You both have a friendship that works Diego stick with that! Don’t fucking push her away by wanting more! You have to stay strong! Just be her friend, she wants a friend right now just be that!
I keep showing up, I just can’t stay away, i have things I should do you know? Important things but somehow I’m always here, craving her… company, to its full extent.
I can hardly breathe, I just want her in a non-friendly way, in a non-platonic way, in a more sexual way.
Sometimes when I’m around her, I am so sure that I would combust from how much I want her, from how much I want to feel myself inside of her, sliding and gliding, sucking and fucking. I have to remind myself that I don’t want to push her away, that I don’t want to lose the comfortable friendship we have.
I am standing behind her, she tries to move through the space between the kitchen counter and I. Her ass gentle grinds against my crotch, against my already aroused cock, it feels electric. She apologizes, I tell her it’s no problem but I really wish she wouldn’t apologize but would instead do that again and then let me take her right there on the kitchen counter.
The image of her on the kitchen counter, her legs spreaded, her legs wrapped around my side as I thrust in and out. I can almost hear her, moaning, calling my name, telling me not to stop…
“Diego… Uhm Diego.” Valentina called.
“Yeah,” I replied, trying to play it cool, trying to keep my lust out of my face.
“You weren’t answering anymore, I wanted to know if you are still following our conversation.” Valentina said studying me a little bit.
“Ye…yeah I was… I am, sorry, carry on please.” I said, trying to get my wandering mind to just focus.
When it’s there it’s there. When you feel it you feel it, that ‘I cannot bear this us trying to be friends feeling, that I really want this man to stop acting so nice and just fuck me already’ but yet again I don’t know if he feels it too, I don’t want to mess it up, the comfortable friendship we have.
plus what happened the day after we have sex, what happens when we are probably lying in bed all awkward and weird, the friendship would be gone and that would be such a loss.
I want him so fucking bad but the repercussion of having him might be dire, what if we cross that line and then lose this comfortable friendship we have now, what if he actually doesn’t feel the same way I do now. What if he now genuinely sees me as his friend, which is ewww because I don’t want him to be my fucking friend! I want him to take the cues (that I am totally not dropping) and just fuck me already!
I watch him as he picked up the glass of water from the table, I watched his throat go into a motion as he swallowed, I want to be that water so bad, I want him to hold me in his mouth as he did that water before swallowing.
I swallowed hard and then looked away, worried that he maybe could somehow hear my thoughts, somehow see the dirty things I want him to do to me, things that I hope my eyes are not communicating because of how nasty they are.
God please help me endure this platonic friendship for much longer, I don’t know how much longer I can last before I cannot take these sexual feelings anymore…
The crowd started to close in on me, I could not leave, they all had smiles on their faces, all live streaming.
There was a lot of ‘awwwn’ and ‘that’s so cute’ going on. What is going on? Why is everyone looking so happy and excited around me? Why are cameras pointed at me?
The crowd split into two half at the center and the one person I did not expect to see walked through the middle of that crowd.
“Zara, I really shouldn’t have given you that ultimatum, I love you and I don’t care about anything else except your forgiveness. So will you please forgive me and also would you please be my girlfriend this time for real.” Delvin said, he had a bunch of roses in his hand. I did not know what to say, I was excited, I felt like I could float, felt very light weight but full with joy.
I pulled him into a hug and we kissed, nobody would ever truly understand how much Delvin means to me.
The past few months of us dating has been kept a secret so I did not even know if I had any right to mourn a relationship that only existed to the both of us.
Being ‘broken up’ with Delvin was hell, I found myself constantly thinking of him even though I know I probably shouldn’t, I felt tears very close by every single time, I have had senseless bouts of grief, senseless bouts of feets and anger, senseless bouts of stupid rambling, it has just been completely horrible.
I felt like I was losing myself again, pain that I had tried so hard to bury came back stronger and much more piercingly, the pain of losing my child, the pain of my sister abandonment, pain from the past that I never want to relieve. Everything… everything can back more intensely but now with Delvin in my arms somehow those pain seem to disappear.
I know it’s kinda pathetic to say but I don’t think I can live without Delvin, he somehow finds a way for me be me, the me that can somehow be dissociation from all the guilt and pain I carry.
He is my therapy, my drug rather, it’s very hard to walk away from that… it’s very hard for me to walk away from my peace which is Delvin.
” Please Zara will you be my girlfriend, this time for real, this time I promise not to keep you a secret.” Delvin said looking at me pleadingly.
“Yes a thousand times yes!” I replied excitedly. The crowd erupted with cheers and congratulations. I blushed, I looked at Delvin and he was blushing too.
We hugged for a while, he held on for longer, I can’t believe that he actually missed me! But he seems to have. I held him tighter, I never want to let go.
“Let’s go home. The house was empty and lonely without you in it.” Delvin said. With my hands in it we walked to the car.
My dad is going to fucking kill me for this! Maddie and I have been literally betrothed to each other since we were in diapers! I have a feeling this would not end well but you know what? Fuck it…