As soon as she walked in her boss Alissa pulled her aside and grilled her for being late. Reina kept quiet because she didn’t have anything to say her head is still zinging from her encounter downstairs with that sexy hunk of a man. Her body is still burning from where he had held her and to make things worse her nipples are tight peaks. This has never happened before and she had thought it never would, what’s wrong with her she needs a drink and something strong like a vodka maybe she’ll feel better afterwards. Halfway through the show she slipped away and went to go get a drink hopefully Alissa won’t notice her not being there, a small buffet will be held after the show down the hall away from the reception area it’s a big open space with floor to ceiling windows and also nice a view of the strip word has it soon they will renovate and expand the clothing line. A small bar had been set up in a corner not far from where the buffet will be she just hopes everyone will fit or else they’ll have to move it downstairs in one of the over priced restaurants. She asked the guy behind the bar to give her a shot of tequila she downed it in one go and immediately felt how the warm liquor was warming up her body and soothing her tense nerves. A few minutes later when she was calm and feeling like herself she slid of the high bar stool and headed back to the fashion show. Half way there she stopped because she saw Miss Garcia on her way to the powder room, where she stopped to look for something in her bag. What ever it was she couldn’t find it and lifted up her head and saw Reina standing a few feet away. Her face lit up with a genuine smile and Reina returned it.
“Reina? You’re here what a surprise and you look stunning. I hardly recognise you, please don’t tell me you here for work looking so beautiful.”She said, Reina walked a bit closer to her.
“Miss Garcia it’s a pleasure to see you again. Unfortunately yes I am working Miss Williams didn’t want to take no for an answer.”She replied.
“What’s with everyone and working there is life outside of working. Are you here with anyone?”She asked.
She shook her head.”I came alone. What about you.”
“I came with my brother my fiance couldn’t make it. It’s good to see you, and I love your dress did you do it yourself.”
“I wish I did but Miss Williams borrowed me for the night, you also look beautiful in that dress.”She was wearing a beautiful yellow mermaid v-neck dress that had a sweep train with her back being bare. Diamond studs were on her ears and her hair was made up on her head she truly is beautiful Reina thought.
“Thank you. It’s good I bumped into you I was wondering if we can do my measurements and fittings at my house that is if you don’t mind.”
“Of course not what ever suits you. Do you have my number.”
“Yes I do. I’ll send our driver over to come and pick you up, just give me your address then I’ll be on my way.”Reina gave it to.
“It was nice to see you and I look forward to us working together take care of yourself.”
“You too.”She murmured and left. Alissa pulled her aside when she saw her.
“I have been thinking maybe you don’t have to be at the boutique so much. I’m gonna need you to give this new job your full attention so until you’re done with Miss Garcia’s wedding gown I don’t expect you to be at the boutique like you used to be. I need you to be hands on and I expect updates on your progress is that understood?
“Yes ma’am.”She said.
“Glad we understand each other. I won’t forget about the raise.”She reminded her. Only God knows how badly she needs the money and if giving her full attention to this job means she’ll get it then so be it.
“Oh, did I also mention that you’re getting a commission for this, Bella insisted on it so don’t let her down.”
That would mean alot Reina thought especially since the bank is demanding more money. The payments made so far hasn’t done anything at this moment she has to pay more than half and her salary is no where near enough. She had promised her mom that they wouldn’t take the house but the way things look now she’s scared it will come to that. Her mom at this point doesn’t know she doesn’t want to put more strain on her since for this past few days she hasn’t been doing so well.
“Will it be okay if I leave early.?”She asked Alissa.
“Yes, but eat something first and I won’t take no for an answer.”She told Reina. She doubts food will go in and didn’t say a word and left, but she was stopped mid-way by a waiter.
“Can I help you?”She asked.
“There is a dinner reservation for you downstairs ma’am, if you’d be so kind as to follow me.”He told her. Dinner? Reservation? What on earth is he talking about she doesn’t have any dinner reservations downstairs lord knows she cannot afford it there must be a mistake here.
“You must be making a mistake here, maybe you’re confusing me with someone else. I haven’t made any reservations.”She explained. There is no way in hell that she will ever be able to afford to dine downstairs only the rich and famous eats here.
“There is no mistake here ma’am I’m just following orders and doing my job.”He said. Following orders? Doing his job.
She doesn’t have the energy to deal with whatever is going on but she has a feeling that this man isn’t about to go away so easily unless she goes with him and see what this is all about. Taking a deep breath she nodded at him and they left, once they reached the elevator she asked him what this was about and his only response was.
“I’m not allowed to say anything ma’am.”After that he was quiet and she didn’t ask any more questions.
“I’m telling you now this is a mistake.”She told him. When the elevator stopped she followed him into Andreas it was a private dining area and exclusive to the wealthy only getting in here you need to have a reservation or booking. Without it there’s no way you’ll be getting inside, as far as she knows people make bookings months before just to get seating…. so her having a seat here sounds ridiculous, and not to mention it’s way out of her pocket range.
She stopped and lightly tapped the man on his shoulder when he turned she spoke.
“Listen to me.”She began.”I didn’t make any reservations here.”
“No you listen to me.”She said again.”This is a mistake do you hear me? A mistake I’m telling you I barely have food to feed myself what makes you think I’ll come and make a booking here. I’m saying this now I will not be paying for anything call your manager right now.”
“Ma’am your table is over there in the private boot this way.”He proceeded to walk and she was right behind him.
“Did you just hear a word I said.”She asked him.”Hey I’m talking to you. If you don’t stop this second I’m gonna cause a scene and I’m sure that won’t be good for business.”She threatened. At that he stopped.”Now as I was saying…-”
“Thank you Charlie I’ll take it from here, and I’ll make sure that all your trouble wasn’t wasted.”She heard a male voice say from behind her cutting her off mid sentence. Strangely enough the voice sounds familiar to her she has heard that strong manly masculine voice before, and it was a voice that she’ll never forget she had told herself. Because her mystery man had…. no.. no she told herself it couldn’t be him. Could it? She spun around and immediately caught her breath when she saw it was him oh lord, she must be dreaming. OMG! OMG! It was him and he’s so sexy as hell earlier on she had only gotten a glimpse but now facing him and looking into those mesmerizing eyes she was absolutely left speechless. He is extremely handsome in his black suit it sat on him as if it was made to be on him, he was making the suit look good. Nothing was out of place his hair was neatly combed back. But what was he doing here and what did he meant when he said he’ll take it from here. She has questions but somehow she couldn’t find her voice to speak this man’s very presence unsettles her but not in a bad way though. She should compose herself and get her hazy mind in order.
Nico stared at the beautiful woman infront of him and knew he had to have her, had to get to know her and find out who she is. Luck was on his side tonight he had seen her at the fashion show and knew he couldn’t let the opportunity pass to see her again and privately just the two of them. He had left his sister Isabella there and came downstairs to Andreas to get reservations which of course hadn’t been a problem at all. Once people hear his name they jump to cater to his every need being wealthy has it’s advantages. Having her here makes him glad that his sister dragged him here. She has light grey eyes and beautiful black hair that is loose his fingers were itching to touch it and find out how it felt, he can see that she was uneasy. Which is something that he didn’t want her to feel she was perfectly safe with him the last thing he needs is for her to leave.