Book:The devil’s new plaything Published:2025-2-9

Walter left the house very early in the morning, he had to fly to Paris for the launch of his new perfume line ‘Yara’s scent’, there’s everyone on the internet gushing about how much of a thoughtful husband he is for using my name for his new brand, there’s talks about how much he loves me, there are women saying what they would give to have to have a husband as thoughtful and as affectionate as Walter Davis.
It’s things like this that keeps me boxed in, nobody would ever believe me when I tell them that he is not who he pretends to be, nobody would believe me if I tell them the truth that Walter is not who he claims to be that he is a murderer and a cheat, they wouldn’t believe me if I tell them how scared I get every single time he is around me, how angry I am that I can’t do anything to defile him, well this invitation card changes everything and tonight I am going to be wilder than fire and if he finds out then he’ll just have to deal with it or kill me like he did Olivia.
I looked at my phone, at least twenty missed calls from my twin sister Zara, she is part of my former life and for her sake I don’t want her anywhere near me at least not for now not with that muderous cheat near, he would hurt her or hurt me using her, I can’t bear that so I have to keep Zara and everyone I have ever known in the past. If he wants to hurt anyone it’s going to have to be me not any one else, I wouldn’t let him hurt the people I love.
I put on a custom made Dior strapless gown, some Cartier bracelets and earrings and a pair of red bottoms heels, I spared on my favorite perfume (definitely not Yara’s scent ewww) and proceeded to sneak out of the mansion.
Luck is on my side because shadow (Nancy) is nowhere in sight, she went home to Vancouver for the weekend her mother fell really ill all I have to do is to find a way to sneak past the bodyguards and house staffs.
I wore an oversized grey hoodie over the gown, I had the hood on and a pair of dark sunglasses over my eyes and left our room. The hallway was almost empty except for two guard pacing the place, I went back into the room waiting a while until they left and then sneaked out through the back door, instead of going through the gate of the mansion which is heavily guarded, I crawled out through the low fence at the back and then I was finally out. This is the first time since I got captured by Walter that I have left the house on my own with any bodyguard or Walter breathing down my neck.
I called Blake, he was with me in no time.
“What are you wearing, you do know that this is like a really exclusive stuff right?” Blake said with a taunting laugh.
“Blake!” I said hugging him. He squirmed away from my hug awkwardly.
“So let’s go!” He said. I got into the passenger seat of his Porsche and we were on our way, music was blaring loudly from the stereo, we were singing at the top of our voices, the Night life was giving what it was supposed to give, everything was lit, I felt like for the first time in a long time I was actually living.
We got to the venue and it was completely empty like not even a pin present type of empty. I looked at Blake, he looked at me back except unlike my expression his expression was a lot mischievous like he knew something that I did not.
“You would have to sign this first before you can be allowed in.” He said as he picked up a pen and a thick manuscript looking booklet, he flipped to the last page of the booklet and signed, everything would have been less weird than it already was if he signed with ordinary ink but no, there were cartons of tiny knifes on the table, he picked one up and cut a part of his thumb like it was nothing, poured a bit of the blood in the ink jar and signed the end of the booklet with a quill with his blood.
“Okay I’ll admit this is a bit freaky but I promise you it’s just for show nothing else besides if you are looking for freaky what is behind that door will knock your socks off.” Blake said. He held out his hand, I placed my hand on his and closed my eyes I felt the sting of the knife blade, felt the pressure of his thumb on mine as I tried to get the blood into another ink jar. He lifted my thumb to his mouth and sucked off the remaining blood on the surface, my eyes flew open I stared at him.
“You can sign now.” He said, i signed and we walked in with our phone in the safe boxes.
The door flew open after we were done signing and keeping our phones away. The place was dark but lit enough for you to be able to see somethings like cells with naked people in them, like BDSM scenes going on, like your favorite celebrities going down on each other.
“What the fuck!” I mouthed, it felt weird at first but later it didn’t anymore, maybe it’s the slow sexual music playing or the drinks definitely the drinks just one shot and I can already feel myself floating.
It is a full blown orgy in here, celebrity orgy. I continued to sip my drink as I watched two well known face, both of them females, a famous runway model and an actress actively having sex in front of Blake and I. There are just a lot of things going on, it felt I bit too much, I felt like I had to leave.
The place had a blue hue of light, there were different rooms, we were sitting in one, here it just people fucking, feeling each other out, touching and all the room adjacent from us seemed to be a bit more intense with handcuffs, ball gags and all
” I’m leaving this is just not my type of place.” I said to Blake.
“Are you sure about that?” Blake asked as he flipped me so that I was facing him. His hands traced the side of my face.
“I can make you forget all of your troubles if you let me.” Blake said as he tried to kiss me, I moved my face away. It just doesn’t feel right. I know Walter cheated on me but I don’t know if I can cheat on him back without getting my feelings involved, casual sex is not something I think I can do somehow I always get hurt.
“I’m leaving. Sorry.” I said.
“There’s nothing to be sorry for, this is all just boring anyway.” He said,
“I know this great taco place, it runs all night, we can go if you want.” He said. We left the weird orgy place and got back into the car and drove for sometime.
The sky above us was dark blue, it twinkled with beautiful tiny stars, the crescent moon looked really cool, we drove in silence, the old school R and B music was the only thing filling the silence.
Five o’clock in the morning was playing and then it was followed by no air by Jordan sparks and Chris brown.
We got to the place, it was an open air just benches out in the open, it had Arabian lamps which was anchored by beautiful ribbons. We sat opposite each other, he stared into my eyes I looked away. One of the servers came in with the something wrapped up in newspapers, it was some sort of grilled meat there was something sprayed over it. I was skeptical about trying it.
“It’s Suya, my friend in college introduced me to it.” Blake said as I picked up a piece of the meat which prompted me to take my own piece.
The way the flavors melted in my mouth! I can’t even explain, I can only say this would probably be one of my favorite comfort food going forward.
I smiled at Blake, he smiled back. The night was peaceful, nothing felt forced, I did not feel like I was being rushed or like I had to do anything, I just had to be myself. The shy quiet Yara that I thought had died in high school.
Blake insisted on driving me all the way to the gate of the house, it’s almost like he did not care about what Walter would do to him if he finds out that we have been spending time together. After much persuasion he agreed to drop me off a few blocks away from the house.
I snuck in expecting to be met with an empty house but was shocked to see Walter sitting right their in the entrance room.
“Who is he?” Walter asked through rage clouded eyes…