I had been hiding in the library for the past thirty minutes after my fight with Leia.
I was still trying to make sense of what happened as I stared hard at my hands. They were no longer glowing. I was seated at a corner where nobody would see me unless they paid close attention.
Different books were open and scattered across the table I sat behind. I was deep in research or should I say trying to understand what was going on with me.
I closed my hands again and grunted trying to make them light up but only a fart threatened to escape my butt, so I stopped.
How did it even happen? Was it rage? Was it my wolf, Yara? Or was it Iran?
Because I had felt Issa’s Lycan companion at the fringes of my mind, and I suspected that he was behind my outburst of light.
I could no longer feel him anymore but I knew that it was not going to be the last time I would experience such rage. I was bonded to one of the most ruthless and deadly Lycan of the territory and it had come with some power boosts.
I turned back to the books I was reading and read closely on creatures of fire.
The first book that I came across was called Beings of The Flame and it only showed and revealed information about dragons. It showed over four hundred types of species of fire breathing dragon from Wyrm dragons, to Arctic dragons, to Basilisk Dragons.
I stopped reading because I felt the answers I was looking for had nothing to do with me being a dragon.
I was a werewolf, through and through. I came across another extensive book called Creatures of Light and Night but it only spoke about winged creatures called angels that were created from light or pure energy.
I skimmed through countless pages of pictures depicting humanoid creatures with large multiple wings, surrounded by bright lights. I read about Fae creatures of light called the Seelie and Pixies but still I found nothing on glowing hands or werewolf fire.
I sighed wearily and leaned back on my chair. I knew that I did not really care about Leia but I still worried about how she was doing. It was hard to sympathize with her because of the things she had done to me.
I closed the books and carried them in my arms to return them back to the shelf I got them from. I sighed in frustration at my lack of answers until my knee hit a long old parchment of a scroll by the lower shelf.
I groaned and bent low to pick it up. I was about to return it back to its proper place before some words caught my eye.
Light Giver.
I carefully open the parchment and curiously read its content.
‘The goddess bestows her gift of light to whom she favours…’
I hastily made my way to my former table and spread the scroll wide. The pictures on the parchment were of a female with a crescent of the moon on her head like a halo. It was the art representation of the moon goddess.
Her hands were alight with glow and she was surrounded by werewolves who bowed before her.
My eyes greedily ate up the words. ‘At the winter of solstice, Goddess Lunaria puts the deeds and nobility of her children on the scale of purity, to see who is fated to be the next child of light.’
I gasped as my mind began to put the pieces together. The men at the coffee shop, one of them had referred to me as a Child of light.
“How are you reading that?” Ashley’s voice made me jerk in fear. I had not heard her footsteps at all. And it was quiet.
“Ashley!” I whispered. “You scared the crap out of me.”
“Sorry, I tiptoed, it’s a habit of mine,” She said apologetically. “And there is no need to whisper, we are the only ones here.”
I looked around and saw that I had been the only one here until she came.
“I still don’t get how you can understand those words, what are you reading anyway?” Ashley said with a confused and curious frown as she gazed at the scroll slayed out on the table.
“What do you mean?” I asked. “It’s written in English,” I said and turned to the scroll.
And that was when I realised that I did not know the language of words I was looking at. It was not English. I was dumbfounded as I stared in confusion at the words. I could still understand them but I could not tell what language it was.
“Oh,” I said, puzzled.
“Okay, it’s official, you might be the coolest girl I may have come across. First your hands light up, now you can read words you don’t even understand.” Ashley said in awe.
I could not help but smile.
“You think I am cool?” I asked.
“Dude! You kicked Leia’s ass! Everybody on this campus can’t even stand up to her. She is Canis Academy’s self-proclaimed queen bee,” Ashley said in excitement. She took a seat beside me and peered into the scroll. “What is it about?”
Before I could answer, the scent of Issa filled up my nose and I turned to see him standing by a bookshelf close to us. It was partially dark in this Library so he was shrouded in the shadows.
“Yulia,” He said as walked up to us.
I jumped up, unsure of what to do. I was not expecting him to show up here. His eyes subtly moved to the scrolls for a moment before he looked at me with those forest green eyes.
“I cannot believe this!” Ashley exclaimed. “Issa Frostwood!” She looked at me wide eyed with excitement. “How do you even know each other?”
“He is my uncle,” I stated.
“You just became even cooler!”
“Who is the fan girl?” Issa asked me with an amused smile.
Ashley shot out her hand for a handshake. “Ashley West, Sophomore of Canis Academy and Editor of The Campus Herald Journalist Club, Oh, and Yulia’s best friend,” she added in quick succession.
Issa took her hand and shook it softly. “Well, I would introduce myself, but I have a feeling you already know everything about me,” Issa replied with a smile.
Ashley giggled and I lightly elbowed her in the rib. She quickly composed herself.
“Ms. West, I need to borrow your best friend. The Dean wants to see her, you don’t mind returning that scroll to its proper place, do you?” Issa asked, with a dazzling smile.
Ashley had a dreamy look on her face. “Anything for you,” She whispered.
“You said that out loud, Ashley, we all heard it,” I said, a bit embarrassed.
Issa took my hand and led me away from Ashley and we headed for the exit of the library.
“Are you okay?” He asked gently.
“I don’t know.”