doesn’t mean I’m oblivious to what is happening around me. Come now eat up.”
There is sandwiches and a cup of ginger tea on the tray as well as mixed fruits with yogurt and crackers. She did as she was told and started eating.
“You are a bit skinny for an expecting mother. Are you eating well dear.”
“Food doesn’t seem to want to stay down.”
“No problem from now on I’ll let Maria make your own menu.”
“No please don’t…-”
“If you are taken care of then my grandson or daughter will be taken care of si.”
She kept quiet and finished up. These people hardly know her and they are treating her like she’s one of them, this was too much. She felt her heart contract with overwhelming emotion.
When she was done Mrs Garcia came over to her and touched her cheek. Like how a mother would and she almost broke down.
“Nico chose well this time around.”She said and left but stopped at the door.”I won’t say anything and take rest you look tired.”With that the door closed softly behind her. She couldn’t hold it in anymore the tears started flowing down her cheeks. Times like these she missed her mom someone she could talk to and share her feelings with. What was she gonna do Nicolas’s family seemed to have their own ideas about what’s going on between them, they think that everything is perfect and that they are together, but they couldn’t be further from the truth. The big question was could she go on with a farce relationship that can end at anytime was she prepared to get her heart broken. She walked over to the lounger that was also in the room and went to go lay down she’s beyond tired and thinking wasn’t helping either. She gently placed her hand on her abdomen. A life is growing in her and she was happy but what Bella had told her this morning had scared her a bit. If Nicolas can find out about her pregnancy then he’ll want them to get married, she can’t marry him and she won’t. Marriage is a lifetime thing and she won’t be able to live with someone who can’t love her or won’t at least try. Nicolas is a bachelor and it seems he loves his life who is she to disrupt that. After a while she fell asleep.
Luciana Garcia pushed the door gently opened, she had heard how the poor girl had cried she’s different from the ones that her son normally chose. She has pride and doesn’t accept things so easily a woman that wants to stand on her own feet, she smiled to herself and thought how Reina reminded her of herself when she was at her age. She covered her with the blanket that she had brought with her. Nicolas was gonna be on his toes when it comes to her. She had a mind of her own and won’t be taking orders from anyone. She’s gonna have to talk to him.
He strode into the house and made his way over to the studio where Reina is working, he just hopes that she’s still here. The whole day he couldn’t get her out of his head he had even left work early just so that he could see her and be with her. He saw his mother coming out of the studio.
“No son.”She told him.”Let her rest I need to talk to you.”
“Mother can’t it wait.”
“No it cannot.”She said sternly. He followed her to the study.
“Nicolas what’s going on?
“With what. What have I done now.”He walked over to the drinks cabinet and pour himself a drink.
“She’s different from the women you normally date. What are you planning on doing with her.”
“Mother I do believe my personal life is my own.”
“Don’t hurt that poor girl she’s hurting enough and doesn’t need you to hurt her too. Money won’t buy her… you do know that? Diamonds and designer clothes or gold will not be able to win her over. Girls like her needs love and security. Are you prepared to give her that. That’s what she needs most right now a man who will protect her and be there for her when she’s gonna need him. If you can’t give her that than my advice to you is let her go so that she can find a man who’ll give it to her. See you at dinner.”
He can’t give her love and he can’t leave her either. What is he gonna do atleast if she had been pregnant than he could’ve had a reason to keep her by his side but she isn’t and he doesn’t know what to do. The idea of her being with another man other than him is making his blood boil, hell will freeze over before he’ll let another man touch her or so much as be with her. He finished his shot and went to her when he got there he found that she’s sleeping, he bent down on one knee and stared at her, he moved her hair out of her face. She’s truly beautiful and she captivates him like no other women has and for some strange reason he just wants to be near her. He stroked her face gently and she stirred. He kissed her forehead before getting up to leave his mother was right she needs to rest when he reached the door he heard her call out his name at first he thought he must’ve imagined it but she said his name again. He turned and went back to her. She slowly sat upright and looked at her surroundings.
“Nicolas…”She said again. He bend down in front of her.
“Go back to sleep Reina.”She tried to get up but he held her down.
“I.. I n-need to get home.”She mumbled.
“No you don’t, you can spend the night here. I’ll ask Maria to prepare the guest room for you. Your eyes are swollen have you been crying?”He touched her face. She closed her eyes at the contact and he loved how she responded.”Answer me. Have you been crying, did anyone say something to you?”She opened her eyes and looked at his handsome face. She had missed him and wanted to be held by him even if it was for a second, she just needed to be hugged.