“Bella…. Bella are you there?”He heard her soft voice say. He will never forget that voice especially when she had begged him to make her his.”Bella….”She said again and he cut the call.
“Do you know how rude that was, what were you thinking.”
“Who was that?”
“Reina. What’s gotten into you.”
“What is her last name.”
“Nico… why…-”
“Dammit Bella.”
“Okay it’s Cruise. Reina Cruise.”
“Her address now. Give it to me.”He demanded.
“No. I can’t do that. Besides what do you need it for?”
“I don’t have time to explain. Will you give it or not either way I will get it with or without you.”
“I’m not one of your employees you’re not gonna threaten me.”She said before sending it to him via text.”Nicolas what are you planning on doing. Don’t upset her she’s been through alot these past few weeks, losing her mother and then finding out that she’s pregnant isn’t easy to digest.”
Pregnant? She’s pregnant. Is he the father or someone else.
“Did she happened to go back to the hotel to look for him?”He wanted to know.
“Yes… but how did you….-“She didn’t even get to finish her sentence because he was long gone.
Reina closed the door after Cathy, they had found out alot about him. He’s a renowned business man a self made billionaire, he has his own airlines all over the world the company is famous and well known. He has won business man of the year for five years in a row, she’s sure he must have alot of men that envy him for what he has and how he has achieved it. They had also read somewhere that he has launched his new airline a few weeks ago and has also started a new construction business that’s taking off very well. She had also seen alot of pictures about him in the gossip columns with different type of women mostly models and somewhere deep down she had felt a tinge of jealousy which is crazy she barely knows the man. And to make matters worse he’s Bella’s brother she had seen a picture of them together when Bella had announced her engagement. She is at a cross road and didn’t know what to do or where to go, a tiny person is growing inside of her and his or her dad is a wealthy man who she is sure would do anything to keep him or her. A knock on the door brought her back to reality. She is surprise because she wasn’t expecting anyone, at the door she realised she isn’t wearing her gown she only hopes who ever was at the door is knocking on the wrong door she doesn’t have the strength to deal with anyone right now.
Nico is waiting for her to open up the door he doesn’t have the patience anymore, he was about to knock again when the door swung open and he saw her small body standing infront of him. She’s more beautiful than ever and right now all he wants to do is pick her up and make love to her.
Reina is shocked to see him and didn’t even stop him when he moved past her and entered her tiny apartment. She closed the door and stood behind it, she saw him looking around the apartment. She knows it isn’t much some of the wallpaper were coming off, but atleast she has a roof over her head and a bed to sleep in. It certainly wasn’t what he was used to that was for sure. He is so big and tall that he took up most of her space what used to be enough for her was now over crowded, she wonders how he had found her.
He is looking around her place and is shocked at the state it’s in the place looks like it can collapse around her at anytime. What was she doing here? He turned to face her and saw she is bare feet on a floor that’s probably cold. She’s wearing a worn out night dress that’s a size too big for her with her hair loose her face hasn’t changed she’s even more gorgeous, but her clothes it’s a far cry from what he had found her in. She looked exhausted and some part of him hated the way she looked.
“W-what are you doing here?”She breathed.
“Is that a way of welcoming one’s lover.”He asked her.
She inhaled her breath sharply at that comment.”You’re not my lover.”She said.”And how did you find me. I don’t remember giving you my address.”
“There’s nothing I cannot do, I always get what I want but that’s not relevant. Why did you leave?” He asked.
“Some of us do have a life Mr Garcia.”He didn’t like the way she said his name it sounded distant and withdrawn.
“So you know who I am.”
“As a matter of fact I do.”
“Then why didn’t you reach out or were you waiting for me to come running after you.”
“Like I said before some of us have a life and besides it was a one time thing remember.”It pained her to say that.
Like hell it was he thought to himself.”You’re different.”
“This is who I am. What did you expect to find a rich woman with diamonds and designer clothes all over her, someone who’s bank balance has six zeros at the end. Well sorry to disappoint you this is who I am. A nobody who doesn’t have a cent in her bank account, now if we’re done here can you please leave I have things to do.”
He wasn’t going anywhere and he doesn’t give a rats ass about what she has or doesn’t have all he wants is her and nothing else. He closed the distance between them and claimed her mouth he felt her hands on his chest as she tried to push him away, but he deepened the kiss and pushed his tongue in her mouth. She struggled for a few seconds and then he felt her soften up and she kiss him back. Oh he longed for this. For her. To feel her soft body against his. To taste her and to smell her rosy scent. He picked her up and she slid her arms around his neck holding on to him. She didn’t want to give in, but he just had a way to make her not resist him, she had missed him and his smell that night has been stuck on her mind and she always wonder what would have happened if she hadn’t left. Would they have continued or called it quits. What was she thinking they are worlds apart and will never be together men like him don’t date woman like her he’s way out of her league.
His hands is on her butt and she could feel his erection he still wanted her and it was shocking why would he want her after what she had just said. She tightened her legs around him and let herself drown in his kiss he tasted delicious just as she remembers, his other hand was on her breast and he used his thumb to rub her nipple she moaned out. She tore her mouth away from his and gasped.
“We shouldn’t be doing this.”She breathed.
“We both want this I can feel your body calling mine, there’s nothing wrong in what we doing.”He said harshly. He kissed her neck.”Tell me to stop and I will.”
She didn’t want him to.”Don’t…..”She whispered and it took everything in him not to take her then and there. She told him where her bedroom is and he wasted no time. In seconds both of them were naked and on her bed, he reclaimed her mouth and kissed her until she was panting and breathless he then moved down to her throat and than her breast where he sucked and nibbled on them. She thought she was about to come but he positioned himself above her and entered her. She gasped aloud as his length and thickness filled her to the core, she held onto his muscular muscled arms as he drove her over and over again, thrusting in and out hard and fast she could feel that something was building up and screamed out as she climaxed around him, seconds later she heard him groan as he himself released. He laid ontop of her breathing heavily. When his breathing was under control he rolled of her and pulled her with him so that she’s lying ontop of him. He inhaled deeply so that he could smell her scent, she’s like a drug and he can’t get enough of her.