“You are so fucking boring! You are hot but just so annoying! Why wouldn’t you let me fuck you?! Is it money you want? Just name a price I would pay!” Giovanni yelled, he is so spoiled and entitled and…and fucking annoying! Being his personal assistant for the past two days has been the worst thing ever, he is so…so…so…ugh!
He threw the file I just brought for him to sign on the ground, I bent to pick them up and ignored the scowl on his face.
I can not wait for this mission to be over! I was feeling I bit horrible that I would have to deliver him to Leanor’s guys, that I would be the reason for his kidnap but now I do not care anymore, I can’t wait for tomorrow so that I can get everything over with.
“By the way be here by seven, there would be a meeting and you should be there.” That arrogant Giovanni said, he had a mischievous smile on his face, I’m scared to find out what he has planned.
“And also go to the airport, I have some models coming in from the Bahamas, make sure they have the best experience or else you would be sorry.” Giovanni threatened.
“Okay sir. Is there anything else you want me to do for you?” I asked with a polite smile which I am trying my best to keep on.
“Yes there is something more I would like you to do but you wouldn’t because you are nothing but a prude.” He said as he slammed the door in my face.
Deep breaths
Deep breaths
It’s all going to be over tomorrow. With the file in my hand I head to a private area which I use as my office here in his resort. I wish this place is sound proved so I can scream out my frustration, I pretend to punch the wall and scream when I was done I straightened out my shirt, tucked it in to my skirt and headed for the door, the airport it is then, this spoilt brat needs some new toys.
I waited for a long time at the airport, Giovanni’s models were supposed to have arrived a long time ago but for some reason they are still nowhere in sight. I had been holding up the huge sign with there names on it but now I’m just there sitting on one of the sad looking abandoned chairs by the side with the sign leaning against the wall, I had a reusable water bottle with coffee in it, i don’t think I have drank coffee as much as I have since I have started ‘Working’ for Giovanni, I know I have said it like fifty times but damn! He is such a piece of work!
I was still sipping on my coffee, staring absentmindedly at nothing in particular when I noticed two people, ladies, probably a little over twenty-one staring around, flabbergasted like they just landed in the jungle or something, on of them took off her over jeweled sunglasses looking confused and confused.
I checked the reference picture, yep that’s them. I put on my brightest smile even though all I feel like doing is getting a cab back, hoping on my bed back at the resort and sleeping, I haven’t really done that well in the last twenty-four hours because Giovanni is a spoiled needy brat, he was going to go easy on me I could tell and he was really nice at first but after he found out that I wasn’t going to sleep with him he decided to make my time with him horrible.
I walked up to the girls.
“Hi I am Sofia, I would be attending to you, whatever you…” I wasn’t even done with my introduction when one of them interrupted me.
“Go get our bags chatterbox.” One of them said, I looked at her and then the other one completely stunned by her rudeness.
“You heard her, chop chop bitch!” The other one said. I went over to get there bags and the hell! It was a whole lot! They are supposed to be here for just a day what would they be needing about ten big suitcases for?!
I carried the bags one after the other, sweat and exhaustion pored down my face.
“I’m so tired from sitting over here can you work a bit faster.” One of the girls said with an eye roll. I was going to yell at her but I just had to keep it together, it was hard but I was somehow able to not yell, let’s just say God was on her side and somehow my composure stayed intact. I was done carrying all the bags when the limo came, great…just great, we got driven back to the resort, the car was buzzing with a lot of music which was really annoying because all I really wanted to do was to sleep!! It the not help that the girls wouldn’t stop talking in that annoying nasal high pitched valley girl accent!
We got to the resort, they run over to hug Giovanni, they pressed their huge breasts on his chest, lingering for a lot longer than they should have, touching him in very seductive way, I stifled a frown, he is supposed to get married any day now! Poor Leilani, I wonder how she would manage throughout this marriage.
“Anything else you want from me?” I asked I could not stop my voice from reeking with disgust, someone get me out of here before I actually hurt this idiot and these two beanpoles.
“Yeah just seat over there incase we need anything.” Giovanni said absentmindedly as he poured some Moet from the bottle into the mouth of one of the girls, dropped the drink, ran his hands down her body to cup and caress her breasts and then kissed her, she moaned and giggled.
“Not fair where is my kiss daddy.” The other girl said, as she hugged him from behind making sure to let her hands slip to the bulging part of his trouser.
“Do I have to be here for this?!” I asked. All of them ignored me so I stood up to leave.
“Don’t you even try it!” Giovanni said menacingly, I sat back down loathing every single second I had to be there, one of the models giggled again clearly enjoying my discomfort.
And so the threesome began with an unwillingn voyeur by the side.
I tried to take my mind off the sound of their annoying moans and low groan, tried to unsee what I was seeing but that is kinda impossible when the scene is right in front of you!
Giovanni pushed one of the models down to the crotch of his trouser.
“Take that cock in your mouth baby.” He said and she was more than happy to oblige him. She took the whole length in her mouth, sucking, swallowing and slipping it up and down, the other model was getting fingered like nothing else, he touched and caressed and fingered that pussy, she moan, held on to something, called his name which he insists is daddy by the way. I really shouldn’t be turned on by this but I was, I took all the home training and self control I had not to start self pleasuring.
I tried to take my mind away from what was happening right in front of me and instead think about something else; my family, the town I grew up in… Diego? The last part did not help because the thought of him always makes me really horny so I started touching myself as I watched them and thought about Diego, his sizzling hot body on mine, how he kisses me like I am all he has ever wanted in life, how he touches me, I thought of his cock slipping in and out of me, faster, harder, really fucking good.
I was annoyed by the sound of a moan until I realized that it came out and f my own mouth. Oops.
“Well what do we know, the nun is not that much of a nun after all.” Giovanni said, his cock was inside one of the models. I looked away, the embarrassment! I hadn’t even snapped out of the embarrassment when three masked people walked in the room.
The restrained Giovanni with his trousers still down and his top completely off, the dragged the models who literally had nothing on, I also got dragged and before we all know is a complete opaque scaffold is placed on our head, everywhere goes completely dark but I can hear that we are in a car headed for a completely unknown destination.
“What the actual fuck is this Giovanni!” One of the models said crying. Apparently she forgot to call him daddy.
“I don’t know Scarlet.” Giovanni replied and wait was he… crying? So much for daddy…