Book:The devil’s new plaything Published:2025-2-9

One thing nobody knows is that I had seen Valentina a long time before that night at Don Carlos’ strip club, I had watched her for a while and decided that she would be mine whether she liked it or not. I would make her mine, she would be perfect, I would break her and then stitch her back to perfection. Back to my idea of perfection, she would be the queen of my empire.
I knew then and I still know now that I want her except now it’s a little bit different, now this stupid feeling called love has began to cloud my thinking, this need to protect Valentina has destroyed my initial intention to break her.
I can not escape this feeling sadly, I wish I could because this feeling threatens to ruin me. It makes me vulnerable which is something a mafia king myself shouldn’t be, that is the number one golden rule ‘Do not ever be vulnerable, kill the thing that makes you vulnerable’.
I killed the one thing that had once made me vulnerable, I killed my old self, the nice kind hearted Diego. I killed him because he cared too much, he was too kind easily persuadable.
I killed that version of myself and took up this mask that made me the Devil. I was able to kill that Diego but for some reason I cannot seem to end Valentina’s life, she makes me vulnerable, she is wrong for me but for some reason I still keep her with me and what is that reason? Love? Lust? I cannot decide on that yet.
The first time I saw Valentina, she looked a bit scared, at that time I did not know what frightened her.
She was on that lonely street where I had parked my car as I waited for Gregory to bring me the head of that man Georgio who had opposed me. I sat in the car, a little bit bored when I saw her. The first thing I noticed was how ethereally beautiful she was, she looked like a real life Angel or fairy, I don’t know, how beautiful just seemed to originate from somewhere away from the world.
I continued to watch her, she had her headphones on she seemed to be taking a walk, I wondered what music she was listening to, I wondered what she liked, what excited her, what irritated her, I wanted to know her, I wanted to watch her every day, I wanted her by myself.
She looked all happy, bopping her head to the music as she walked until the frightened look crept on to her face, I watched her face morph from happily to fear. I almost strained my vision as I tried to see what was scaring her, it was not until I saw that stupid excuse for a gangster and his goons surroun her that I understood her fear.
They started to harass her, I couldn’t take it so I sped my car in their direction and ran one of them over in the process, the others ran away before she could see my face I sped off and texted Greg to meet me at 4th street avenue.
I had to know that she was completely safe from those goons so I had my people kidnap all of them. I enjoyed torturing them a bit too much I must admit, maybe I shouldn’t have killed them but I just had to rid the world of a few more evil men, sometimes I can’t control myself, I guess you can say I have a bit of a ‘savior complex’.
“What are you thinking about?” Valentina asked, she is sitting close to me at the back seat of the car, the car is completely quiet on my request. She looks as beautiful as the first day I saw her.
“Nothing.” I replied. My face betrayed me by cracking up a smile. Damn that not very mafia of me, I returned my face back to its usual frown. Much better.
I can’t believe that jerk Raphael Fernandez took my sister, I don’t really have any evidence to back this claim but I can feel it in my gut, I cannot explain this feeling but I know she needs my help.
I went over to Raphael Fernandez’s mansion but they wouldn’t let me in, they just didn’t regardless of what I did. I know he has her and I know she isn’t safe nobody is safe around Raphael.
I wish I could inform the police but I know better than to do that, ‘snitches get stitches’ I am not going to risk Yara’s life by involving the police, I know not to trust them. I learnt that the hard way after being held captive at Raphael Fernandez’s island for a month. That is a memory I would like to forget but the thought of Yara being held captive with that monster makes me think of that time, it makes me think of what he is doing to her, if he is doing to her what he did to me.
He promised not to ever hurt her if I stay quiet and I did… I have for a long long time but I don’t think he would keep his promise.
I walked around Yara’s apartment trying to gather clues as to where she is being held captive, I was starting to get frustrated by the futility of this quest with I felt something at the space between the kitchen cabinet and the wall.
I pulled this thing out. Its a book. Yara’s diary.
Thank God he walked in, Raphael was going to kill me but this man who I know but do not know has saved me. I have seen him before, I have seen him every time on the television, he is one of the most recognizable names in the country maybe also around the world also.
Raphael froze with the air tight bag still in his hand, still over my head.
“Let me see her face, then we can decide if she is more profitable to us dead or alive.” The voice of the man said. Raphael lifted the bag off my face.
“She is so beautiful.” The man gasped. The man who I could then recognize as Walter Davis, a very influential actor.
“I need her to become one of my ecstasy girls.” Walter said.
“The men will love her.” Walter added.
“Yes sir.” Raphael said, I have never seen him this humble before. He handed me over to Walter and now I’m in a car headed for an unknown location.