When I saw that the door was unlocked, I did not panic like the last time.
Nowadays i feel like I would be more panicked if I meet the door locked after I get back from work. I know who is in my house, it is the same person who has been in my house every single day for about a week now, it is Diego, it’s his M. O to just go into my house without prior notice, he has pretty much made my house his since about a week now.
He lets himself in (I don’t know how) takes a sit and pretty much just waits for me to get back from work, the first three times it happens I was shocked maybe a bit terrified but now after all these time I would say his presence is pretty much something I am starting to get used to something I am trying my hardest not to start getting attached to because I know what would happen when he learns the full story about five years ago.
I walked in and sure enough he was there seated sipping on a glass of whiskey.
“This whiskey sucks but unfortunately it’s all you have, we really have to go whiskey shopping and wine shopping too.” Diego said as he took one last sip before proceeding to help me with the groceries.
“That’s good whiskey mister! I should really start questioning your taste.” I said as I set the groceries down on the kitchen counter, we sorted through them silently, some were placed in the fridge and others in the pantry.
“Why do I feel like I have done this with you before… sort groceries.” He asked.
“Because you have… you used to.” I replied with a shrug.
“It was a long time ago though… anyway, please put that away.” I said. He picked up the broccoli.
“So what do you do for fun?” Diego asked. I scanned my brain for something cool to say, something that would make him think that I am cool, shopping? If I say that then I would be lying because I get bored easily from shopping. Skydiving? I’ve only done that once and when I did I got scared shiltless. There is only one thing that comes to mind, I know it might make me seem like a boring old woman but whatever.
“Reading, you know books and stuff.” I shrugged. Getting ready for him to say something like ‘that’s not a hobby’ with a chuckle or something.
“That makes sense. You look the type.” He replied, totally going against the script that I had thought he would follow.
“How?” I asked really interested in his next response, how doesn’t a person look like they would like reading?
“You just look… insightful and deep like you would be the type to give me a lecture on the British royal family or how humans evolved from monkeys or about how a character from a book you read sometime ago is the absolute love of your life or….”
“Oh I get it you think I’m a nerd.” I interrupted, feigning annoyance.
“I did not say that you did” he replied grinning, I pretended to get angry.
“But a really beautiful one.” He replied seriously.
I did not know what to say to that, he was staring intensely into my eyes, I looked away and somehow we slipped into a comfortable silence, the type without tension or fear.
We slipped into a silence that seems so familiar like the ones we used to have before, when we would build a tent outside the main house and just watch the stars form in the sky.
“I missed you so much when you left you know? I thought I would never see you again.” I said. He nodded even though I am not sure he knows what I am referring to, it happened so long ago, he does not remember most of the things that happened during those times…
I paced up and down the house waiting for Blake to get back. He is not back yet! I don’t know what to do, i don’t know what to think, he did not show up to the store last night, i was the one who locked up the store, I waited up for him all night but he did not come home.
After Walter’s visit, after his threats and now Blake is not home and now Zara would not pick up her calls and Blake also isn’t picking up!
What do I do?! What if he has them?! What if he got angry when I did not show up? What if he actually followed through with his threat!
I dialed my sister’s number again and again but it all resulted in the same thing, voicemail.
I can just imagine how scared she must feel and to think that it’s all my fault, I could have stopped all this but I did not. I wonder what he is doing to her right now, I wonder what he is doing to them, is he hurting them? Oh God I can’t bear the thought!
I picked up my coat from the rack ready to go through the ice cold heap of snow to find my sister and Blake, I would do anything so far it would mean that they would be safe.
I was about to leave the house when my phone started to ring.
It is…Blake! Oh thank God! Thank God he is already!
I hurried to pick up the call.
“Oh my God! You are fine! Gosh you scared me! What the fuck is wrong with you?! You really scared me.” I said all at once, shedding tears of relief. He is alright! He is alright! Maybe I over reacted, maybe Zara is also fine. Thank goodness!
“Yara… hello… Yara… you have got to help me, he said he will kill me if you don’t come.” Blake’s shaky voice said, then the line when silent.
The phone nearly slipped from my hand, I could hardly stop shaking, oh my gosh he has him!
I tried my best to try to keep the phone steady on my ear.
“Hello, please don’t hurt him, I am begging you.” I sobbed.
“Hello!” I said again, I don’t know if anyone is listening to me, the call line is quiet. I continued to cry then I heard someone starting to speak.
“Yara listen to me, an email has just been sent to you, be here quickly or else Blake dies.” The voice said through the phone, I could not decipher who it was because it sounded very robotic like the owner of the voice was using some sort of automated voice device.
The call ended.
**Beep** an email came into my phone.
The sender’s email read ‘yourtruelove’ it had no subject, the body of the mail contained an address. ‘Be there in ten minutes or he dies.’ The message read…