Still Stephanie’s POV
We arrived at Lorenzo’s house just in time for dinner. Gracie was so excited to see us, and so were we. Gosh, she looked so good, so damn good. I met her in the club and she was a crackhead already when I met her. I’ve always seen her as a crackhead, she always looked so pale and deadbeat because of her use of various kinds of hard drugs, but this Graciela we met in Lorenzo’s house is so damn beautiful.
She had cute blushes on her cheeks and her skin is so bright and radiant. She has never been more beautiful, I couldn’t find the right words to compliment her beauty, she is just so cute and radiant. I have to say a special thank you to Lorenzo, it’s obvious to see that he is perfect for her. They seem to understand each other, they communicate with their eyes and their public show of affection is so cute.
Gosh, I’m jealous…
We took some dinner up to Ciara’s room because she was still asleep while we had dinner. I think the dosage of the potion that doctor Fred gave me is a bit too strong for her. As we ate our dinner, I took my time to explain her situation to her sister, I told her how we discovered that Fabius was a mole and how they wanted to take me to King Ashford. I also told her how we found her bleeding to death.
“I thought she would die, Gracie, I was so sad. I thought of how you would blame me for not looking out for them, the guilt nearly killed me. I don’t know why she keeps saying it’s her fault that it all happened, she even blames herself for the death of your mom. She is so broken Gracie and I know that she needs us by her side, that is the only way she will get through this,” I told her honestly, trying to stop the tears from flowing down my cheeks. Its so good to finally let it all out.
“Oh, come on Stephanie, why on earth would you blame yourself for it. If there is anyone to blame for all this, you can all blame me. It’s all my fault that we found ourselves in that castle, I stupidly took my sisters to that Castle and sold them off to those lunatics. It’s all my fault, it’s my addiction put us in this situation and won’t have you or anyone else taking the blame for me.
Mom was shot by Lucas Durego. He killed her to hurt me and if not for the timely intervention of Lorenzo, he would have killed me as well. I was there, Stephanie, I held my mothers cold corpse in my arms as I begged for my own life. By the time Lorenzo came to my rescue, I was soaked in mom’s blood. It’s all my fault, I’m sorry.” She let out sadly, throwing herself in Lorenzos arms as she sobs softly.
“Alright girls, no more blame games. Ciara would be stirring awake any moment from now, we don’t want her hearing any of this, it would get her even more upset. Let do the things we usually do when we were together, lets have fun and help her to forget everything she went through at the castle. Let’s just have fun,” Fiona let out cheerfully, making us smile at her usual cheerfulness. She was always so cheerful and I think she is right, no more blame games. We had our dinner and then we went up to check on Cici, taking her dinner with us on a tray. I let them go up first, I needed to have a word with Lorenzo.
“So, here’s the deal. Ciara is sick, she has the blood of a vampire and werewolf, so she is a combination of both. We don’t have any idea what she is capable of, she is way stronger than your average werewolf or vampire. She cannot be taken down, even by the Alpha. So far, this is the best we can come up with, this potion. It was made specifically for her and it helps her fall asleep whenever she gets hysterical.
We have it handled already, we are hoping that it doesn’t come to that, but, this potion would come in handy if things go south. Tell your boys to keep it handy, and tell them not to make any attempt to engage her if she starts getting hysterical. She nearly killed a werewolf general with bare hands, it would be way easier to kill a bunch of humans.
“Why the hell would you bring her here when you know how dangerous she is to me and my boys?” he yelled angrily.
“Because she needs to be around her family so she can get better. Besides, I needed this getaway as well, so you have to deal with us for the next few weeks, Lorenz. But, you can get rid of us a lot sooner if only you can help Maxwell to end this war as soon as possible. That’s all it would take, Lorenz, and I’ll be out of your way for good.” I told him jokingly.
“Did Maxwell put you up to this?” he inquired .
“Of course not, he has no idea that I would even mention his name to you, I told you we broke up.”
“Then you must be one hell of a woman. You must love him so much.” He teased me, making me chuckle as I head up to meet up with the girls. I didn’t tell Graciela about the potions I brought with me, I guess I don’t want her to think that her sister condition is worse than what I’m telling her. I still haven’t told her about the Werepire stuff, I’m waiting for the perfect time to bring it up.
“Save some for me,” I called out from the door as I saw them munching on the popcorn in front of the tv screen. Ciara is awake and they were all seated on the bed watching a movie. I took my position on the bed and we watched some movies together, listing about many happy thoughts, we all tried to avoid sensitive topics that would remind us about her problems or the death of their mom. It was fun to see us all together, laughing happily. I was thinking it would last all night, then I heard the beeping of my burner phone that I got from my father.
I’ve been trying to reach him since they escaped from the Alphas lodge, but he wasn’t taking my calls and so was king Ashford. I tried so much to play this game, I would have even agreed to play it longer if he hadn’t ditched me. I would have pretended to be a part of the team just so I could find out the location of Harriets father, but they weren’t talking to me and I thought it was because they finally understood that I was never going to work for them. I thought they finally found out that I was always on Maxwell’s side, I wonder why he decided to call me now.
“Steph, isn’t that your phone that has been ringing all evening?
How many phones do you even have, and why do you have many phones?” Gracie asked me in surprise.
“I know, I see it, but I don’t want to talk to him yet. I’ll just put it off.” I told her with a sad smile, feigning sadness. I have no idea what is wrong with me, lying just comes easily to me. It’s Maxwell, his stupid lies is rubbing off on me. He has turned me into a liar, it’s all his fault.
“I told you that you were making a mistake, didn’t I?” Ciara lets out mockingly, making me roll my eyes at her.
“It’s not a mistake, Cici. I had to leave him because he was driving me insane. He needs to learn to treat me like a woman, he need to learn to treat me right.” I said firmly.
“Wait, hold on a minute, are you having issues with Maxwell, why didn’t I know about it?” Fiona chirped in, looking aghast.
“Is that why you suddenly reached out to me?
It wasn’t about Cici, was it, it was all about you and your lover boy?
You know, I never could understand your relationship with him, I mean, you guys are fighting one minute and the next minute you are both screwing your brains out. Is there something else going on between you two that we don’t know about?” Graciela asked.
“There is nothing wrong with us, and we aren’t always fighting. It’s this war, it’s messing with our heads and making us think and act like jerks.” I told them, sighing frustratedly when they won’t stop talking about Maxwell and I.
“You need to pick up that call and put that guy out of his misery. Look girl, I know you, I know how much you love this guy and I know you miss him as much as he misses you. Just pick up his call already, it would save you two a lot of heart ache and trust me, it would bring back the glow in your face, because you really look like a grumpy old man right now.” Gracie teased, making the girls laugh out hysterically. I know it’s not Max, I blocked his number when I left the castle, so there is no way he would be calling me right now, absolutely no way. I decided to use this as an opportunity to see what my dad is up to this time.
“Fine, I’ll just step out and talk to him, but I’m not going back to him.” I said jokingly as I stepped out to the balcony to talk to my damn father. I’m getting really good at this, lying just comes easily to me and it’s so bad.
“Did you not get my messages?” my father spoke out through the receiver immediately I picked his call. He sounded a bit strange, I don’t even recognize his voice anymore. I think he is becoming even more mean and evil.
“I don’t check your messages dad, I have a life and I’m too busy to check my phone for your stupid messages. So I’ll suggest you start talking right now before I hang up and destroy this stupid burner.” I yelled angrily at the receiver, but I had to keep a neutral face so the girls don’t read meaning to this call.
“I need your help, Stephanie. I’m trying to strike a deal with King Ashford but I need you to make it work. Look, Stephie, I know you must have heard so many things about me, but you need to believe me, my daughter. I am only trying to do the right thing, I’m trying to end this war without further bloodshed, I’m so close to ending this war, I just need a little help from you.
I need you my daughter, you are the only one that can help me put an end to this bloodshed between King Ashford and king Maxwell. You can put an end to this war, you can end it all.” He told me calmly, trying so hard to convince me. He sounded so genuine, I have to admit, I am very curious about his offer. Is there truly a way to end this war without spilling more blood?