I sat opposite Diego on the private jet, a private jet! I have never even flown business class in my life before not to talk about first class or even a private jet! I shifted uncomfortably on my seat, it felt awkward staring at him, him staring at me, we both don’t have our phones with us so we cannot even pretend to be distracted.
I looked out through the window and watched the jet climb over the clouds, I got a little bit lost in my thoughts. Everything feels a bit out of place, I am in a jet with a man I’m pretty sure I should hate, Headed for an unknown destination, I sit here with him not knowing what his plans are, not knowing what he is going to do to me at this unknown destination.
And Ava… my daughter, I haven’t seen her in two weeks. I miss my daughter, I miss her calling me mom, I miss her laughter and everything, I don’t even know if I would ever see my daughter again, I don’t know what he (Diego) would do to me or even her if I ask to see Ava.
“You do this a lot.” Diego said as he took a small sip of his champagne. The champagne flute seem to be glistening when he held it up to his lips.
“Do what?” I replied, puzzled. I replied in the most polite way I can, I don’t want to risk upsetting him, I don’t want to risk Ava’s life.
I used to think that Diego has a heart somewhere hidden deep down but i don’t know anything, not after what happened that night when he was drunk and I was held captive in his dungeon.
“Look outside the window.” He replied.
“Why do you do that?” He asked, suddenly looking very interested in hearing my reply.
Maybe because I can avoid the intensity of reality when I stare out the window? Maybe it’s just my way of coping with everything that has happened to me from my abusive step father, to Don Carlos and now you, I don’t know.
“I don’t know.” I replied.
“Valentina, I want you to trust me from now on can you do that?” He asked lacing his palm over mine, I felt every inch of my body start to come alive even the tip of my finger nails. I cannot deny my attraction to Diego and I don’t even think I can stay away from him since he literally owns me and has made it his duty to punish me every single time I have tried to build a life for myself, a life separate from him.
“Can you trust me Valentina?” He asked again. I wanted to say yes just so I don’t annoy him but something about the way his eyes were looking into mine kept me in a bound of honesty.
“No… I don’t think I can ever trust you Diego.” I replied. He looked away, I saw something like sadness creep on to his face. Sadness…an emotion I never thought this new Diego can exhibit.
Most of the girls here are scantily dressed, well all of us paraded here on the stage like objects like Barbie dolls have nothing but stringy thongs on, our breasts are unclothed, naked for these gross men to feast their eyes on. I crossed my hand over my breast trying hard to keep it out of sight, a smile was fixed on my face. I looked over to the corner and see Walter with a frown on his face.
“Take your hands off your breast so you can be sold.” The girl closest to me whispered in my ear.
I slowly took my hands off and was let up to the auction stand.
One of the men ran his hands over my bare breast. I closed my eyes tried to keep my hands at my side, I closed my eyes but even that could not stop the tears from flowing rapidly.
“I will take this one.” The man said referring to me like I am just something to satisfy his urges.
“Change of plans guys… she is coming home with me tonight.” Walter said abruptly. Nobody questioned him and the next thing I know I’m being driven through his huge estate in Beverly hill and into his mansion.
We both walked into his room and I sat at a corner, completely naked and terrified as he took off his clothes, the more he came closer to me the more my heart started to beat fast, I felt like my heart was going to escape my chest when he caressed my face.
“My precious precious Angel, tonight you are going to be my own personal slut.” He said. And I looked away as I remembered the times when my life was much better, Those times when it was just us no drugs, no mafia, no murders just mom, dad, Zara and I.
I don’t know what I would do if anything happens to Yara, I know we fight and I have told her I hate her more than a million times but I can’t bear the thought of living this life without her.
I flipped through her diary again and again and again willing it to provide me with clues, anything at all, anything that can help me save my sister. I panted as sweat poured down my face, I throw the diary halfway across the room, yelled in frustration before finally succumbing to my impending sadness.
She can’t be gone just like that. I cried.
*if you ever want to see your twin sister ever again you would come to the island. I’m sure you know where it is and I’m also sure you know better than involving the police.* a message from the one person I haven’t talked to since I was seventeen, since my dad and him smuggled me to that sick island and told everybody I went to the rehab for my drug problem.
I read Raphael Fernandez’s message I knew in that instant that I would do anything to save my sister including going back to that island and reliving horrible memories that I would much rather forget.
I would do anything to save Yara including putting my life at risk.