Raphael said nothing else to me after his huge ‘I love you’ confession, we just fell asleep wrapped in each other’s arms.
He has never told me he loves me before, since he became my man when I was younger. I just always convince myself that he did.
I always did everything to make him fall in love with me, I did whatever he wanted even stuff I wasn’t comfortable doing at the time just so he would say those three words but he never did and then now when I’m not even sure how I feel about him anymore he says the words that I have been waiting to hear when I was a teenager.
To be honest I don’t really know if what I feel for him is love, or obsession, sometimes it’s lust other times it’s just pure hatred.
It’s a mix of everything, sometimes like yesterday when he is really nice to me at those moments I’m sure I love him but then he does something to fuck everything up and then I hate him, then he comes on to me with his beautiful body and seductive voice and at that moment all I want to do is to fuck him.
I don’t know what it is really but somehow I cannot get over the sound of his voice, that deep raspy confident voice, somehow i cannot get over how his words made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
I moved my hand around the bed, trying to feel if he is there, I was disappointed to notice the empty space. I sat up on the bed, the pillow next to me, the pillow he had slept on has a deep indent where his head had bed, I hugged the pillow with a smile on my face, his words replayed in my head over and over again.
I haven’t really left my room since I got here but today I just feel like going outside, today seems like a good day, the sun is shining, the view of the lake and the garden looks nice from my window view.
I got into my most comfortable flip flops, the one with the huge bunny ears, still in my silk night gown I walked out of the room, into the hallway that connects the rooms to the lounging area and then down the stair case and out the door into the garden which has a lake and a small cottage by it side.
I had seen this from outside my window but I was not sure that I would be allowed out the door and also I really did not feel like I had the strength and will power to leave my room but now I’m out.
I walked through the garden picked up some flowers and then went to sit close to the lake, I watched the waves move, listened to the sound of the birds and butterflies.
I got a bit tired and then decided to go back into my room. I was about to climb back up the stairs when a noticed a door I hadn’t noticed before near the staircase, it was surprisingly not locked.
Curious, I walked in and then saw another heavily guarded door. It had four guards in front of it.
I moved closer and closer.
“Miss Yara, you cannot be here.” One of the guards said, it looked panicked, like there is something behind the door that I am not supposed to see, I did not want to push, there are some things Raphael does, some things my dad used to do that I do not want to know about, I do not want to get involved in them one way or the other, I have decided to just not get involved in things I don’t want to be invo in.
I nodded at the guard, I caused visibly see the relief on his face.
I was about to turn back to leave when the door opened and I caught a glimpse of my own sister tied up, looking tired and miserable. She was tied on to a chair, her face was swollen and reddish, my breath seized in my lungs.
What did they do to her! Why did they do that to her!
Our eyes met, she looked… helpless.
“What the fuck is going on in there!” I yelled angrily, my eyes was blazing with raw rage.
I cannot believe that that jerk Raphael was torturing my sister all the while he was fucking me! I feel like a fool, to think that I was starting to feel something for Raphael!
I tried to go into the room but the guard pushed me out.
“You are not supposed to see this Miss Yara, if Sir. Raphael knows you have seen this room he will kill us all.” The guard said and as if on cue Raphael walked in.
He gave the guards the death stare and then turned to me.
“Yara, baby, this is not what it seems like.” He said.
“Release my sister right now” I said menacingly through gritted teeth.
He nodded and motioned for his guard to set Zara free. Zara tried to get up but she feel over, I ran over to her.
“Are you okay?” I asked concerned.
“Yara you do not care about me or anyone else for that matter so stop acting like you do.” Zara said moving away from me…
Even in the tightest corner there is always a way out and I’m going to find it or should I say I have found it already.
These people are so stupid, they really think they can keep me in here well they are wrong.
Having a psychotic maniac for a father is not all horrible, it has its perks, like for example when I was just ten I started getting lesson about how to break out of every hostage situation and it just so happens that breaking out of handcuffs comes easily to me… when I have the right tool around.
I spotted a small needle so close to me by my chair, i picked it up. This is my way out…