Book:The devil’s new plaything Published:2025-2-9

Desmond sandals has pretty much taken over Diego’s empire, he orders everyone who had once worked for Diego around, Ava and I are like slaves here now.
I tried to leave the mansion, I tried to take my daughter with me back to my apartment but he wouldn’t let us leave, he has guards at every nook and cranny of the mansion, we do not take any step except it is approved by Desmond, we are slaves to him, it is hard to remember the time when we were free.
“Mama when is Diego coming back. I miss him so much ” Ava asked for the hundredth time. She has been sad ever since Diego’s disappeared.
I hugged her close to myself.
“He will return soon my love.” I replied, saying the same thing I have been saying for a while now. I don’t know if I believe those words anymore, I don’t know if he will ever return, I don’t even know if he is still alive, I am slowly loosing faith, slowly giving in to despair but I cannot give in, I have to stay strong for the sake of our love, for Ava’s sake.
Sidney has not really said anything since she was discharged, she just sits and stares.
I don’t know what to do, everything is so fucked up right now, I really don’t know what to do.
The door knob twisted and opened, Ava moved closer to me, Sydney continued to stare and speak in low whispers to herself.
“Master Desmond wants you in his private chamber.” The man at the door, he is Desmond’s right hand man, something about him scares me.
I nodded and stood up.
“Mama don’t go.” Ava cried, for a split second Sydney looked at me, for that split second, there was a glint in her eyes, like as if she had finally found a way to snap out of her daze, like she was finally the sister I have always known.
For that split second her eyes were no longer the melancholic and glasses, it looked like she could finally see me, like she could finally understand that Delvin’s death and every other bad things that had happened had been five years ago but almost as quickly as the consciousness came into her eyes it left and she returned back to staring at nothing in particular and whispering to herself.
“Mama please don’t go.” Ava said again with tears streaming down her eyes, my heart broke into a million pieces, I took her into my arms, tried to pacify her.
The man was starting to get impatient I can tell by the scowl on his face. I let Ava go.
“Mama will be back shortly.” I replied even though I did not know if I would be back, even though I was terrified thinking about what Desmond wants from me.
I hate being around him, I hate the way his eyes wanders around my body, it creeps me out. He wants me, I am not willing to give myself to him. I know he is starting to get impatient, I don’t want to think about the bad things he would do to the people I love if I don’t give in to his advances.
Diego please come back, I am slowly loosing faith but doing my best to hold on to the love I feel for you, I have faith in our love Diego, I have faith in you, I just wish you would come back quickly before Desmond Sandals destroys us all…
“Get your fucking hands off me.” I said with rage and fury in my eyes. How audacious of him?! How dare he?! How dare he walk into the room like nothing had happened?! Like I hadn’t just seen my sister in that state because of him!
“Why are you taking that so seriously, it’s business, your sister has a score to settle with a business partner of mine and I made it happen.” Raphael said. I am disgusted by him, I made to walk away, I cannot be in the same room as him, he hurt my sister! My sister! I was confused about how I feel about him but now I am convinced that I hate him.
I moved to the door, I have to leave her, i cannot be anywhere near this man right now. He pulled me back, I almost fell before of how hard the pull was, I almost fell but landed on his chest, we were so close, my hands were around his back so that I can gain some sort of stability, he was slanted a little bit so our lips and eyes were on the same level, I stared into his eyes, his bold emerald green eyes, I could hardly remember what I was made about him for and then I remembered almost immediately.
Zara, he fucking held my sister captive!
I tried to moved away from him but he held my hands in his fist firmly and then slowly released them.
“I’m sorry.” He said silently. I never even thought he was capable of saying that, I held on to every single resistance in me, he hurt my sister! I cannot just give in! I cannot just melt!
“That doesn’t erase all the pain and suffering you have caused.” I said, I hope my eyes is conveying the anger that I am trying my best to hold on to.
“I would like to be alone now, please leave.” I said not sure he would comply but for some reason he did, he turned away to leave and I was left alone in my unfamiliar room.
I paced up and down the room, annoyed, frustrated, lonely. I sat down but then stood up and continued to pace the room.
I ran my hand on the wall and then noticed a part of the wall was higher than the rest, curiously I studied it and then noticed that it was a tiny safe.
Why is this here? It was secured by a password, I don’t know why but I put in the year Raphael and I started dating and surprisingly it popped open to reveal a flash drive.
The same flash drive that I had held on to for years. The flash drive that holds all of Raphael Fernandez’s secrets, this is the only thing that can bring justice to all the people he has hurt and abused, me and my twin sister included.