“You really didn’t know now did you?” My father said laughing that his cold wicked laugh that can make anyone’s blood boil with anger and resentment.
He seems to be enjoying himself taunting and making a mockery of me.
“She didn’t tell you huh? So much for true love.” He mocked, i gritted my teeth and balled up my fists but said nothing.
I want my fist to make contact with his face so badly but I tried my best to calm myself down, I don’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing the anger in my face, I don’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that his words can get to me. I tried and hoped my face was emotionless.
“So she kept the truth from you? Who would have thought?” My father said again.
I don’t know what to think, I don’t know who to believe, over and over again Valentina has proven to me why she shouldn’t be trusted, there is the whole issue with Dester, there’s the time she went to work for Desmond Sandals to spite me, there’s the fact that she knew who I was from the beginning, the fact that she was literally my girlfriend from five years ago before I lost my memory, she knew who I was from the beginning but instead decided to say nothing.
She has proven over and over again why I shouldn’t trust her but for some reason I just cannot think of her as evil, for some reason my heart keeps yearning for her.
For some reason I cannot fathom I feel like she kept all this a secret to protect me from something but what.
Is she trying to protect me from something or I’m I just too in love with her to see her flaws?
“That girl and her family were the worse thing that happened to our family. They are nothing but social climber, desperate gold diggers. I told your brother Dester to stay away from that girl Sidney but he wouldn’t and then she got him killed. I told you to stay away from Sidney’s sister Valentina but you didn’t and she shot you and got you in a coma.” My father said, he is now sitting a few spaces away from me, enjoying the sound of his own voice.
I try to not listen to him, to believe that Valentina would never shoot me but for some reason I cannot. For some reason what he says makes sense, for some reason his words start to give clarity to my memory.
For some reason I know what he says to be true, Valentina actually did shoot me, her sister Sydney actually got my brother Dester killed, her family might actually be trouble. I know what my father says to be true but it doesn’t do anything to quench the burning fire I feel for Valentina.
“I always wondered what was so special about that Valentina girl, I always wondered why you and your twin brother Damian fought over her so much. I had to find out for myself, it had to be that pussy of hers, that’s the only thing that keeps a man around for that long.” He said, i clenched my fist, I can’t take him talking about Valentina like that!
“I knew the reason that you both only fought over her so much had to be because of the good fucking she gives, so naturally I had to have a taste of that pussy of hers.” This monster said and paused, probably enjoying the rise he was starting to get out of me, probably enjoying the rage he was starting to see in my face.
I pushed against the cuffs and ties, if I can just get my hands on him! I want to rip him to shreds!
“You are a monster! A monster! I’m gonna kill you!” I yelled as I tried to get out the chains. I am going to kill him! But before I do, i am going to make him suffer!
“Sh sh sh, hush now child” he said as he moved closer and put the gag on my mouth.
Laughing he said “you know you shouldn’t interrupt an old man when he is telling his stories, I taught you better than that Diego.” That monster I had once called father said.
“Where was I? Oh yes, I had to taste it for myself, I had to know just how good that pussy is, if it was worth all the fights between you and your twin. Of course Valentina didn’t give it to me willingly, she has always been quite stubborn, anyway I had to take it by force. You can’t blame me for that, I’m spoilt, I’m used to getting what I want.” My father said and took a dramatic paused.
I struggled with the chains, I need to claw his eyes out!
“Oh I remember that day, it was after you left for the ranch, I remember how much she struggled, it was a cute attempt to get me off of her but of course I overpowered her and I had my way. I would give the whole experience mmmm maybe a five no four out of ten, she isn’t that great in bed.” He said with a stupid smile on his face.
I struggled and finally got one of my hand free, in a fleeting moment I saw pure fear in the monster’s eyes, Without warning I lurched towards him with murderous intent in my eyes, I was very close to him when the bodyguards pulled me away and dragged me back to the chair. My gag had come off by this time.
“I’m gonna kill you! You are going to regret what you did!” I yelled, until they put the gag back on and tied me back up.
“Inject him, he has to rest, we will resume this conversation tomorrow.” My father said to the man with a syringe by his side. The man moved closer to me, I tried to move back but was restrained.
The last thought I had before going unconscious was of Valentina, she must have been terrified when that happened and i should have been there to protect her…