I fought the dizziness that threatened to take over me.
The sight of blood made me want to throw up. Lana was whimpering by my side with fear still in her eyes as I did my best to calm her down.
The guy Issa was facing was dying and heavily bleeding and I was afraid to look at the severed hand inside the sink.
The man’s blood was pooling at the floor and spreading across the space. I had to put a stop to this because Lana was getting more terrified as the moments passed by.
The man was trembling as he struggled to hold the knife upright.
“Enough!” I yelled at the top of my voice as I stood up.
Issa turned to look at me with a puzzled expression on his face. His eyes were terrifying to look at. I could see primal hunger and bloodlust in them.
I walked closer. “I want to speak with Issa,” I said in a firm voice even though I was shaking with fear.
“He is not here,” Iran growled back at me.
“Well, bring him here” I ordered.
Iran glared at me with a puzzled expression on his face. To him, it was like I grew two extra heads.
Then he turned back to the bleeding man.
“Hey!” I yelled. “Do not ignore me, you are not killing anyone here!”
He turned to me and growled.
“I want to speak to Issa, bring him to me!” I roared as I held my breath and struggled to maintain eye contact with this beast.
Iran only glared at me.
But I decided to be desperate. “Issa,” I called. “Please, I don’t want you to drop a body here. Lana is safe now and there is no need for more bloodshed, please.”
I watched as the Lycan before me began to twitch as If he was having a mental battle within himself. He went still for a second and the man bleeding began to move.
“Do not even think about it!” I told him as I shook my head. “Trust me, you will not get far.”
“It took a lot of bargaining to be here, Yulia, I hope you know what you are doing,” Issa muttered, indicating that he was finally back.
This brought me relief.
“I know that I don’t want a dead body in my friend’s apartment, and I know that I want answers from this man. Is that okay with you?” I replied hastily.
“Yeah, what your girlfriend said, I will tell you anything you want to know,” The bastard begged heavily.
His body had gone pale and he looked like he was going to die if he did not get help immediately.
“You be quiet,” I scolded him, afraid for him. “Stop talking and try to stop the bleeding,” I added.
I threw a kitchen towel at him. He dropped the knife and winced loudly as he covered his bloody stump.
The towel was covered in blood immediately. I turned to Lana who was just staring with wide terrified eyes. I helped her up.
“It’s okay Lana, you are safe now,” I said. But Lana was still stiff with fright.
“Snap out of it!” I yelled at my best friend and she shook. “You are safe,” I insisted as her eyes came into focus.
“Go upstairs, Issa and I will sort this out,” I told her as I led her to the stairs.
“The cops are on the way,” Issa said softly as he watched my friend.
Lana nodded thoughtfully and looked more relieved as she disappeared upstairs.
“You are insane,” The man watched Issa with fear. “What are you? Some sort of possessed werewolf? I knew that I should not have taken this job.”
I searched for more towels and any piece of clothes and threw it at him to stop the blood flow. Issa stood rooted to the spot as he coldly watched the man.
“Why did you tell her that the cops are coming?” I asked Issa.
“To put her at ease, people always calm down when you involve the authorities.”
I had half hoped that they were really coming because I was still shaken by what had taken place.
“Thank you,” I told him.
Issa turned to the blonde haired man. “Let’s take this outside.” The man refused to move. “If I wanted you dead, I would have killed you earlier, move.”
The man wobbled a bit on his feet and walked to the door. I followed closely. He was no longer a threat.
Issa opened the door and it was darker than usual outside. It was like a blanket of shadows covering the sky. However, we could see just fine.
“Start talking,” I told the man. His face was almost gray from loss of blood.
“I got hired by a bunch of crazy witches to find you,” The man began.
“Why?” Issa asked.
“I did not ask, and they did not bother to tell me,” He said with a shrug. “But they did say that her blood was special or something.”
There was something familiar about this blood involvement that I could not quite wrap my finger around.
“Can you take us to them?” Issa asked.
“We met at open places, a restaurant,” He replied.
“Where did they tell you to bring me?” I asked.
“They gave me a location, it’s on my phone,” He said.
“Open it and let me have it,” Issa said and stretched his hand with his palm open.
The man reached into his pocket and produced the phone. He groaned in pain with every movement. He produced the phone and pushed the password before tossing the phone to Issa.
“Did they say anything else?” I asked him, curious to know more about these witches that were so interested in me.
“Look,” The man said, already tired and swaying. “They seemed really bent on getting you and they were very impatient. I am supposed to get you there in an hour.”
“Thank you so much for talking,” I said to him.
“Can I go now?” He asked.
“Yes… you can go,” Issa said before he lunged forward and attacked him.
I gasped as Issa punched a hole into the man’s chest and pulled out his heart. The man gasped and fell to the ground.
“You can go straight to hell.” Iran growled.