Book:The devil’s new plaything Published:2025-2-9

Why isn’t she here yet?! She should have been here… safe hours ago!
we would have gotten past this, all of this crap but yet again she has chosen to hunt me by not showing up, once again she has chosen that prodigal son over me, she does not know who this prodigal son truly is and it sucks that she thinks she does.
She has swapped our roles. She has made me out to be the bad guy even though I am not, she has made my erring son to be the good guy that he most definitely isn’t.
I knew she would not listen! I had two option either to have my bodyguards kidnap her or just threaten her into coming here.
I chose the second one because for a weird reason I wanted to give her a choice, I don’t know why but I wanted her to choose to come to me herself.
I should have picked the first option because if I had then she would not be in the danger that she is in now! It’s all my fault, what she is probably going through right now is my fault.
I knew she would pick Blake, that spoilt self- centered twat that I had once called my son, I knew she would choose to save him even though saving him would literally be the end of her. Even though she would be walking into a trap.
I am in the car completely freaking out, I hope he is not hurting them! I know Walter I know what he is capable of, I shouldn’t have doubted his threats, i should have just gone to the mansion last night and they would not be in the dangerous position they are now in, I caused this, I hate that I put them in danger!
I hurried tried to park the car at the parking spot at the other side of the street but instead hit the curb, my head moved forward a little violently from the impact of the hit.
I moved out the car, I quickly did my best to get over the hit. I looked around This is the location I was sent. The street is abandoned and scary.
*start walking down* a message that was sent to my phone by the unknown person who sent the email said. I looked around for cameras I could find none, so how does this person (who I am so sure is Walter) know that I’m here already?
I walked down and at the end of a street was a large manor, it was built in the same style as an Enlish country house. Every single part of it was painted white, except for the roof which was yellow which is an odd color for a roof.
It had greenery around, there were birds chirping, it looked beautiful but yet haunted at it stood alone in a huge field of unused land.
*The gate is opened, walk in* the next message said. I walked in, walked into what looks to be the living room which was sparsely decorated, it had only a chandelier and a couple of couches, apart from that it was completely empty, without people, I had half expected to see Walter with Blake as his hostage immediately I get into the manor.
“Hello!!” I yelled, trying to check if anyone is around.
“Is anyone in here!” I yelled again and again. I was about to give up and just go back home or to the police which is something I should have probably done first although I am not sure I want to gamble with Blake’s life like that.
Coming here might have been a bad idea to begin with.
I was about to leave when I felt a presence around me, you know that feeling when you know someone is watching you from behind? Yeah that one, I felt that and turned around to face my worse nightmare.
Raphael Fernandez.
And he was standing side by side with Blake who doesn’t look hurt at all, they were both sipping from their champagne glasses with silent mischief in their smiles.
“You did well Blake.” Raphael said patting Blake on the shoulder. Blake smile and then grinned wickedly at me.
What is Raphael talking about?! Why is he here?! Why is Blake laughing and standing with me like they are old friends?!
” I told you she’ll fall for it, the poor down to earth baker story alway sells.” Blake said with a cocky smirk.
“W…why do you mean?” I asked utterly shocked and confused. What is going on? How do they know each other? Why are they here together? Why is it Raphael here?
“Oh my gosh! How dumb can you be! I tricked you! I work for Raphael over here! My job was to get you to trust me, get you to leave my father’s protection and come back to him!” Blake said with his voice slightly higher than it should be.
“I actually thought you wouldn’t fall for it but yet again you proved the mentally deficient nature of your gender.” Blake said and then laughed. How did I not see this before? This cocky, wicked side of Blake? How did he manage to fool me so well? How? I looked from Blake to Raphael who was sitting on one of the couches just watching us with a sickening smile on his face, how did I ever think him to be the love of my life?
“But he could have just taken me from Walter if he had wanted to.” I replied gesturing to Raphael still confused, why did he go through all these trouble? Raphael is not one to stress himself with planning, he just gets things done by taking people against their will so why did he have to use Blake to get me here when he could have easily just gotten someone to forcibly bring me to him.
“It’s my dad, you know Walter, that jerk you got married to yeah that’s my stupid that who disinherited me. So he and Mr. Fernandez made a deal, Mr. Fernandez can only have his claim to you back if you go back to him on your own, his claim to you will not be honored if Mr. Fernandez here forcibly takes you back so I got hire blah blah blah and now you are here. Easy peasy.” Blake said.
He sat on the chair close to him.
“I most say this was way too easy.” Blake laughed.
” I have to get out of here” I said.
“You are going nowhere Yara. You are mine now and this time I intend to keep it that way forever…” Raphael said.
“But I’m married to Walter.” I said, maybe he would consider that and let me go?
“A deal is a deal, You both will just have to get a divorce.”…