Book:The devil’s new plaything Published:2025-2-9

I have watched him take everything away from me, over and over again. My twin brother Diego who happens to bethe bane of my entire existence. He has been a thorn in my flesh since we were children, he has always had the spotlight to himself, always had the prettiest girlfriend, had always been the better looking twin, the most popular one and somehow I’m supposed to be okay with that? No? Not anymore.
I hate Diego so much, the mere sight of him enrages me. It takes everything for me not to drive a knife through his chest.
“How did the operation go?” I asked Diego with a smile I have to keep on my face so he doesn’t suspect my impending betrayal.
“It went well. Just a few casualties.” He said absent-mindedly as he picked up a piece of sushi from the plate. I glare at him with disgust before returning my smile back to its place. There is nothing special about Diego, I don’t understand why he is always favored by my father and everyone else. He has always had everything I have ever wanted. The mafia, my father’s admiration, my Valentina. I had her and somehow he stole her away from me but I’m going to get everything back from him, the stupid fool doesn’t even suspect a thing.
“They got the package from Don Carlos, a lot more than I had thought they would actually, now we can take over the East coast brother.” Diego said smile. I smiled back at him.
“So it went well then.” I replied.
“Yes, the only thing is that Don Carlos captured Valentina but that is not really an issue, I have had my fun with her so I guess he can keep her.” Diego said nonchalantly. I felt by blood starting to coarse rapidly in my veins, this little prick! How could he send Valentina on that dangerous mission?! How dare he put her in that dangerous situation?!
“Why did you send Valentina.” I asked calmly even though I felt like ripping him to shreds. There will be a time for that, I can’t wait to enjoy the sight of Diego in a pool of his own blood, begging me to save him, I just have to be strategic when dealing with this devil I call my brother.
“Why did you send her? You could have sent any of the other whores.” I asked again.
“I sent her because I felt like it besides what do you care?” He asked, studying me. Sometimes I wonder if he knows the truth about everything and is just pretending not to because of how observant he is.
“I don’t care. I just think she is more useful to us alive than dead.” I shrugged.
“Oh brother Valentina is of no use to us alive or dead and besides we can get a thousand Valentinas right there at the strip club. She is nothing but a cheap cunt.” Diego said before taking a sip of his whiskey. I tried my best to keep my anger at bay, there is only one Valentina, if only he remembers what she used to mean to him a few years ago, thank God he doesn’t remember, that memory can destroy a lot of things including me…
I could feel my body freezing as I stayed hung up anchored by the rope which was tied to a pole in the ceiling. My body was dripping in ice cold water and scars from the hot rod being pressed against it.
“How dare you! You little rat that I picked up from the gutters! I should have left you on the streets to starve!” Don Carlos said as he pressed a hot rod against my skin.
“Ahhhhh” I yelled in agony. I could see my flesh burning, I felt a pain like nothing else, my eyes was blurry with tears.
“I should have killed you years ago but that is no problem I’m going to do that now.” He added signaling one of the guys to move close. The man cut off the rope and brought me down, I collapsed in to his arm but was made to start on my own. I felt really frail, I have been tortured continuously for hours.
“You should never have gone against me Valentina. Nobody who goes against me ever lives to tell the tale” Don Carlos said as one of his goons handed him a gun which he aimed at me.
“Good bye forever Valentina.” He said. I closed my eyes as a tear drop fell down from my eyes. This is it, the end. My life will be over in a split second. I just hope Ava grows up knowing I love her. I hope she grows up to somehow have a good life, I wish I can be there for my little girl, I don’t want to leave her not now… or ever.
“Don’t you dare do that Carlos!” I heard someone yell, the voice was followed by sound of the gun going off. I felt the bullet pierce my skin, I could see my life flashing in front of me, and then there was me going completely unconsciousness.
“No no no! Valentina wake up! Wake up!” I said panicking. She can’t die, not now, this is not how our story is supposed to end!
Picked up the gun aimed it at one of the guys standing at Don Carlos’ side and fired, then aimed at the other one and fired.
“If she dies I swear I will bring hell on you and your cartel.” I said to Don Carlos with my eyes brewing with anger and unshed tears. I carried Valentina in my arm into my car and to my house.
I have to keep her away from Diego no matter the cause, I have to get my family in other and by that I mean Valentina, Ava and I.
“I just got a confirmation from the guys, Valentina is dead.” I said to Diego.
“Such a shame, she was so damn sexy.” He replied with a smirk.