You hardly ever go out. And when ever I try to hook you up with one of Logan’s friend you always say no or if you do say yes then throughout the whole date you barely say two words at all.”
“I need chemistry Cath like what you have with Logan and when I do find it I promise I’ll be more open-minded. Now can we go I’m sure Logan must be waiting outside for us and thanks again for the ride I’ll meet you outside I just wanna say goodnight to my mom.”
Nicolas Alejandro Garcia is standing infront of the mirror in his walk-in closet and buttoning up his shirt, tonight he has to go with his sister to a fashion show. Although he has fifty percent stake in the company he still wasn’t keen on going if Bella hadn’t forced him to go he would be in his office right now working up until early morning hours as always. Business is his number one priority women come last it has been like that and always will be. He has also been thinking of giving Bella his share in the company she’ll probably be more hands on and keep a good eye on everything. Berninia does mostly sell women clothing he should have a talk with her and hear how she’ll feel about it. He slipped on his dinner jacket and exit the closet, right now at this moment he only has two important women in his life his mother and sister. He knows that all the women he has dated so far are only with him for his money he’s not dumb, they all want a man who’ll spoil them and take care of them. All of them want a rich husband so that they will be settled for life and him on the other hand is never planning on getting married he likes his bachelor life and most importantly he loves his space. His dad had passed away a few years back and they hadn’t shared a normal father son relationship both of them used to disagree on everything and he was never very supportive towards him nor a good role model. He never did believe that Nico would achieve anything in life telling him he was a good for nothing and will never make it big in life. Now here he was standing in his own penthouse suite being a billionaire and women falling at his feet and men feeling intimidated by him. He didn’t get where he was by having things given to him or playing nice he had worked hard to make something of himself growing up he used to cut other people’s grass clean their yards and wash their cars just to put food on the table for his mother and sister as soon as he was done with school he had made a promise to himself that he will never let his mother and sister suffer and he had kept his promise. At that moment his cell buzzed he saw it was his mother and picked up.
“Mother.”His tone was gentle and soft.
“My handsome son. How are you?”She asked.
“I’m fine mother. To what do I owe this pleasure.”He said.
“Can’t a mother call up her son just to hear his voice you don’t come and visit me anymore.”He could hear the sadness in his mother’s voice and he felt guilty for these past few weeks he has been extremely busy with work, his new airline had launched a week ago and he had to be on call and supervise to make sure that everything was perfect and ran smoothly. In his line of work there is no sleep for the wicked it’s all work and no play one of the reasons why he doesn’t want any attachments.
“I’m sorry mother. I’ve been busy with work but I promise I’ll come and see you soon.”He vowed.
“I’ll hold you to it.”She threatened.”Now tell me when are you getting married? I want to have grandchildren Nico I’m not getting any younger.”
“Mother please.”He begged and gave a small sigh.”We have been through this I have to go now. I’ll see you soon and I love you.”
“I love you more.”She told him. He then dropped the call before she was gonna try and convince him otherwise. He doesn’t want to get married and never will he simply doesn’t believe in it or love, that’s why he’s always upfront with the women that he sleeps with. He doesn’t need to be tied down to anyone he likes his life the way it is and it won’t change not for anyone. It’s a good thing the women he has been with knows not to have any expectations from him or expect more than what he can give. He quickly checked his wrist watch and saw it was time for him to leave, the sooner he goes the sooner he’ll come back. He has his own private elevator that works with a code the second it open he got out and made his way over to his car. He climbed into his grey Audi r8 and made his way over to the Emperor Palace. When he got there it was already busy just how he knows it people spend money like they have nothing better to do. He’s suppose to meet his sister here he send her a text asking her how far she was his cell pinged immediately with her saying she’s on her way. In the meantime he’ll go to the lobby bar and get himself a drink while he waits for her, fifteen minutes later there was still no sign of her he called her up.”How long will I have to wait for you?”He asked impatiently.
“Patience brother I’m almost there and sorry for making you wait I got held up with something for the wedding.”She told him.
“Well hurry up. You very well know that I don’t want to be here I have better things to do with my time.”
“Yeah I know like being cooped up in your office and working yourself to death just relax and enjoy yourself now and again.”
“Bella…..”He warned.
“Grumpy….”She teased and hung up.
He was about to take another sip of his whisky when he saw someone that he didn’t want to see at all. His ex Anastasia and she was coming his way. She refuses to let him go he’s told her over and over again that it’s over between them but it falls on deaf ears he better get out of here before he’s going to hear how much she loves him and can’t be without him and he knows it’s just all a bunch of lies. He’s had his fair share of women but she was one mistake he’ll never repeat.
Reina has just entered the lobby and was making her way over to the elevator on the far end of the building when she made impact with someone the person had came out of the lobby bar and collided with her. It was too late for her to do anything about it she felt a pair of strong arms go around her waist to stop her from falling to the ground.
“Aah…”She yelled softly. And dropped her purse on the floor to hold onto who ever was holding her.
“I’m sorry.”She heard a strong male voice say his smooth chocolate voice wafted through her senses. Not to mention a very strong man her sub-conscious said. She stood up straight and tried to catch her breath from the collision if she was honest she was feeling a bit light-headed she looked up to see who the person was and it’s a sight she’ll never ever forget. The man who was staring down at her was drop dead gorgeous. Men like him only exist on magazine covers not in her world, handsome was too weak a word to describe his looks. He was tall, dark and extremely strikingly handsome he looked more like a Greek god his skin tone was dark as if he’d been tanned, his dark brown eyes that almost looked black was mesmerizing her on the spot. She was at a loss of words, oh God help her his voice definitely suits him. Powerful and strong like him and being held by him so close she could smell his aftershave and it was making her feel dizzy and weak at the knees. She swayed a little and his grip on her tightened bringing her even closer to him, so close that their lips were only inches apart from each other. Her body loved the way it fitted with his and her nipples were pressing up against the build in bra of the dress she even had butterflies in her stomach what was happening to her. Her body was reacting to a man she hardly knows a stranger at that, and being held in his arms felt so right so natural as if it should be like this. This is complete madness she told herself she must’ve hit her head harder than she thought she did for her to entertain such thoughts she needs to move away from him, and just like that she stepped out of his arms. She has to leave the show has already started and her boss must be waiting for her, Alissa hates people who aren’t punctual. She looked around for her purse and saw it lying near his feet she quickly picked it up and left without saying a word.
Nico is stunned speechless. He knew he was the one at fault and wanted to apologise properly but the woman just ran off as if she was in fear of her life, he himself had taken a knock by that hit in trying to get away from Anastasia. He just didn’t know that he would run into such a beauty. WOW! He said to himself. He’s seen and met his fair share of beautiful women, but she…. she was breathtakingly beautiful. What had shocked him and caught him of guard was the fact that he had felt an instant attraction towards her and he doesn’t even know her. His body had responded to hers as if it knows her and she had also felt it he had seen the confusion in her eyes that’s why she had moved away from him so quickly. He thought about when their faces had only been inches apart he had smelled her sweet rosy scent he had almost kissed her. Even the thought of kissing her has his libido in riots. Who was she? He questioned himself and what was her name and where did she come from he needs to find out before the night ends.