Book:The devil’s new plaything Published:2025-2-9

Maybe Leanor decided to kidnap Giovanni a lot earlier than tomorrow? But why then didn’t she let me in on her plan? I am confused about all this, I shouldn’t have been kidnapped with them! The plan was to get him alone and somehow get him to the docks and Leanor’s guys will already be there to take over! And it was supposed to happen tomorrow not today! The models were not meant to be kidnapped, nobody else was supposed to get hurt just Giovanni.
I almost leaned over to tell the masked men that there had been some kind of mistake! That Leanor had clearly instructed that only Giovanni be kidnapped, I was about to inform them of their mistake when I heard one of them say.
“Master Diego wants them to be there really soon, he would not tolerate any delays.” The masked man said. I literally froze, Diego? How did he know where I was? Is he monitoring me? What does he want from me? Is he going to kill me this time? Has he somehow decided to let me have my daughter back? I pondered all these thoughts. I am not ready to meet Diego yet but a part of me could not wait to see him, to ask him why he has decided to hurt me this much, to ask him why he took my daughter away from me, I he believed that I killed his brother Dester.
I hate him for thinking of me as a murderer, I know he probably has to trust no one every time because he has been scarred but why didn’t he believe me, it’s that distrust that hurt a lot more than him aiming a gun at me.
I sat still, thinking of how I would get out alive, nothing would stop Diego from killing me this time, and it would be for a crime I absolutely did not commit.
We drove for about half an hour before the car abruptly stopped and I felt a hand yank me roughly from out of the car and into another vehicle which I later deciphered to be a plane.
“Please don’t hurt me! Please!” I heard one of the models sob, I stayed quiet because I knew that no matter how we beg Diego is still going to hurt all of us especially me… if he lets them all go he sure as hell isn’t going to let me go.
“I will pay double in fact triple the price your boss is offering.” Giovanni said shakily, a hot slap landed on his cheek. He cried out like a little baby, the models were crying, everywhere was noisy!
“Shut the fuck up or I will blow all your brains out!” The man said, I begged them in my mind to shut up, we will die eventually but I just want to use this moment to reflect quietly on my life, relive the beautiful times I have gotten the chance to spend on this Earth. As much as I would like to deny it, one of my most beautiful memories are those I spent loving Diego, before the accident, those days when we were young and free, when he was not a mafia king and I wasn’t out here getting kidnapped every single time.
It is ironic that one of my most beautiful memories are with the man that wants me dead.
The three of them finally calmed down, the flight continued, our face coverings were taken off at intervals so that we can eat and then it was put back on.
We landed and were pulled into another car with our faces still covered, the car drove for a while before it finally stopped and we were yet again dragged into the car into somewhere else, I was starting to get really scared because I know Diego and I know what he is capable of and also being blindfolded makes things a lot more scarier.
I was pushed roughly to a chair and my arms were pulled to the back of the chair and cuffed, my legs were also tied, the face covering was still over my eyes so I could not see anything.
The models continued to wail while Giovanni continued to try to bribe our kidnappers with money before he resulted to threatening them with his family’s connection, he talks a little bit too much I hope for his sake that that doesn’t get him killed faster than the rest of us.
I stayed quiet and awaited my lot.
I knew when he walked in, it felt like as if the whole place froze, the tension in the air became higher, I could smell his cologne, I could feel his presence envelope me.
Diego is someone who occupies his own space in any place he enters, someone you notice without him even saying a word or taking any action, he has this silent confidence that draws everyone to him, he is hot, he knows it and he knows that you know it, most ladies would do anything to be in his presence… most but not me especially not right now when he most definitely wants me dead for a crime I did not commit.
“Why are they three, I requested for just Giovanni.” I heard his voice say, Diego’s voice was laced with a little bit of anger or dissatisfaction I’m not sure. It the type of tone that is used to reprimand a child.
“The rest of them were with him so we had to take them all so there wouldn’t be any witnesses.” One of the men said.
Wait what?! It is Giovanni he wanted to kidnap! I thought it was me and that the rest of them are just collateral damage, why Giovanni? Do they know each other?
“Take that off his face.” Diego said.
“What do you want from me! I don’t even know you!” I heard Giovanni yell.
“But I do know you and I know that you have disrespected my cousin Leilani in many ways these past few days, you have cheated on her countless of times and now I have to kill you so that she wouldn’t have to marry such a worthless man like you.” Diego said and Giovanni started to sob.
“Plea…please don’t hurt me, I promise to do better by Princess Leilani. I would never cheat on her again” Giovanni cried.
“Of course you wouldn’t because you would be dead.” Diego said with a cold soulless grin. I felt my blood freeze.
“Take him to the torture room and take the face coverings off the rest of them I’m sure they are really uncomfortable right now. Release them also” Diego said.
My heart started to beat really fast, when they reveal my face, if he finds out that I am here within his reach he will definitely kill me!
I felt someone’s hands on my face holding on to the edge of the pitch black face covering, I held my breath, closed my eyes and waited scared out of my mind.
They pulled the covering off and my face was revealed, my eyes were still closed, I could not bear to open them because of how scared I was.
“Valentina?” Diego said, he looked genuinely surprised.
“We meet again.” He added, his voice had a very sinister tone to it…