Book:One Night Stand with Mr CEO Published:2025-2-9

“Are you okay?”He asked her. She looked up and their eyes locked.
“Would you be if you were me?”She asked him. He can understand that he shouldn’t have ambushed her by leading her here unknowingly, but he knew if he did ask her she would have said no and he doesn’t take rejection lightly. There is something about her that has him captivated and no women has ever had this effect on him, he hates not being able to control a situation and she is a mystery that he intended to solve all he knew was he had to make her his and soon.
“Probably not.”He answered truthfully. They were still standing and drawing attention towards themselves.”Do you mind.”He gestured for her to take a seat. He realised that she doesn’t seem to know him and who he is, he finds it surprising because all the women know him. He will keep quiet and not say anything for now. She took a sip of the glass of water that was on the table a small drop was about to drip from her lips but she licked it with the tip of her tongue. He got a kick in his groin and wished he could bite that bottom lip of hers, he’s gonna need a drink and fast too. He signaled for Charlie and in seconds he was there.
Reina looked as he whispered something into the waiter’s ear. She is flushed and being this close to him is not making things any easier on her already crazy hormones. She was feeling things, things she had thought she would never experience with anyone she has to break this never ending silence.
“Who are you?”She asked him. She is sitting with a man who’s name she doesn’t even know.
“Nicolas.”He said extending his hand out to her.
Reina thought touching him would be a bad idea but not shaking it would be rude so she held out her own hand and said.”Reina.”As soon as their hands touched an electric current shot through her entire body she quickly let go of his hand but knew he had felt it too he had a questioning look on his face as if he couldn’t believe what had just happened. She silently thanked the waiter for arriving at that moment, and in his hands is a bottle of white wine and it sure did look expensive.
She still doesn’t know why she’s here and he isn’t saying anything either, she waited for him to finish up opening the wine and pouring it.”What’s going on here? And why am I here.”She wanted to know.
“Firstly I’d like to apologise for my behaviour earlier on. The way I bumped into you was rude and uncalled for. Please forgive me.”He said. She could hear from his accent that he isn’t from around here even if his English is perfect. His skin tone is dark as if he’d been tanned but that was absurd.
“Apology accepted but I have to admit that I was in a hurry too. So I guess I should apologise as well. I’m sorry.”
“Thank you. Now tell me what is a beautiful woman like yourself doing here all alone.”
“What makes you think I’m here alone.”She said.
He gave a low chuckle.”No man in his right mind would leave a woman like you alone for a minute.”She didn’t know how to respond to that remark and answered the first question he had asked.
“I’m working.”
“Working?”He repeated. Slowly running his gaze up and down her body.”What kind of work.”He asked.
“Certainly not the kind that you might be thinking of.”She told him.”I’m a seamstress my boss insisted that I attend this fashion show. I almost didn’t come but I need my job.”
“Lucky for me that you did come.”Seamstress? He had thought she is another one of the every day princesses that he comes across on a daily basis who wants to grab a rich husband. Or it could be that she was playing him another voice said.
“You don’t strike me as the working type.”It was her turn to laugh softly.
“Some of us needs to eat and keep a roof over our heads. Why does that seem to shock you.”He was caught of guard again. The women he knows doesn’t know the meaning of the word work, all they can do is spend money that doesn’t belong to them. Status, looks and a man’s bank balance is all that matters, she herself doesn’t look like the working type.
“It doesn’t.”He said.”You’re not drinking.”He pointed to her glass that is still half full.
“Don’t get me wrong here Mr…-“She looked at him for a last name.
“Just call me Nicolas.”He interjected.
“Nicolas.”She said softly as if she was testing his name on her lips.”I don’t even know you at all we just met, so I can’t just sit here and drink wine while we make small talk as if we’ve known each other for a while. Thank you for apologising but if you’ll excuse me I need to get going.”She got up and gently pushed her chair back but he grabbed her hand to prevent her from going.
He had to make her stay she can’t just leave like this so he said the first thing that he could think of.”Do you have a sick husband waiting for you at home?”
“What!”She exclaimed softly.”No I… that’s none of your business.”
“You right.”He laughed.”It isn’t, but would you stay if I ask you to?”She was taken aback by his remark she’s sure he could be with any woman but he wants her to stay here with him. But why? She asked herself. Was she imagining this, what he said next told her she wasn’t.”I’d like to get to know you better.”
Something in the way he said it made her sit down again. And she can almost hear Cathy’s voice say sit down, after all she had promised her she would have fun and enjoy herself.
She took a sip of her wine and it was delicious some people really are fortunate to enjoy the finer things in life.”What would you like to know?”
For a second he was surprised she asked him that but recovered quickly all he can think about right now is taking her to his bed and make love to her until both of them were exhausted. He can already picture her naked body, lying on his white silk sheets being entangled between them with her hair loose. Fuck it! He needs to stop thinking this way or it will be a long night for him. A very long night….. To hell with this he told himself after a while.
“I want you and right now all I can see is you naked on my bed with me buried deep inside of you.”
She almost choked on the wine that she had drank, never before had any man come right out and say something so explicit to her and she also didn’t know how to respond to it. This sexy hunk wants her and hearing him say it out loud made her insides burn with a hunger that doesn’t need food to get satisfied. If she was honest with herself she also wants him her body is craving for him but the million dollar question is was she prepared to sleep with a man she knows nothing of someone that she had just met. Someone come tomorrow she might never see again what she also knows is that this kind of sexual desire only comes once and can only be felt and experienced with one person. His touch alone had evoke feelings inside of her that she had thought no one would ever be able to unlock why not explore and see where it will lead, she’s got nothing to lose. She gulped down the remaining of her wine and said.
“I want you too.”May the lord have mercy on her soul she’s about to give her virginity to a man she hardly knows. She had been saving herself for her husband one day but what if she will never get this desire with anyone why not live dangerously for once why not do something on the spur of the moment. She’s always played it safe why not go along with the ride and enjoy herself with this handsome man a night of fun and see where this strong sexual desire will take them and how far. He signaled for the bill and in seconds they were out of there, it was in the parking lot when a small voice in her head said it’s not too late to turn back and leave. Ignoring it she let him lead her to his car, he was parked in the VIP spot. The man is clearly well known but it’s surprising she’s never seen him around. The moment she sat inside his car she knew any chances of turning back was gone, he slid in next to her, and buckled up soon they sped off to his lair where he will have his wicked way with her, she was both nervous and excited. They drove in silence and she couldn’t stand it and said something.
“Where are you from?”
“Why…?”He grimaced and quickly glanced at her.
“I can hear from your accent.”She told him.
“I’m from Spain we moved here when I was about eighteen.”
“Tell me about yourself, I should atleast know something about the man I’m about to sleep with.”
“There’s not much to tell.”He shrugged.”I’m not a killer though.