I don’t know what happened, I don’t know how it happened but now I am tied up here in a building I cannot recognize, a building with a very high ceiling, white plastered wall and red ties.
I am tied up next to Diego Fernandez, the mafia king who had captured my sister and I, why am I tied up next to him? Why am I here? I don’t know!
The last thing I remember is being at the masquerade ball with Delvin, I remember dancing and being really touchy and affectionate with him, I remember him leaning in to kiss me on my lips, I remember tip toeing to reach his lips.
Then I also remember the light going off, I remember the panic that surrounded the hall as the sound of gunshots filled the air, I felt someone pull me away, I yelled for Delvin but his voice came from the far end of the hall, he sounded like he was being restrained.
“Zara!!” He yelled back and then I heard a crash coming from the direction of his voice.
I can’t get the image of him laying unconscious on the ground with no one to help him off my head, I really don’t want to think that, I really really wish he is fine because I cannot bear the thought of it being otherwise.
I closed my eyes when the bright penetrating light seeped into the room from the thousands of lights bulbs on the high ceiling, I slowly opened my eyes and then squinted in order to get used to the intensity of the light.
I looked at Diego Fernandez, he looked angry like really angry. He met my gaze.
“I will get us out of here I promise.” He said, the way he said it made me feel like he does not remember me, it is the same way a person speaks to a stranger who they are stuck in a predicament with. I nodded, I don’t feel like an introduction will be appreciated right now.
Footsteps got closer, it sounded like it was coming from two people. These people came into the room I recognize the both of them, one is Delvin’s father and the other is my godfather Raphael Fernandez.
I began to panic at the sight of Raphael Fernandez, he had a wicked smirk on his face when he noticed me seated there, my body felt shaky, I felt goosebumps starting to form. He will kill me I am sure of it!
I looked at Delvin’s father pleadingly, he is my only hope of leaving here alive.
“Please sir save me.” I pleaded, he had been really nice to me the last time we met, he said he liked how beautiful the love between Delvin and I is. I know he will save me from Raphael he is a good man after all.
I understand why I am here, I am obviously here because Raphael Fernandez want to take some sort of revenge on me but I don’t know why Diego is here.
“You can have the girl, I have to have a chat with my son.” Raphael said with a murderous frown on his face. He walked up to Diego and without another word he hit him with the bat he had in his hand, Diego fell unconscious instantly and was carried by two men into another room, I was left alone with Delvin’s father…
***He keeps punching me in my stomach while my mother watches, I look to her for help but she says nothing, she almost looks like she is enjoying the show. I am fifteen , I was supposed to kill a man who disobeyed my father’s command but I didn’t, I couldn’t and now my father is punishing for being weak***
Those are the only memories I wish I can forget but are the ones that I somehow cannot forget, I want to remember the times I spent loving my Valentina but I somehow cannot, I want to forget the memory of my father’s brutality but I somehow cannot.
I remember being in one of his torture jails begging him to set me free, I remember seating alone there tired and hungry as the rats feasted on my body, I remember being scared, I remember being alone, I remember hating my father for being a beast , I remember hating my mother for being weak, I remember hating myself for being their child, I remember wanting to die.
And now the subject of my hatred is right in front of me.
“I killed you once before and I am going to be the one to kill you again father.” I said with venom in my voice. I don’t know how he cheated death the first time but I know I will not make the mistake of taking him to the morgue as I did the first time, this time I would be sure to burn the body.
“Sometimes I wonder why I let you live, I should have killed you when you were a baby, I should have known that you would grow up to be a traitor.” My father said with a scowl on his face.
“but I must say I am quite impressed I never thought you would stop being the weakling you were growing up. I guess that maid’s daughter you were fucking… what’s her name again? Yeah Valentina, I guess she did you a favor by putting a bullet in you because somehow after she put you in a coma you became the devil I always wanted you to be.” He added.
What did he just say about Valentina? About her being the cause of my coma? I know my father to be a lot of things but a liar is not one of them…
I woke up in a bed in Diego’s house, the bed I had stayed in after I got shot. My head hurts, my throat feels dry. Oh my God where is Diego! Memories from last night flooded my head, why is my Diego?!
I panicked ran out of the room, with my head still throbbing I went down the stairs in search of anyone who would give me an answer as to where Diego is.
I heard a happy cheerful child-like voice coming from my left, I stopped dead in my track because this voice… this voice sounds like my daughter’s voice, slowly I walked towards the sound of the voice. I moved like I was in a trance, my heart was beating fast… Ava… oh my Ava.
“Mama!” A…Ava yelled, she ran into my arms, I hugged her and tears streamed down from my face.
“My baby, my baby.” I said continuously as I sobbed. I pulled back from the hug to look at her and then hugged her again, I am not willing to let go, I will never let her go again.
“She was already fast asleep when you came in.” The other person in the room said. Desmond Sandals, what is he doing here.
I was still wondering what the man who had employed me to work at his club just to spite Diego was doing here, I was still wondering what Desmond Sandals a man Diego hates more than anything is doing in Diego’s house, I was still pondering on this thoughts when my phone rang.
I picked up the call without looking at the caller ID
“She’s awake!” The person on the other end said.
“Who is?” I asked confused.
“Your sister, Sidney, she is out of her coma!” The person said.
“I’m on my way right now!” I said quickly.
“Come quickly and please bring the person named Dester with you she keeps asking for him.” The person said.
More tears rolled down my cheek, I had mixed feelings, I am happy because my sister is back but also sad because Dester Fernandez, the only man she has ever loved is dead, how do I break the news to her, how do I tell my sister that the love of her life, Dester, died five years ago?…