Book:The devil’s new plaything Published:2025-2-9

I am a beast who enjoys a good time, I mean who doesn’t? Who doesn’t like the fast life? Blinking lights, People who worship you, liquor, the adrenaline rush that comes from ending someone’s life, the knowledge that you have the power to end anyone’s life, the knowledge that that are all puppets at your mercy, all candles that can be easily extinguished by you. You own them all, only death can set them free, that is how that bitch Valentina escaped. That light has been extinguished, she was such a tough cookie so maybe it is for the best.
“One thousand dollars anyone?” The auction man on stage with the one night stand slave said. The girl looks uninteresting, the most generic box dyed blonde hair, a boring looking hazel eyes, boring. Her body though, I like how juicy those boobs look, that neck can definitely withstand a bit of choking, that mouth looks like it can take all of me, I would like to trust myself deeply into that pussy from the back, I would like to slap that ass with no remorse, have it fill my fist but I’m not buying her… at least not tonight, why? Because she has a boring face. I don’t like boring, I like exciting like Valentina is… was.
The girl was eventually bought by an equally boring looking man for two thousand dollars.
The next girl walked in and I was instantly sure I wanted her for the night, to warm my bed, the other girls in my harem fell too regular, common, too familiar, too overused. This is new, she is exciting for now, she would also get boring but for now she still exciting.
“Ten thousand dollars.” I said raising my signal card up.
“Ohhh ten thousand dollars from Diego Fernandez. Anyone wants to counter that?” The man said with a bright smile on his lips, even her owner who was standing at her other side looked satisfied.
Nobody countered. I suspect it is partly because none of them want to get on my bad side although there is one particular person who is in line to get his reward for getting on my bad side, Don Carlos. I respect the quote “All is fair in love and war” but the thing is that quote only applies to me, if anyone else takes what belongs to me during an affair of love or war they pay dearly.
“Alright sold.” The auction man said.
“Get her set up on my bed. I have an unfinished business to complete.” I said to one of my goons as I stood up and walked away.
I have Don Carlos to finish.
My eye lids feel heavy, my body aches, I tried to swallow but my throat feel sore and painful. It took all the strength in me to open up my eyes.
“Where am I?” I wondered looking around, I was hooked to a blood bag, with some other medical machine hooked to me, the heart monitor beeped steadily.
All this look like things that belong at the hospital but I wasn’t even in a hospital gown and this doesn’t even look like a hospital. I don’t know how I am still even alive, I heard the gun go off, I felt it pierce my skin, I felt myself go unconscious. I died… I think or is this how being dead feels like? Feeling hurt and achy?
“You only got grazed by the bullet, thank God you are awake now, I was worried for a second there.” Damian said, his voice sounded heavy with emotion, his eyes were red and glossy. He was sitting close to my bed with a blanket on him.
“Damian?” I said confused.
“He did this to you… Diego… he doesn’t care about anyone but his pathetic self.” Damian said, his voice was breaking, I could hear the hatred in his voice when he said Diego’s name.
“How do you feel?” He said as he hugged me gently and then dropped a peck on my cheek. I shuddered from the pressure of his lips on my cheek but soon eased into his hug. I let him comfort me, the hug felt comfortable. I did not know when I started to break down.
“Why is this happening to me Damian?” I asked in between sobs.
“I tried to get away from it all but somehow it always finds me.” I cried.
“It is all Diego’s fault.” Damian replied. I pulled away from him.
“It isn’t not, not entirely. We hurt him Damian even if he might not remember. He was not like this, my Diego was so different from this beast.” I cried. He was not like this, not my Diego.
“Well that Diego is gone now Valentina! I am the one here with you! Where is Diego? The bastard doesn’t even care if you are alive or dead! Why do you always have to choose him over me every. Single. Time.” Damian yelled at me, his hand made a fist as he stared straight at me. I thought he was going to hit me but his fist landed on the wall behind me.
I can not distract myself from what I learnt when I went over to Don Carlos’s cartel house, what he said before he shut his eyes in death, what he had said repeatedly as he begged for mercy. Do I believe this dead man or my brother who has never lied to me? Was he just trying to get out of being killed? Yes that is it, he was trying to escape his death, I know that because I am sure my brother Damian will never lie to me, that is why I always feel bad for the secret I refuse to share with him, I secret that will definitely make me his enemy. He doesn’t have to know… nobody has to know because what he doesn’t know can’t kill him, right?
“Does this feel okay Master Diego?” The one nightstand slave said as she paused from stroking my dick with her mouth.
” You should never talk with your mouth full.” I replied as I turned her over and pushed her to the bed. I stood over her, pulled a condom from its packet, slipped it on and thrusted into her as hard as I could.
“Yes master.” She moaned. I kept thrusting but for some reason I couldn’t feel the satisfaction I used to get, the pleasure I used to get when I am with Valentina, I felt empty and hollow. I pulled out from the girl.
“But daddy…” she whined.
“Get your things and leave.” I commanded.
“What if I don’t, I’m sure I can give you as much pleasure as you have given me.” She replied, tracing lines on my chest as she whispered in my ear.
“If you don’t leave now I will kill you.” I said giving her the death stare. She flinched, hurriedly wore her clothes and scurried away.
I quickly headed to the bathroom, I had to get every trace of that girl away from me. What has Valentina done to me? Why can’t I stop thinking about her even for a second? I should have double killed that bastard Don Carlos!
“We are going to be a family, you, Ava and I” Damian said hugging/ restraining me. I nodded as I tried hard to breathe.