“No, no.”Reina assured her.”I met a guy a few weeks back and we had this insist connection with each other. Then one thing led to another and now I’m here being pregnant and I only know his name I don’t even have a last name, I went back to the hotel but unfortunately they can’t give out personal information.”
“Oh sweetie you’ll be okay I’m sure you gonna find him, tell me the name of the hotel.”Reina gave it to her.”That’s the hotel my brother is in and I know they have a strict policy on client information. Don’t worry I’ll ask my brother if he can’t find out anything for you.”
“You really don’t have to.”
“You right but I want to. I consider you a friend and you need help and I’m gonna give it especially after you refused the check I gave you for the funeral arrangements.”She wanted to say something.”I’m not taking no for an answer.”
She got up and pulled Reina with her.”Come let’s get this over with so that you can go home and rest.”
Four hours later she left Bella’s place she had taken the final measurements for her dress and luckily she had also chosen one of the last three gowns that Reina had designed. The fabric will be delivered tomorrow and that’s when she will get started Bella had insisted she work from their house because she will have more working space unlike in her small apartment. She had wanted to bring her own things but Bella had assured her that everything is taken care of. When she got home she was exhausted and took a bath to feel a bit better but it didn’t help, and she can’t drink coffee anymore she had read somewhere that caffeine isn’t good for a baby. She made tea instead and went to go and sit in her tiny sittingroom that can only take two and a half people, she wonders how she’ll raise a baby in this small apartment with her salary. She heard a knock on the door and went to go and check. It was Cathy and they haven’t spoken in two days.
“Hey girl. I brought food.”She said and came inside Reina closed the door after her.
“You shouldn’t have bothered.”Reina told her.
“Uh-oh now I know that something is seriously wrong. You never say no to food especially your favourite. Tacos.”
Just the thought made her want to puke.”I’m pregnant Cath.”
“What!”She yelled out loud.”I know I said you should loosen up a bit but I never said go that far. Who’s the dad?”
Reina sat her down and told her the entire story when she was done Cathy didn’t say a word for about ten minutes.
“Geez Reina. What are you gonna do, I’m sure it can’t be that hard to find him. From what you’ve told me he sounds like a rich guy you can look online and see if you can’t find something.”Cathy got up and left the apartment moments later she appeared with her laptop.”We should be able to get something.”About an hour passed and they still haven’t found anything. She got up and told her friend to let it go but Cathy called her back and said she’s found something. There’s no mistaking that handsome face.
When he got home he was exhausted and tired his sister had called and told him she needed to see him and it’s important he wouldn’t be here if he thought that it wasn’t her tone had suggested that it was.
“Good evening sir.”The housekeeper Maria greeted him.”Your mother and sister is waiting in the dining room.”
“Thank you.”He said and went, he saw that they haven’t started eating yet.”I thought I said you should eat without me.”It was a good thing he had came straight here.
“Nico my son. It’s not everyday I get to have you over for dinner now come and give your mother a kiss.”He gladly obliged and also gave one to Bella before taking a seat.
“You wanted to talk.”He looked at his sister.
“After dinner we need to eat and you know how mother can get.”
“Talk about what? What’s going on.”
“Nothing mom I just need Nico’s help with something.”
“You look tired son. Have you been sleeping at all and you haven’t shaved. Is something wrong.”
“That’s what I also wanna know.”Bella added.
“I’ve been busy mother, and nothing is wrong now let’s eat.” The food arrived and they all ate in silence. After dinner his mother pulled him aside.
“Who is she son?”
“What are you talking about mother.”He asked confused.
“You’re my son and I know you. Finally there’s a woman who got under that thick skin of yours. You haven’t been sleeping I can see that and you’ve barely touched your food at dinner. I hope I get to meet her soon. Goodnight Nico.”He was left stunned at his mother’s words and could only stare after her as she made her way upstairs to her bedroom. He gathered himself and headed for the study where Bella is waiting.
“This better be important. I cancelled a meeting to come here.”He said when they were alone.
“I have this friend who needs help, and I am hoping you could help me to help her.”
“Get to the point.”He said irritated.
“I need you to get information about someone that’s staying in your hotel.”
“You know that’s impossible right.”
“I do but if you pull a few strings you can get what ever you want.”
“That’s not how I do things and you know it, so why are we even having this discussion.”
“Nico please. Call in a few favors then.”
“Why is this so important and who is this friend of yours that needs someone else’s personal details.”Before she could answer his cell buzzed.”One sec.”He quickly answered and heard it was the reception lady from his hotel.
“Good evening Mr Garcia you said I should let you know if someone might come and look for you.”
“Continue..”He instructed.
“Well there was this woman who came looking for a Nicolas and since sir is the only Nicolas here I presumed it’s you sir.”
His head snapped up.”What did she want?”
“Nothing sir she only said she needed to speak to sir urgently but I told her we not allowed to give out guests information.”
He turned around and looked at his sister. Could it be what he thinks it is.”Call me immediately the next time she arrives and under no circumstances do you let her leave. Is that clear.”
“Yes sir.”He dropped the call. Is it possible that Bella’s friend and the woman who came to see him is the same person. No it can’t be.
“What’s wrong you’re frowning.”
“Who is the person?”He asked. She looked at him confused. “You want information about someone. Who is it?”
“Oh crap I forgot to ask the guy’s name but I can call her right now and ask.”
“Seriously Bella…”
“Just wait I can call her.”But before she could do that her cell rang.”It’s her.”She told her brother. He went to go and pour himself something to drink.”Reina….”He heard Bella say and everything stood still. Reina? He’ll never forget that name or the woman it belongs to. He grabbed the phone out of her hand and put it on his own ear to listen to the voice on the other end.
“Nico what are you…-“