I pulled up into the parking lot of Canis Academy and killed the engine. I sighed and turned to Andrea, watching her very closely.
“You need to be with someone who cares about you, Andrea,” I told her. “I am no longer that person.”
“This is the effect of your bond with Yulia. It means that you have no eye for other women in your life,” Andrea said.
I detected a hint of sadness in her voice. All these could end if only she tried to find her own mate but she was just literarily fucking around just to piss off her distant father.
“Believe me, I am still surprised by it,” I replied, which was the truth.
Before Yulia, I would have bent Andrea over at the back seat and ravaged her with my cock but now that Iran had marked Yulia, the sexual attraction that I had for Andrea was gone… like it was never there in the first place.
Andrea sighed and shook her head. A small sad smile played on her face. “We used to fuck each other’s brains out everywhere. The bathroom, the park, the dressing room store where we bought our clothes, and now, you do not even look at me twice. It hurts, Issa,” She said and opened the door. “I am going to see Leia, are you coming?”
I shook my head. “I did not come here for your sister, I am here to see a professor regarding Yulia,” I told her.
Andrea sighed and got out of the car. She could have used her own car to get here but I knew that she wanted to spend any time she could with me. All her efforts were in vain because it changed nothing.
I watched her disappear among masses of students before I myself got out of the car.
I hastily headed to the old library where I found Khan waiting on the old worn out stone staircase. The Library had been designed to look like a Greek Pantheon, like the one in ancient Athens. It was no longer in use because a mysterious fire had almost razed it down. It was under reconstruction at the moment.
Khan was in a long tweed coat that reached his calf. His face was a frown of deep thinking and uncertainty.
“Khan,” I called him as I went up the old stairs.
He turned to me and threw a boxing glove at me. Aside from its black color, I noticed that it was almost burnt up, like it barely survived a fire. I looked at it closely. The scent of Yulia assailed my nostrils as I held it in my right hand.
“Yulia used this,” I said. “Why is it all burnt up?”
“I was hoping you would tell me that,” Khan said as he walked closer to me.
“What exactly is the problem, Khan?” I asked, getting irritated as the moment went by.
“Leia Craven is unconscious at the school infirmary because Yulia knocked her out cold with that glove,” Khan said.
“Why were they in a fight in the first place?” I asked.
“I teach self-defence classes, so, I peered them both together for a light sparring session,” He said.
I scoffed at him. “What a great idea to pair one of the Crazen sisters with my niece.”
Jamal only shrugged at my response before waiting for me to understand the gravity of the situation.
I looked at the burnt glove and glared back at him with a questioning look.
“Light sparring?” I asked with sarcasm.
“It got out of hand,” Khan said in an embarrassed tone.
“Or you were incompetent, and let it get out of hand,” I accused.
“You are focusing on the wrong part, Frostwood,” Khan said curtly.
“Like why does Yulia’s glove look like someone set it on fire?” I asked.
“Smell it closely,” Khan said. “Do you perceive fire?”
I frowned. He was right. I did not smell fire but it had been burnt. There was no form of gasoline on the glove.
“Her hands lit up,” Khan said.
“What did you say?”
“Her hands… it glowed with this blinding light when she punched Leia,” Khan said.
I said nothing as my mind raced.
“You have that look,” Khan said as he watched me.
I was tired of people telling me what look I had on my face. First it was Andrea and now this incompetent detective.
“And what look would that be, detective?”
“The look that says you know something. There was no surprise on your face when I told you what happened with Yulia,” He replied.
Things were happening way too fast and I needed to get a hang of it before it spilled out of control.
“Anything else?” I asked.
Khan sighed and brought out his phone. He showed me a picture. A blue boxing headgear, the side was burnt in the shape of someone’s knuckles.
Yulia’s hand.
“Is Leia okay?” I asked with concern.
I understood why Khan was worried. It happened in his class and he was probably going to be queried by the school board. It seemed like things could work in my favour if he was fired.
“She’ll live,” Khan said. “And my job is not on the line if that is what you are thinking.”
“I had no such thought,” I replied.
“Please, you’ve fantasized about it,” Khan smirked. “I am not going anywhere until I get answers, so you will have to put up with me for a little while.”
“Speaking of answers, what have you found out about the Black Rose Cult?”
“I have no answers yet, and even if I did, why should I tell you?” He asked.
“You have no reason to,” I said with a shrug. “Just like you had no reason to tell me all these things about Yulia.”
Khan pocketed his phone and adjusted his tweed coat. “Take it as a sign of good faith. I am willing to tell you things, if you are willing to work with me,” He said.
“Are you suggesting a partnership, Detective?”
“Only if you promise to play nice,” Khan replied and walked down the stairs. “I know that you want answers too, Frostwood. Call me when you decide.”
I was left alone on the worn off stairs of the old library. I sighed wearily as I watched the students going about.
I needed to find Yulia.